Congress GOP WTF?!

Lauren Boebert Says She’s Like Moses Because She’s Fighting Communism For God

According to Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), she’s a lot like Moses from the Bible because God has given her “perseverance” over communism.

Speaking Sunday at the Turning Point USA Student Action Summit (a.k.a the Trump/Hitler Youth Brigade), Boebert said proof of God’s blessing is the fact that her restaurant, Shooters Grill, is still open:

“I put my faith and trust in God and I said if I commit my actions to the Lord, my plans will be successful. And now Shooters Grill has been open for eight years.”

Oh, and Boebert also proudly declared that despite her endless self-promotion, what she does isn’t the least bit about her or her massive ego:

“And this has never been about me. This is about liberty, this is about freedom, the American dream. This is about you. And that’s why this movement is not slowing down. And that right there is where boldness becomes perseverance.”

Is it the same “movement” that helped failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump lose by over 7 million votes? If so, the so-called “movement” may want to rethink its place in the political world.

The reason she is able to persevere in Congress, Boebert told attendees, is because God is involved in every decision she makes:

“When I have a bold idea, I am able to persevere because that idea is usually bigger than me. And I know if it’s bigger than me, God has to be involved!”

When was the last time Boebert had a bold idea other than shooting off her mouth and proving her own massive ignorance and bigotry? And no idea of hers will ever be big because it came from her incredibly small brain.

That’s when she made the comparison to Moses, which should have been enough to at least get a loud rumble of angry thunder from the heavens:

“Right after God said that to Moses, he said, why are you crying out to me, tell the people [to] go forward with what is in your hand

“So I’m telling you all now, be bold, persevere, and go forward with what is in your hand right now.”

What did Boebert have in her hand when she said that? A microphone, her favorite weapon of self-aggrandizement and grifting. She’s a typical Republican: In it for herself, and to hell with everyone else.

Before she left the stage, the Colorado congresswoman let the crowd know that her similarities to Moses have allowed her to “take on” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Cuban communists.

It’s a wonder Lauren didn’t slip and fall on some of that bullshit she left standing knee high on the stage from her verbal diarrhea.

Here’s the video:

Fox News Fox News Lies WTF?!

Fox News Hosts Say The South Should Secede From The United States – Again

Earlier this week, a poll from Bright Line Watch was released which showed that 66% of Southern Republicans are in favor of leaving the United States and forming their own country. 50% of independents said they agreed with such a sentiment. Only 20% of Democrats were in favor. reported on the disturbing new data:

“Overall, support for leaving the Union among Southern states – listed as Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina – was 44%.”

That poll was the jumping off point for a discussion on Fox News according to Crooks and Liars, with hosts Greg Gutfeld and Lisa Boothe suggesting it might be a good idea if the South seceded from the country, just like they did to touch off the Civil War in 1860, with Gutfeld remarking:

“Lisa, I am very pro-splitting the country as a trial separation.

“Why not try it for two years, red and blue? Let the Democrats do their Democrat thing, and the Republicans do the Republican thing, and see what happens, who moves where. What could happen?”

Granted, Gutfeld appeared to be making his comments more than a bit tongue in cheek, but it prompted Boothe to second the idea:

“I’m probably going to get myself in trouble with this, but like, would it be the worst thing? I don’t know, I’m sick and tired of people who hate this country. I’m sick and tired of who say the flag is some sort of — the sign of evilness or oppression, who despise the country that we live in.”

She then added:

“I’m tired of the government now, you know, people like Biden want to weaponize the government, against people who supported Trump. So I mean, I don’t know, would it be the worst thing? Peacefully.”

Weaponize the government against people who supported Trump? You mean the thousands of shitbag domestic terrorists who stormed the Capitol and chanted about wanting to hang Vice President Mike Pence for daring to do his Constitutional duty? If prosecuting them to the full extent of the law is what has to be done, I’m willing to bet the vast majority of Americans are in favor of it.

Here’s a better idea: Let’s take all the insurrectionists and those who think Trump won the election and put them all on an enormous oil tanker ship and put them out to sea somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. They can start their own country wherever the tanker winds up landing.

Here’s the video from Fox News:


Congress GOP WTF?!

Lauren Boebert Terrifies Her Fellow Republicans By Calling For An End To All Federal Benefits

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) may have cost Republicans any chance of winning the 2022 midterm elections, and she did it by saying out loud what many in the GOP have been dreaming about for decades.

Boebert decided she wanted to make a point about the federal government offering to help Americans, so she went full-tilt and said conservatives want to eliminate all federal benefits, telling attendees at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC):

“We’re here to tell government: ‘We don’t want your benefits. We don’t want your welfare. Don’t come to us with your Fauci ouchie. Leave us the hell alone!'”

