Elections GOP Lara Trump

WATCH Lara Trump Get Brutally Fact-Checked For Lying About FEMA’s Response To Hurricane Helene

Republican National Committee co-chair Lara Trump got face-checked to her face Sunday during an appearance on CNN for her father-in-law’s lies about the federal response to Hurricane Helene, and could only resort to more fabrication in a failed attempt to mask her bullshit.

Referencing remarks failed former president Donald Trump made Saturday at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, “State of the Union” host Dana Bash noted, “He said that FEMA is only offering $750 to Americans who have had their homes destroyed. That’s not true. He’s also echoing conspiracy theorists online who falsely claim that the administration is redirecting disaster money for undocumented immigrants. That’s also not true. Why is he spreading misinformation in a crisis like that? And does that concern you about your fellow North Carolinians and how and whether they can actually get help?”

“I’m incredibly concerned in North Carolina,” Lara replied. “I hear every day from people on the ground there and they are desperate for help. It is a dire situation there. I actually think we don’t even know the extent yet of truly how bad it is there. And look, Kamala Harris did come out and say it’s $750 per family right now. The idea that we’ve spent $650 million in fiscal year ’24 on the migrant crisis that Kamala Harris was responsible for stopping, and by all accounts, she created by having an open door policy at our southern border is infuriating to citizens of this country!”

Bash explained that the $750 is just the initial amount from FEMA until all of the damages are assessed, which led Lara to claim that North Carolinians are “screaming for help.”

“It is bad there,” Bash concurred. “But my question is about the misinformation — particularly the notion that they are moving money to migrants. To, you say, undocumented migrants, which FEMA says flatly is not true. And if people are not getting correct information, they can’t go for assistance as they have been asked for.”

“You have migrants being housed in luxury hotels in New York City,” Lara Trump replied. “We have paid so much money from our tax dollars into the crisis. That didn’t need to happen. We could redirect money to help people immediately on the ground in north Florida.”

“That’s a separate tranche of money,” Bash noted .

Bash then played comments from Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC), who had this to say about the federal response to the situation in his state:

“I’m actually impressed with how much attention was paid to a region that wasn’t likely to have experienced the impact that they did. For anybody who thinks that any level of government, anybody here could have been prepared precisely for what we’re dealing with here clearly are clueless… But right now, I’m out here to say that we’re doing a good job.”

Lara could only respond, “I’m so glad to hear that he feels that way. But it’s coming directly from people there. You can go online and you can look at videos of people recording themselves and posting online saying, ‘We need help, no one has come here, we have nothing, and no one has even addressed the situation in my neighborhood or my area.’ So I’m glad to hear that. He feels very good about that. And I honestly I hope that we hear more of that.”

Elections Elon Musk Social Media

Elon Musk’s Mother Accused Of Committing A Federal Crime

Failed one-term former president Donald Trump held a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, and was joined onstage by a surprise guest: Twitter CEO Elon Musk, who is supporting the disgraced ex-head of state so he can get more massive tax cuts and other perks if the Donald manages to win a second term in office.

Musk told rallygoers they needed to be sure and vote in November.

“Now, America is the home of the brave, and there’s no truer test than courage under fire … who do you want representing America? Yeah, absolutely. And I think this, this, this election, I think the most important election of our lifetime, this is — this is no ordinary election.”

Before taking the stage with Trump, Musk posted this on Twitter/X:

“Super important to get all your friends and family to register to vote,. Georgia’s registration deadline is Monday!!”

Musk’s mother, Maye, then decided she’d add her own two cent’s worth of mayhem, urging people to cheat if necessary to guarantee Trump wins.

“The Democrats have given us another option. You don’t have to register to vote. On Election Day, have 10 fake names, go to 10 polling booths and vote 10 times. That’s 100 votes, and it’s not illegal. Maybe we should work the system too.”

Did she just encourage people to commit voter fraud? That was the consensus online, with some people suggesting that Mrs. Musk should be referred to the FBI for investigation and prosecution.

Donald Trump Elections Trump Supporters

This Viral Video Helps Explain The MAGA Movement And Its Danger

If you’ve ever seen any footage from a rally held by failed, one-term former president Donald Trump, the following thought may have crossed your mind as you watch how the crowd reacts to the disgusting things their political savior spouts.

