GOP Social Media WTF?!

Chairman Of Georgia Republican Party Gets Busted Posting Russian Propaganda On Twitter

David Shafer, who serves as Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party is in very hot water with others members of the GOP for tweets he sent out that have been deemed “Russian propaganda.”

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Shafer quoted a tweet from the Kremlin which was critical of a UN resolution that had been introduced by Russia:

Shafer’s tweet Sunday questioned why the U.S. and Ukraine voted against the resolution, which was critical of Nazism. He mused that Biden and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky “fell into a somewhat obvious trap” by opposing it.

If Shafer had bothered to do 30 seconds of research on the internet, he would have discovered that the Trump administration also voted against the Russian UN resolution:

The U.S. has voted against the Russia-backed U.N. resolution each time it has come up since 2005 – including during former President Donald Trump’s administration in 2019 and 2020.

U.S. officials say the resolutions are “thinly veiled attempts to legitimize Russian disinformation campaigns denigrating neighboring nations.”

GOP committee member Jason Shepherd said he is calling for a formal censure of Shafer as a result of the tweets:

“He is supposed to speak for all Republicans. Obviously he is speaking for a very fringe part of the Republican party that supports Vladimir Putin. Both Republican and Democratic administrations have voted against this resolution. He should have apologized and deleted the tweet. As of now he still hasn’t done that.”

State Senate Majority Leader Republican Mike Dugan echoed Shepherd’s remarks:

“(Anyone) that defends the actions of Putin and the Russian Government and the Ukraine is, to me as lost that what Russia is doing in the Ukraine is reprehensible…There’s no way you can justify it and things going on.”

Shafer was also pilloried on social media for being so eager to push Russian propaganda merely to make political points:

Shafer should resign in disgrace. But as we’ve learned on countless occasions, Republicans have absolutely no shame, even when they take the side of murdering thugs who bomb children and want to destroy the United States.

Supreme Court WTF?!

Clarence Thomas Gets Ripped A New One For Whining About The Court Being ‘Compromised’ By Liberals

Has there ever been a more useless member of the United States Supreme Court than Clarence Thomas? After all, this is the same man who allegedly engaged in blatant sexual harassment and yet still got a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land simply because he whined about being subjected to a “high-tech lynching” when the evidence certainly supported what Anita Hill told the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding years of improper remarks and actions by Thomas when the two were working at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

And now Justice Thomas wants to lecture us all on the possibility of making changes to the highest court in the land (such as adding more justices or putting term limits on SCOTUS members), suggesting that such moves would result in the court being “compromised.”

Speaking on Friday at a foundation started by former right-wing Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Thomas declared:

“You can cavalierly talk about packing or stacking the court. You can cavalierly talk about doing this or doing that. At some point the institution is going to be compromised. By doing this, you continue to chip away at the respect of the institutions that the next generation is going to need if they’re going to have civil society.”

Compromised? That’s rich coming from the most compromised member of the Supreme Court in the history of the United States.

Consider that Thomas’s wife, Ginni, has worked on behalf of groups and issues that have come before the court over the years her husband has been a SCOTUS justice.

As Jon Skolnik of Salon wrote this week:

Last month, The New York Times reported that the Thomases have “defied” the ethical norms of the Supreme Court, detailing, most notably, Ginni Thomas’ role in a failed scheme to illegitimately reinstall Donald Trump as president in the 2020 election. In her work with the conservative Council for National Policy, the outlet reported, Ginni Thomas helped draft and circulate “action steps” pressuring Republican state lawmakers to replace their state electors with partisan pro-Trump appointees. 

Or how about this blatant conflict of interest that Justice Thomas engaged in when it came to one of the most important cases the Supreme Court has heard since the Nixon tapes:

In January, Clarence Thomas stood firm as the lone dissenter in Trump v. Thompson, voting against allowing the January 6 selection committee to access president records from the Trump White House in their investigation of the Capitol riot. That decision came just a month after the panel was attacked in an open letter by Ginni Thomas, who in December called on House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., to expel Reps. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., and Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., from the House Republican Caucus over their roles in the probe. 

And now Clarence Thomas wants to lecture us on how liberals and others he disagrees with could leave the court “compromised”? That was all it took for Twitter users to tell Justice Thomas to take a seat and shut his damn mouth.

QAnon Vladimir Putin WTF?!