The very idea of cutting Medicare and Social Security is considered to be the the proverbial “third rail” of American politics and has consistently proven to be political poison, especially for Republicans.

It’s especially ironic that Boebert would rail against welfare since she loves to brag that she was helped by federal and state programs:

Now that she’s getting her salary and benefits courtesy of American taxpayers, however, Ms. Boebert wants to leave the neediest among us high and dry. In other words, she’s a typical conservative: A hypocrite.

HuffPost notes that in recent years Republicans have chosen to shower the rich and big corporations with corporate welfare:

“Boebert’s party has no problem cranking up benefits for the wealthy. Under the Trump administration’s tax cut — pitched as a boon to the middle class — 60% of the benefits went to the richest 20% of Americans, with the largest cuts as a share of income going to the top 5%. Corporate taxes were slashed 40%. 

“As for the Paycheck Protection Program during Donald Trump’s administration, most of the aid went to bigger companies, with just 5% of recipients scarfing up more than half of the $525 billion that went out the door.”

Boebert’s remarks were met with harsh reaction on social media:

Let’s see if Lauren Boebert actually believes the bullshit she peddles. Let’s see her return her congressional salary and benefits to the U.S. Treasury. Willing to put your money where your big mouth is, Lauren?


Donald Trump Fox News Social Media WTF?!

Maria Bartiromo Gets Shredded For Pushing New And ‘Incredibly Sick’ Capitol Riot Conspiracy

Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo set off a firestorm of criticism on social media Sunday for a conspiracy theory she pitched during an interview with failed, one-term former President Donald Trump.

Trump began the lying by asserting that the government official who shot Capitol insurrectionist Ashli Babbitt “was the head of security for a certain high official. A Democrat. It’s gonna come out.”

That was all Bartiromo needed to start spewing bullshit, claiming (with zero substantiation) that she had asked Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) for “answers,” but had been rebuffed by the senator.

But as many on Twitter pointed out, both Trump and Bartiromo are both clearly trying to incite more violence. One Twitter user noted:

“This is incredibly sick stuff. Maria Bartiromo’s show has become the go-to platform for the most malevolent garbage the MAGA crowd wants to circulate.”

Others also lit up Bartiromo (who pretends to be a journalist) for her irresponsible remarks:

Fox News Russia WTF?!

Tucker Carlson Got Busted Playing Footsie With The Kremlin – Now He’s Screaming He Was Set Up

A week and a half ago, Fox News host Tucker Carlson announced on his nightly show that the National Security Agency (NSA) had been spying on him, telling his viewers:

“Yesterday, we heard from a whistleblower within the U.S. government who reached out to warn us that the NSA — the National Security Agency — is monitoring our electronic communications, and is planning to leak them in an effort to take this show off the air. Now, that’s a shocking claim, and ordinarily we’d be skeptical because it is illegal for the NSA to spy on American citizens. It’s a crime. It’s not a third-world country. Things like that should not happen in America.”

Why would the NSA be the least bit interested in Tucker Carlson? Granted, he’s on television nightly, but he lies so much and pumps out so many bogus conspiracy theories that nothing he says can be taken seriously.

Unless, of course, Carlson was reaching out to an adversarial government in an attempt to arrange an interview with one of the most despised men on the face of the planet.

According to Vox:

“Tucker Carlson was talking to U.S.-based Kremlin intermediaries about setting up an interview with Vladimir Putin shortly before the Fox News host accused the National Security Agency of spying on him, sources familiar with the conversations tell Axios.”

Think about that for a moment: An American going through intermediaries who contacted the Kremlin, either via phone or email, about meeting with Putin, who is believed to have personally signed off on a deliberate attack on the 2016 election and who is also in charge of various Russian intelligence agencies that continue to target the United States via computer hacking and ransomware attacks.

Quite frankly, Carlson’s lucky the FBI hasn’t paid him a visit and asked why he’s making contacts with sources inside of Russia.

Once again, quoting Axios:

“Those sources said U.S. government officials learned about Carlson’s efforts to secure the Putin interview. Carlson learned that the government was aware of his outreach — and that’s the basis of his extraordinary accusation, followed by a rare public denial by the NSA that he had been targeted.”

In other words, Carlson knew he’d gotten busted reaching out to Russia and tried to suggest he was being set up by U.S. intelligence. But it also begs the question of why Carlson or Fox didn’t make the government aware of their contacts in advance, which is often done by reporters who are attempting to communicate with foreign leaders.

Something about Carlson’s paranoid ramblings suggests there’s more to this story that has yet to come out. And when it does, don’t be surprised if the Fox host and his network are proven to have been on the brink of having broken the law.

This story isn’t over with, and that should terrify Tucker Carlson.