Business Donald Trump Russia

Does The Insurance Company Guaranteeing Trump’s $91 Million Bond Have Kremlin Ties?

To the surprise of many, failed one-term president Donald Trump was able to secure the financial assistance of a large multinational insurance company to underwrite the $91.6 million bond for his appeal of defamation verdicts awarded to writer E. Jean Carroll in January.

According to the Washington Post, the Federal Insurance Company, a subsidiary of Chubb Group LLC, provided the massive bond guaranty.

The bond document establishes a deal Trump made with Federal Insurance Company, a direct subsidiary of the international insurance behemoth Chubb, with global headquarters in Switzerland. The company, one of the largest insurance firms in the world and worth about $100 billion, offers a wide variety of insurance and bonds.

The company’s filings do not break down in detail its business that backs court appeals, but the larger unit — called a “surety” business — consists of several entities and is a longtime provider of bonds in the United States, according to bonding experts.

Chubb, it turns out, has extensive ties to Russia and the Kremlin, with environmental nonprofit group Rainforest Action Network (RAN) reporting on its website, “Chubb CEO Evan Greenberg talks a big game on climate change, but those words ring hollow when examining his company’s business practices. Chubb insures fossil fuel infrastructure in Russia that is bankrolling Putin’s war on Ukraine, oil and gas extraction off the coast of Brazil, exploratory drilling in the Arctic, and other fossil fuel projects globally.”

Former New York Times investigative reporter Seth Abramson also notes that Chubb has significant Russian connections.

“This is the biggest news in the United States right now. Anyone who reads this article will understand that I’m not exaggerating when I say as a journalist that America is now in the midst of a national security crisis. We are now right back where we were in 2016. It’s bad,” Abramson warned on Twitter/X.”

It has long been suspected that Trump and his company, the Trump Organization, have connections to Russian entities. The disgraced ex-president has repeatedly praised Russian president/war criminal Vladimir Putin, recently saying that if he manages to defeat President Joe Biden in November, he will allow Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” to NATO nations who don’t pay enough for their security.

The national security implications of Trump taking money from a company that invests heavily in Russia are massive and terrifying, especially since the ex-president is scheduled to start receiving weekly national security briefings now that he’s been declared the presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee by the GOP.

Can we as a country allow this to transpire right in front of our eyes and not demand accountability from both Chubb and Trump? At the very least, the Department of Justice needs to take a long hard look at the bond agreement and see if it violates federal law in any way whatsoever.

Elections Joe Biden

Biden Campaign Sets Fundraising Record After Triumphant State Of The Union Address

The Biden-Harris 2024 campaign set a fundraising record during and after President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address on Thursday evening.

MSNBC’s Jonathan Lemire noted Friday morning that the Biden camp had just released the dollar figures surrounding the speech.

“The Biden campaign let us let us know the 9:00 hour was the biggest fundraising hour of the campaign. Amending it later saying, actually, the 10:00 p.m. [hour] was more, the best two hours of the entire campaign last night.”

That news comes on top of fundraising numbers last month showing that the Biden-Harris team had raised $42 million for the reelection campaign and to benefit other Democrats on the 2024 ticket.

Lemire added, “They already walked into [Thursday] with a massive fundraising advantage over Donald Trump, who struggled to raise money. Also, because he had to devote so much of the money he’s raised to his legal bills. Even prior to last night, Democrats feel great about the speech, they felt like they had a significant financial advantage. They’re going to be able to bury Trump in ads.”

Meanwhile, the GOP is planning to use valuable campaign dollars to help pay former president Donald Trump’s massive legal bills, which led “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough to predict how Biden and the Democrats will use their fundraising advantage.

“It ain’t nothing that, last night, the 9:00 hour and then the 10:00 hour set fundraising records for a campaign that’s already set fundraising records for the most money ever raised. I think people at home, not just Democrats, but I’m sure Republicans, moderate Republicans, swing voters, independents, had to really, really like what they heard when Donald Trump once again had the contrast, time and again – somebody against freedom abroad, somebody that was against freedom at home. That’s when Joe Biden really brought it home. He talked about freedom abroad, but then he talked about freedom at home, and women’s freedom. Said back to the Supreme Court, ‘Oh, yeah, you say women? They have the right to express themselves politically? Stand back, because they’re just about to do that.'”

Money, the old expression goes, is the mother’s milk of any political campaign, and the massive advantage Biden has over Trump doesn’t bode well for what will happen to Republicans when voters go to the polls eight months from now.

Capitol Insurrection Congress GOP January 6 Uncategorized

WATCH A Democrat Shred Jim Jordan For Defending Jan. 6 Rioters: ‘They’re Criminals!’

Rep. Stacey Plaskett (D-VI) verbally excoriated Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and his Republican colleagues at a House hearing today as they attempted to downplay the horrific January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

During a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee, Plaskett responded to opening remarks from Jordan.

