Elon Musk Joe Biden Kamala Harris Social Media WTF?!

Elon Musk Trashed For Dangerous Tweet: ‘No One Is Even Trying To Assassinate Biden/Kamala’

Twitter/X CEO Elon Musk is being pelted with online anger and ridicule after he posted (and later deleted) a tweet in which he suggested that it was odd no one was trying to assassinate President Joe Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris.

Musk’s posting came just hours after another alleged attempt on the life of disgraced ex-president Donald Trump, who was golfing on Sunday when a man was apprehended for allegedly carrying an AR-15 rifle near the golf club where Trump was playing.

According to federal authorities, Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, was taken into custody and is facing several serious charges. He is expected to appear before a federal magistrate today.

This led Musk to post, “And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala.”

As if attempting to defend the post, Musk sent out other tweets after he deleted the first one.

Despite Musk’s attempts at walking back the first posting, other social media users weren’t buying his bogus excuses.

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris Trump Supporters WTF?!

Latest MAGA Conspiracy Theory: Harris Cheated By Wearing ‘Audio Earrings’ At Debate

As Vice President Kamala Harris noted at last night’s debate, disgraced ex-president Donald Trump lost the 2020 election in an electoral landslide and is having trouble “processing” his failure.

Donald also claims today that he doesn’t think Harris won the debate as overwhelmingly as suggested by polls and focus groups of voters.

According to some of Trump’s most fervent supporters, even if Harris was victorious on Tuesday evening, she only prevailed because she cheated, according to Newsweek, which reports that internet chatter has increased that goes like this: Harris was wearing “audio earrings” that fed her information and lines to use against Trump.

“Following yesterday’s Trump-Harris debate, there were claims on social media that Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris was wearing hidden earphones disguised as pearl earrings, a tech product that does not appear to be available for purchase.”

Specifically, some MAGA faithful claim Harris wore Nova H1 audio earrings.

“An online search for the Nova H1 Audio Earrings shows that they do not currently appear to be on sale anywhere, and NOVA Products’ website redirects to another company, Icebach Sound Solutions.”

“Additionally, backers on crowdfunding site Kickstarter have left messages from over a year ago asking for delivery status of their purchased H1 earrings that supposedly never materialized. NOVA Products’ last login to Kickstarter was in May 2023.”

Well-known Trump worshiper/gadfly Laura Loomer was one of the first to spread the lie that Harris had cheated by wearing the earrings with sound devices in them, Mediaite notes.

That was all it took to send Trumpers into an online tizzy, but their fact-free posts were met with plenty of resistance. Take a look:

Donald Trump Elections Fox News WTF?!

Sean Hannity’s Disney-Debate Conspiracy Theory Is BEYOND Bizarre

According to Fox News host Sean Hannity, if supporters of failed former president Donald Trump are unhappy with the ABC News moderators at tonight’s presidential debate, “half the country” will engage in a boycott of ABC’s parent company, Disney, and their theme parks.

Media Matters for America reports that Hannity made his remarks Monday evening on his show, telling viewers, “Just 24 hours right now, the one and only scheduled presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris will take place. You can watch it right here on Fox News Channel. But unfortunately, it is being moderated by ABC-Disney. Barring some kind of political miracle, this debate will not be fair. ABC-Disney is officially a woke, left-wing organization.”

Disney is woke and left-wing? So does that mean Mickey Mouse is a communist and Goofy is Vladimir Lenin in disguise?

That wasn’t all Hannity had to say. And the more he talked, the more absurd he got.

“Maybe Bob Iger and his left-wing heir apparent, maybe they don’t want half the country to attend their theme parks, maybe they don’t care about their tanking stock price, which is their prerogative. They’re free to make that choice, but if they are biased against Donald Trump, as they have been leading into tomorrow night, as their nightly newscast is, half the country is not going to like it one bit. They are not going to like ABC-Disney one bit either.”

Here’s the video:

Do you get the feeling that Fox is worried Trump will self-immolate on national television this evening? If he does, the only person to blame will be him. And it’s safe to assume that the Disney theme parks will be fine. After all, Walt Disney was a capitalist and the company loves turning a profit.

Elections Fox News Kamala Harris WTF?!

‘Fox & Friends’ Hosts Furious With Kamala Harris For Visiting The ‘Meanest Spice Shop In The World’

It seems that to the whiny right-wingers at Fox News, Vice President Kamala Harris could cure cancer, end war across the globe, and oversee the strongest economic growth in world history, but it would still not be enough to please the dung spewers who want voters to believe that Harris is a bigger threat than to the United States than Russia and China combined.

The latest fake outrage being manufactured at Fox was on full display Sunday during the weekend edition of “Fox & Friends,” a show that routinely traffics in conspiracy theories, manufactured terror, and lies.

During a segment on the show, co-host Will Cain declared, “Vice President Harris is hunkering down in Pittsburgh as she pushes for unity while visiting a spice shop known for mocking Republicans.”

Cain was referring to a Saturday visit by Harris to Penzeys Spices in Pittsburgh, which co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy dubbed “the meanest spice shop in America.”

“They chose the comfiest, coziest place she could conceivably go, where all of the—the owners and the staff are 100 percent libs who hate Trump,” co-host Pete Hegseth chimed in. “And they not only believe that privately, to your point, Will, they say it publicly.”

The Fox News hosts then quoted a statement found on the website for Penzeys.

“Going forward, we would still be glad to have you as customers, but we’re done pretending the Republican Party’s embrace of cruelty, racism, COVID lies, climate change denial, and threats to democracy are anything other than the risks they legitimately are.”

According to Campos-Duffy, Harris should rename herself “Mean Spice” because “Scary Spice is already taken.”

“This is the strangest event,” she added. “I get it if she goes there, but then to talk about unity while she’s at the meanest spice shop in America, Penzeys Spice.”

Not wanting to be outdone, Hegseth declared, “By the way, this is how the left thinks, by the way. Yes, we need to end divisiveness. And you know how we do that? Everyone needs to think like us.”

“There is no tolerance unless you agree with them,” Campos-Duffy insisted, though she offered zero proof of her thesis.

Fox and other conservative “news” outlets are worried. They know Kamala Harris is ahead in the polls and likely to destroy failed former president Donald Trump in next week’s debate. They can feel it all slipping away from them and they’re terrified the MAGA movement is dying.

MAGA is indeed on life support. And hopefully a decade or two from now it’ll be nothing but a bad memory.



Author Stephen King Responds After Florida Bans 23 Of His Books

It’s safe to say that Stephen King is one of the most well-known and widely read novelists in the world. Many of his books have been made into blockbuster movies, and he has sold more than 400 million copies of his work across the globe.

But if you happen to be a student in Florida, you may never get to read one of King’s books, because the state has just banned 23 of his most famous tomes from schools in the Sunshine State.

King’s books have been pulled from library shelves as the result of a 2022 law passed by the GOP-controlled state legislature and signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), according to Newsweek.

“The decision was driven by complaints from groups like Moms for LibertyRepublicans, including DeSantis, have said the legislation prevents students from obtaining books that are not age-appropriate, but critics view the law as an attempt to stifle discussion about issues including race and the LGBTQ+ community in public schools, raising concerns that this law may censor many topics.”

King is getting support to overturn the 2022 book-banning law from six book publishers, but he also decided to express his own disdain for what’s taking place in Florida in a post on Twitter/X that has been viewed several million times.

Others also joined the online debate and expressed their outrage over the blatant censorship being imposed by Florida.