Donald Trump WTF?!

Donnie Unveiled Some New Dance Moves At His Latest Rally And They’re Enough To Make Your Eyes Burn

Last night in Ohio, failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump was in full madman mode, angrily attacking anything and everything he could think of, leading some to suggest he was under the influence of stimulants.

Ryan Bort of Rolling Stone noted:

He spoke at length about the aptitude test he “aced” while he was in office, claiming he got tired of people calling him stupid so he went to “Doc Ronny” (former White House doctor and current Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson) to ask if there was any way he could prove to America he wasn’t a moron. “I have great heritage,” Trump said, “an uncle who was a great, great genius, a father who was a genius.” Jackson suggested an aptitude test, “an X test,” but warned Trump that it could be embarrassing if he didn’t pass it. Trump says he was unfazed:


Trump’s narcissism and paranoia were also on full display:

Trump at one point changed gears in the middle of making a point because he caught a glimpse of himself on a screen. “What a handsome president,” he said. He noted how he asks Melania how he looks on TV after rallies, particularly about the status of his hair, leading to one of several rants about how the TV cameras never show the size of his crowds. He also claimed the cameras turn off whenever he starts talking about the 2020 election. “Even now as I speak, two of the lights just went off,” he lied at one point. “This is communism. This is the beginning of communism.”

But perhaps worst of all was what happened once the obese dotard had finished speaking: He began dancing.

Yes, you read that correctly: A man with no sense of rhythm and complete lack of musical talent began doing what appeared to be a dance, and it was God awful. Take a look:

Sweet fancy Moses! My eyes; my eyes!!

Twitter users were also stunned by the sight:


Lauren Boebert: Anyone Upset With Florida’s Anti-LGBTQ Laws Should ‘Build’ Their Own Florida

The always intellectually-challenged Congresswoman from Colorado, Lauren Boebert (R), says that if you’re upset about Florida passing laws that are blatantly discriminatory towards the LGBTQ community, you simply need to get busy and build your own Florida.

Wait…what?! What in the hell does that even mean?

On Saturday, Boebert posted this tweet:

Shouldn’t any decisions regarding what a kid does regarding their body be left to the child and their parents instead of a legislator in Tallahassee? And hasn’t the Republican Party been saying for centuries that government needs to stay the hell out of regulating private businesses?

When Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the controversial “Don’t Say Gay” bill and then endorsed stripping Walt Disney World of their designation as a “special district,” what he was telling the people of his state is that the government knows better than the voters who put them into office. He’s going to protect you from things you didn’t even feel the need to be protected from, because such decisions are personal and private, as they damn well should be.

The move by Florida is merely the culmination of what Republicans have been doing for decades: Imposing their morals and religion on others, even though they weren’t elected for that purpose.

And the action against Disney is also going to have severe economic consequences for Orange County, where the massive theme park is located:

Tax experts and legislators say eliminating the district could have unintended consequences for county taxpayers. Disney’s special tax district status allows the company to levy an additional tax on itself to pay for municipal services, something that other counties cannot do. That tax currently amounts to $105 million per year, said Orange County tax collector Scott Randolph. Reedy Creek also receives additional revenue of nearly $60 million from Disney to pay its bond debt.

Sunsetting Reedy Creek means that local counties will begin paying for those services without that special status in place. Taxpayers will likely be left to foot the bill for potholes and emergency services.

So now Lauren Boebert wants us to build our own Florida? Here’s a better idea: Maybe the right-wing extremists need to build their own country somewhere on a deserted island in the Pacific Ocean. Preferably one that’s prone to flooding and multiple hurricane strikes.

The best suggestions, however, came from other Twitter users, who took Boebert to task.


Economics Fox News WTF?!

Fox News Host Claims Milk Now Costs $11 A Gallon Due To Inflation

Last time you went to the grocery store, how much did you pay for a gallon of milk?

I was in the grocery store on Wednesday and one of my purchases was a gallon of 2% milk, for which I paid $4.06.

But according to Fox News host Sandra Smith, she had to pay $11 for a gallon of milk in New York, Mediaite reports:

“You have the egg-o-meter, I have the milk-o-meter. I bought a gallon of milk last night. Granted we live in New York, things are higher priced than in a lot of other areas in the country. It is nearly $11 for a gallon of milk at a New York grocery store.”

Even in New York, the only thing you would pay $11 a gallon for is certain select organic brands of milk. But the average gallon costs nowhere near that, no matter were in the U.S. you happen to be.

According to the USDA’s ’s Agricultural Marketing Service, “the average price for a gallon of milk in NYC rose from $4.60 at the beginning of the year to $4.69 in March.”

Twitter users were only too happy to declare Smith’s statement to be complete bullshit, because it most certainly is.

Another day, another lie from Fox News. It’s their calling card.


Congress GOP WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Just Directly Threatened Black Female Democrats

Now that it’s becoming clear she may be disqualified from the November midterm ballot and also face criminal charges for her part in the January 6 Capitol insurrection, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is lashing out and even going so far as to threaten some female Democrats who just so happen to be black.

During an appearance on Tucker Carlson’s show Monday evening, Greene whined about a legal challenge filed which would keep her from holding elected office under a clause found in the 14th Amendment which says no person is allowed to be a member of Congress who “shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”

Carlson began the interview with the Georgia Republican by remarking:

“They are just trying to take their opponents off the ballot. They are attacking democracy.”

That was all Greene needed to go off on a rant:

“They look down on them because they voted for me and sent me to Washington to fight for the things that most Americans care about, like secure borders, stopping abortion, protecting our Second Amendment, stopping the out-of-control spending in Washington, stop funding never-ending foreign wars.”

She then proceeded to lay out a vast conspiracy that she claims has been launched against her:

“Now the progressives, the people that donate, the dark money groups, the 501(c)(3)s and the foundations, they have hired some attorneys from New York who hate the people in my district and don’t believe they should have the right to elect who they want to send to Washington, which is me.”

Greene added:

“Now they have filed a lawsuit because they are trying to rip my name off the ballot and steal my district’s ability to re-elect me and send me back to Congress.”

Yes, because you encouraged and supported an insurrection against the U.S. government! That’s a disqualifying act!

But it was what Greene said next that certainly sounds like a direct threat to some top Democrats:

“If you can challenge any representative’s candidacy or an elected officeholder, I bet you we could round up some Republican voters who didn’t like Kamala Harris funding rioters, criminal rioters out of jail or Ilhan Omar or Cori Bush or Maxine Waters inciting riots. I think there is another way to play this game.”

Greene doesn’t deserve to hold office. She gave up that right by being part of a coup attempt. And if he can be proven that she broke any federal laws, she should also be prosecuted and sent to prison.


Donald Trump WTF?!

‘Christian’ Trump Uses His Easter Message To Attack ‘Radical Left Maniacs’

While the country was celebrating Easter Sunday, the failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President, Donald Trump, fired off a venomous statement issued through this spokesperson in which he attacked what he called “radical left maniacs.”

The full statement, which was posted on Twitter by spokesperson Liz Harrington because the loser ex-president is banned from the social media platform, reads:

“Happy Easter to all including the Radical Left Maniacs who are doing everything possible to destroy our Country. May they not succeed, but let them, nevertheless, be happy, healthy, wealthy, and well!”

The statement is proof that while Trump claims to be a Christian, he clearly doesn’t practice the tenets of humility, forgiveness, and charity that were the hallmarks of Jesus’ life.

Reaction to Trump’s bilious comments was immediate and justifiably harsh.