What in the hell is wrong with these people?

Here’s a theory, courtesy of Time Magazine as part of an interview they did with author Tina Nguyen, who managed to extricate herself from the Trump/MAGA movement:

MAGA is: ‘Screw this, we’re burning it all down. We don’t care how, we don’t care how destructive it is.’ It’s degrees of execution and destructive qualities that are the splits between the two.

And now, thanks to the internet, we have a video that exposes and explains the MAGA cancer that continues to grow in this country. It was posted on Twitter by social media influencer Brian Krassenstein. Feel free to share the video far and wide so more people will learn the dangers of Trump and his army of supporters.

These people are an existential threat to the United States and their candidate must be defeated at the ballot box and then incarcerated for his crimes.

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris

2024 Landslide? Harris Is Surging In 3 Key Battleground States

In the weeks ahead, you’ll hear one number repeatedly: 270. That’s the number of electoral votes it takes for a candidate to win the presidential election and become the next head of state.

While conventional wisdom is that the race for the White House between Vice President Kamala Harris and former president Donald Trump will be one of the closest in American history, a former head of the Republican Party says recent trends suggest Harris could be on the verge of winning in a landslide.

Michael Steele now works as co-host of MSNBC’s “The Weekend,” and is one of the most astute voices on the subject of the GOP, writing in an article for the network that three key states — Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina — are now leaning to Harris. Their 62 combined electoral votes could give Democrats a resounding victory on November 5.

So-called “late deciders” are the key, Steele explains.

“As we get closer to Election Day, these voters become more engaged. Their intentions begin to shift and may even harden into support as they read up on the two candidates, listen closer to their arguments, and shift their attitudes. When they do, they can change the political landscape dramatically in short order. In Florida, voters will also be considering ballot measures to legalize recreational cannabis and codify abortion rights — popular policies that align with the Harris-Walz agenda.”

Steele adds that while Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina all seem to be going in Harris’ direction, there’s no guarantee they’ll wind up in her column when the ballots are counted.

“To be clear, I’m not saying that Harris will outright win Georgia, North Carolina or Florida — or even that she’ll win at all. What I am saying is that the polls can’t yet capture what these late deciders intend to do.”

A similar dynamic took place in 2016, when Trump convinced enough late deciders to vote for him, completely upending conventional wisdom which suggested Hillary Clinton would win overwhelmingly.

There’s plenty of time remaining for all of us to make a difference in the 2024 election, Steele concludes.

“The only thing you can do is cast your own ballot, encourage your friends and family to do the same and volunteer to help out a campaign and persuade as many intentional voters as you can along the way. After that, all you can do is wait as they make their intentions known.”

If Harris does indeed win in Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina while carrying most of the other battleground states of Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, she’d secure over 300 electoral votes, more than enough for victory and a mandate from the voters.


GOP Social Media WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Peddles Paranoid Conspiracy Theory About Hurricanes: Democrats ‘Can Control The Weather’

According to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), it’s no mistake that Hurricane Helene caused so much damage in the Southeastern United States last week. After all, she claims, Democrats can control the weather and may be planning to use it to steal the 2024 election.

Greene made her absurd accusation on Twitter Thursday, starting with this post:

She followed it with a map to prove her point.

Yes, Mother Nature is conspiring with Democrats to make sure the election goes their way. Who knew she was even registered to vote?

Of course, Greene neglected to address the larger problems of climate change and global warming, both of which are the main contributors to extreme weather events such as hurricanes.

Just last month, the BBC reported:

Firstly, warmer ocean waters mean storms can pick up more energy, leading to higher wind speeds.

Record high sea surface temperatures were a key reason why US scientists forecast an above-normal Atlantic hurricane season for 2024.

The high temperatures are mainly due to long-term greenhouse gas emissions.

Secondly, a warmer atmosphere can hold more moisture, leading to more intense rainfall.

Climate change made the extreme rainfall from Hurricane Harvey in 2017 around three times more likely, according to one estimate.

Greene also got some brutal (and well-deserved) mockery on social media.