“At the end of the day, the purpose of this hearing is to minimize what happened on January 6th and the lawful prosecution of individuals who were engaged in that practice,” she said. “The chairman wants us to believe that people are being persecuted for their political conduct rather than their criminal behavior.”

“So basically, he’s trying to tell us that everyone who’s been indicted and prosecuted for January 6th did not engage in criminal conduct,” she continued. “That’s the logic of what he’s saying, and we’ve just come so low in this House.”

However, Plaskett was just getting warmed up, noting that many in the GOP don’t view Jan. 6 defendants as criminals, although they have been charged and sentenced as such.

“When it’s people who fit your political agenda, they’re not criminals anymore They’re patriots. They’re victims.”

“They’re not! They’re criminals! And a jury of their peers found that when so many of them have been prosecuted in our court of law, not by brown shirts, not by Nancy Pelosi, not by Biden’s Justice Department, by a jury of their peers.”

Plaskett concluded her remarks by suggesting that the hearing was little more than a sop to failed one-term former president Donald Trump, who has also been charged for his role in Jan. 6.

“Unfortunately, many of my colleagues on the other side know the truth, but they’re still seeking shelter from Donald Trump’s hordes. They’re still seeking shelter from the truth.”

“They want to protect not just themselves, but their political careers, their jobs. They’re hiding behind lies for that.”

January 6 will be an issue in the November election, and it damn well should be. The man who urged his supporters to march on the Capitol because he lost in 2020 will once again be on the ballot. Here’s hoping he’s rejected the same way he was four years ago and eventually put behind bars for what remains of his pathetic life.

Donald Trump Elections GOP

Former GOP Congressman: Ignore The Polls – Trump Is In Deep Sh*t Electorally 

Amazingly, recent national polls regarding the 2024 presidential election show failed one-term former president Donald Trump with a 2 to 5-point lead over President Joe Biden, but those numbers are complete bullshit, according to former Flordia Republican Congressman David Jolly, who believes Trump is in serious trouble as November draws closer.

Jolly was a guest on MSNBC Thursday morning, and he was asked by host Jonathan Lemire, “Give us your brief assessment simply of what these primaries showed us about Trump’s strengths and, more importantly, his weaknesses.”

“I think Donald Trump is in a lot of trouble,” Jolly replied.

“I mean, we look at the polls,” he continued. “You see nationally he’s up a few points over Joe Biden, we looked at the electoral map. The truth is, this coalition of soft Republicans and independents who have chosen Democrats over Republicans, they were there in ’18, ’20, ’22. They’re still there in ’24.”

“In ’24, we actually have the motivating issues, like Dobbs and reproductive freedom that we didn’t have in ’16 and ’20. I think Donald Trump is in trouble. Ignore the polls for a minute. I would much rather be in Joe Biden’s position today than Donald Trump’s.”

Additionally, there are more registered Democrats in the United States than there are Republicans. If Democrats show up and vote in November, Trump and the GOP are toast. It’s all a matter of turnout at this point, and that certainly doesn’t bode well for Republicans.

Donald Trump Elections GOP

Psychologist: Trump’s Recent Utterances Point To ‘Underlying Brain Damage’

Dr. John Gartner is a psychologist and former assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University Medical School. And he has a warning for the country as the November election draws closer: Donald Trump is mentally unfit for office and may have serious brain damage.

Speaking with Chauncey DeVega of Salon, Gartner says he believes the failed ex-president’s mental state suggests a “fundamental breakdown” in his “ability to use language.”

For example, Trump’s recent word salad at the U.S.-Mexico border, when he said that immigrants “don’t speak languages” and suggesting “we have languages coming into our country, we have nobody that even speaks those languages.”

“In my opinion, Donald Trump is getting worse as his cognitive state continues to degrade,” Gartner explained. “If Trump were your relative, you’d be thinking about assisted care right now.”

Psychologist Harry Segal, a senior lecturer at Cornell University and Weill Cornell Medical School, concurred with Gartner.

“In the past six months, Trump’s rallies are filled with strange lapses of logic. He has confused Biden with Obama, spoke of World War II, and has lapsed into bewildering digressions that are hard to follow.”

Additionally, Trump’s constant lying is also “a form of mental illness, so these cognitive lapses are literally sitting atop what appears to be an already compromised psychological functioning,” Segal continued.

Vincent Greenwood, the founder and executive director of the Washington Center For Cognitive Therapy also cited brain damage as the cause of Trump’s ongoing verbal gaffes, some of which are so severe that they should serve as a warning sign for every voter.

“In his speech in North Carolina, Trump said ‘migrant cime’ leaving out the ‘r’; and was unable to say ‘Venezuela’ which came out sounding like ‘Venezwheregull.’ These are examples of what we call phonemic paraphasia which is associated with underlying brain damage.”

It pays to remember that Trump’s father, Fred, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 1993. Family history is the second strongest risk factor for Alzheimer’s.