Supporter Of Trucker Convoy Praises Putin: He’s ‘Taken Out’ All Of The ‘Child Trafficking Areas’ In Ukraine

A supporter of the so-called “People’s Convoy” trucker protest told a reporter Thursday that Russian President Vladimir Putin has been unfairly criticized for his invasion of Ukraine and is actually a “good guy” because he’s “taken out” all of the “child trafficking areas” in the country.

Speaking with Andrew Callaghan of Channel 5, the man remarked:

“The Deep State has always made Putin to look like the bad guy. But he’s a good guy. He’s taken out all the biolabs, child trafficking areas, adrenochrome harvesting areas.”

The extreme right-wing QAnon conspiracy theory movement preaches that there’s a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophile sex traffickers who extract “adrenochrome” from the blood of children in an effort to render themselves immortal:

Adrenochrome, which has no rejuvenating effects, and very questionable psychedelic properties, would have long faded into obscurity had it not been rejuvenated by the QAnon twaddle. And it is not just innocent balderdash that is being spread, as exemplified by the man who swallowed the adrenochrome theory hook, line, and sinker and attempted to liberate children he believed were being kept captive in a Washington pizza parlor by Hillary Clinton. He brandished a rifle and a pistol as he “investigated the crime,” threatening customers and employees. He was subsequently arrested and sentenced to four and a half years in jail. 

The man at the trucker protest rally also suggested that when former President Donald Trump was given a soccer ball by Putin during a 2018 meeting in Helsinki, it contained all sorts of valuable information:

“If people would have watched when Trump came into office at the beginning, when you saw them hand that soccer ball off, that soccer ball had so much information in it to take down everybody that Putin’s had all the intel on for years, it had a lot of data in it. And that’s what’s going on.”

It’s tempting to dismiss people such as this man as outliers, but keep in mind that tens of millions of them voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020 and are hoping they’ll get a chance to cast a ballot for him in 2024.

The end of American democracy will be brought about by willful ignorance.


Donald Trump GOP Social Media WTF?!

‘Bootlicker’ Jim Jordan Gets A Thorough Mocking After Posting One-Word ‘Trump’ Tweet

For some reason known only to him, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) thought it would be a good day to kiss failed, one-term former President Donald Trump’s fat ass, but his efforts only succeeded in getting him mocked and ridiculed on Twitter.

Oddly, the tweet Jordan sent out was just the ex-president’s last name:

What in the hell is that all about? Is it just an attempt to provoke people? Is it some sort of code that only the MAGA morons understand? Or could it be that Jim has simply run out of material for his social media account?

Fortunately, others on Twitter were more than equal to the challenge, and they lit up Jordan in some incredibly original and hilarious ways. Take a look:

Discrimination GOP LGBT Issues WTF?!

Florida GOP State Senator Declares That Being LGBT ‘Is Not A Permanent Thing’

During a Tuesday debate on the “Don’t Say Gay” legislation that has already passed the Florida House of Representatives and is now before the Senate, Republican State Sen. Ileana Garcia rose to speak in favor of the bill, but what she said proved that her opinion of the issue is far from fully informed.

Speaking for over 15 minutes, Garcia expressed her support for the legislation, which would ban teachers from discussing sexual orientation and gender identity with younger students:

“Gay is not a permanent thing, LGBT is not a permanent thing. This isn’t about targeting. This is perhaps about rerouting the responsibilities back to the parents.”

Garcia also claimed that she has family and friends who are LGBT, “but I don’t pander on that.”

And then there was what the senator had to say about a transgender woman she claims who know who prefers to date women:

“A friend of mine went through the whole transition as an older man, 58-years-old, became a woman and guess what? He still likes women! He went through the whole process and we’d laugh together and I’d say, why do you want to deal with the hormones? Why do you want to worry about the extensions and the hair and boobs and the nails and he loved it.

“So he had a sexual experience. And he realized that he continued to like women.”

And while she was at it, Garcia also decided to share some completely bogus “statistics” about gender-affirming surgery:

“You know, a lot of people don’t know that I think that the statistics are that 4 out of 7 people who do the full transition end up committing suicide because it’s tough.”

Nope. Not even remotely accurate. As a matter of fact, gender-affirming surgery is actually shown to reduce the likelihood of a person committing suicide.

The bill was passed by the Florida Senate and now heads to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) who will sign it because he wants to try and create a cultural issue he can use to get a second term in office and use his reelection as a springboard to the 2024 GOP presidential nomination.