GOP Whining U.S. Senate WTF?!

Grassley Pelted With Internet Karma For Whining About Having To Stay In DC Instead Of Attend Family Reunion

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) is all up in his feelings today because he’s having to stay in Washington, D.C. and do his job instead of attend a family reunion.

You can start playing your world’s smallest violin for Chuckles.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has scheduled a vote on the Inflation Reduction Act today, meaning that Grassley can’t return to Iowa for his reunion, as he told the entire world via Twitter:

“Each Dec Schumer puts out schedule for Senate I set Grassley family reunion based on schedule. For 2nd yr in row I won’t be at reunion I’m in DC to fight Dems irresponsible tax&spend bill. Need a Republican majority to hv schedule we can count on & A RESPONSIBLE FISCAL AGENDA.”

Boo freaking hoo! Go to your damn family reunion, Chuck. There’s no need to do the job you were elected to do. A reunion is much more important than doing the business of government, which is supposed to be what you were elected for.

Grassley was hit with a torrent of internet karma for his bellyaching.


WATCH: Petulant Ted Cruz Slams His Boot On The Desk At Senate Hearing With FBI Director

In his effort to keep his #1 ranking as the most hated person in the United States Senate, Ted Cruz (R-TX) used a boot as a prop at a hearing on Thursday with FBI Director Christopher Wray, slamming it on the table as he asked a question.

Cruz had his panties in a wad over what he claimed was an FBI memo that identified some symbols being associated with violent militias that were seen on display during the January 6 Capitol insurrection.

Some of those symbols included the Gadsden “Don’t Tread on Me” Flag and the Gonzales “Come and Take It” Flag, that most of us have seen.

That led Cruz to tell Wray:

“Also included on this is a text that I was particularly struck is the Gonzales battle flag, ‘come and take it,’ as indicative of being a violent extremist militia. Well, I will self report right now that every day in the Senate I wear my boots that have the Gonzales battle flag on the back.”

With that, Cruz slammed one of the boots up on the table and continued his petulant rant:

“Director Ray, what are y’all doing? This makes no sense. Do you agree with this FBI guidance that the Betsy Ross flag and the Gadsden flag and the Gonzales battle flag are signs of militia violent extremism?”

Wray told Cruz:

“Well, Senator. I’m not familiar with the particular document you have behind you.

“And I’m not in the practice of trying to comment on documents that I haven’t recognized, but I will tell you that when we put out intelligence products, including ones that reference symbols, which we do, across a wide variety of contexts, we usually make great pains, take great pains, to put caveats and warnings in the document to make clear that a symbol alone is not considered evidence of violent extremism.”

However, one good thing did come out of today’s hearing: We now know that Ted Cruz is also the biggest, whiniest little baby in the Senate, too.

GOP Gun Nuts WTF?!

Lauren Boebert Has The Ultimate WTF?! Moment – Claims Americans Will Eat Their Dogs If Gun Control Passes

According to Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, if any form of gun control such as an assault weapons ban passes both houses of Congress, it will result in the complete downfall of the United States, lead to the imposition of a tyrannical government, and Americans will even begin eating their own dogs.

And you thought she couldn’t possibly get any dumber.

During an appearance on right-wing Newsmax, Boebert told former Trump administration flunky Sebastian Gorka:

“If the citizenry in America is disarmed, then we are no longer citizens. We are subjects.”

Gorka nodded in agreement and Boebert continued:

“You know, here in America we have gourmet treats for puppies. We have these amazing groomers for dogs. Well in Venezuela they eat the dogs. And it started because they don’t have firearms. They do not have a way to protect themselves, to defend themselves from a tyrannical government.”

What in the hell does that even mean? They don’t have guns in Venezuela, so they eat their dogs? So any country that has gun control (i.e. England, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden) automatically becomes a nation of dog eaters? That’s so absurd that it makes my teeth ache.

It didn’t take long before Twitter lit up with mockery aimed directly at Boebert.

Abortion GOP WTF?!

West Virginia GOPer Wants To Eliminate Child Support Payments Because He Claims They Encourage Abortion

Unless you live in West Virginia, you’ve probably never heard of Chris Pritt. He’s a Republican member of the state House of Delegates and believes that all child support payments should be eliminated because they lead to abortion.

Speaking before the state legislature, Pritt told his fellow lawmakers:

“If she carries through with the pregnancy, he’s going to have, possibly, some sort of child support obligation. And, so, what he wants to do is, he wants to — in a sense — encourage her to go and find a way for her to get an abortion. Because he knows that a certain individual — if he has any kind if familiarity with her, he knows that she might be of such a state of mind, she must be in such a vulnerable position that it’s not worth everything that he’s going to put me through to carry this pregnancy forward. It’s going to be easier, it’s going to be better, for me to just go and terminate this ‘life.’ So she goes over to Virginia or to some other state where she goes and gets the abortion. So, I think that’s a really clear possibility if we enact the Second Amendment here, I don’t want to be doing anything that is encouraging thugs to go and get an abortion.”

It’s unclear what exactly the Second Amendment has to do with abortion or child support, but apparently Pritt is so stupid that he thought he’d toss in the reference figuring no one would notice.

Pritt later tried to walk back his comments on Twitter.

Sure thing, Chris. We all heard what you said, and it’s on video, so you can tweet ten million times and it won’t change what you said and what you meant.

Here’s a better idea: Let’s make the Republican Party and its members extinct by voting them all out of office.


Donald Trump Social Media WTF?!

Trump Buries First Wife Ivana At His NJ Golf Course And Twitter Has Some Thoughts

Donald Trump’s first wife, Ivana, has now found her final resting place after passing away at the age of 73 on July 14 after falling down the stairs at her New York home.

HuffPost reports:

The New York Post has published photos of Ivana Trump’s burial site at her former husband’s Trump National Golf Course in New Jersey.

The plot, near the first green at Donald Trump’s course in Bedminster, is currently bare ground marked with a granite plaque with her name, her birthdate and death date. A spray of white flowers lies at the head.

The New York Times reported the day of her funeral a week ago that the ground had been consecrated so that she could have a traditional Catholic burial.

Based on plans filed several years ago, Ivana isn’t the only person Donald plans to inter at at his Bedminster golf club:

In 2017, The Trump Organization filed plans to build twin graveyards at the course, The Washington Post reported. The smaller one would include 10 plots overlooking the first tee, intended to be for Trump and his family.

“Mr. Trump . . . specifically chose this property for his final resting place as it is his favorite property,” his company wrote.

Yes, nothing says “I love you” quite like putting someone in the ground where people drive golf carts, curse when they miss putts, and grab their crotches as they line up shots on the fairway.

Twitter users had some thoughts on Ivana’s final place of rest.