Congress GOP Social Media WTF?!

Unhinged MT Greene Rages At Former Twitter Executive – ‘You Violated Me!’ – During House Hearing

Fresh off her hateful heckling of President Joe Biden during Tuesday evening’s State of the Union Address, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) used a hearing of the House Oversight Committee today to vent her spleen, accusing a former Twitter executive of violating her for suspending her account in 2022 when she shared false information about COVID.

Ostensibly, the hearing was to discuss the alleged suppression of a story about Hunter Biden by Twitter, but it soon became clear that Greene wanted to celebrate Festivus early this year and air her grievances at Twitter’s former Global Head of Trust & Safety, Yoel Roth.

“You didn’t shadow ban or permanently ban my Democrat opponent. No, you did that to me. And that was wrong, and it was against the law. It’s not only me that you violated my First Amendment rights; you violated countless conservative Americans.
“Guess what? I’m so glad that you’re censored now, and I’m so glad you’ve lost your job. Thank God Elon Musk bought Twitter.”

If Greene had bothered to actually read and understand the U.S. Constitution and its 27 amendments, she’d know the First Amendment only applies to government suppression of free speech, not to private companies or platforms.

Holding up posters of her banned tweets, Greene continued to rage:

“You violated me! You called that COVID misinformation. By the way, I’m a member of Congress, and you’re not.”

After Greene had finished having her hissy fit, Democratic Congressman Jimmy Gomez of California asked Roth why Greene had been suspended from Twitter in the first place, to which Roth replied:

“Her personal account was banned from Twitter after repeated written notices due to repeated violations of Twitter rules. The congresswoman repeatedly violated Twitter’s policies about sharing misinformation about Covid-19. She received multiple written warnings about that conduct.”

When Greene tried to speak again (even though her time had expired), Gomez reiterated what Roth had just said:

“The gentle lady from Florida was suspended for knowingly and consistently spreading conspiracy theories about COVID-19 vaccines, right, which is shameful, shameful, especially in a pandemic where millions have lost their lives.”

Has anyone checked to make sure that Margie’s had her annual rabies vaccination?

GOP Joe Biden Religion WTF?!

Lauren Boebert Urges Christians To Pray For Joe Biden’s Death

It’s been imminently clear for some time now that Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is one of the dumbest, meanest, and most deplorable human beings currently slithering across the face of the planet.

After all, Boebert has repeatedly attacked LGBTQ Americans, hurled insults at both her Democratic and Republican colleagues in Congress, spread bogus conspiracy theories, and even managed to alienate people she once claimed were friends.

And now we have Boebert on the record urging so-called “Christians” to pray for the immediate death of President Joe Biden.

Patriot Takes shared a video of Boebert remarking:

“We pray for our president. Let his days be few and another take his office. That’s why I filed the articles of impeachment for Joe Biden. Unfortunately, he does have a really good insurance policy named Kamala Harris.”

Boebert is directly referencing a verse from the Bible, a book which she either didn’t read or didn’t fully understand. It’s Psalm 109:8, and it reads:

“Let his days be few; and let another take his office.”

People who are actually Christians (i.e. Pope Francis, former president Jimmy Carter) don’t wish such hateful shit on others. It’s not what Christ taught. Instead, Jesus said:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12: 30-31)

Of course, Boebert doesn’t bother to do as Christ’s teachings tell her to. That’s because she’s a fake Christian who thinks hatred is good and anyone different than her is evil.

The congresswoman got reminded of her faux Christianity on Twitter, where users lit her up for being a disgusting piece of human excrement.

But perhaps it was Mahatma Gandhi who said it best:

Barack Obama Elections GOP WTF?!

Cruz Claims He Can Tell Buttigieg Is Running In 2024 Because He’s ‘Mimicking Obama’s Cadence’

Texas GOP Senator Ted Cruz is convinced that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg will challenge President Joe Biden for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination.

Why would Cruz say such a thing? According to him, it’s because Buttigieg has recently been “mimicking” former President Barack Obama’s “cadence” when he speaks.

In a podcast recorded on Sunday, Cruz told his co-host regarding comments Buttigieg made about the Chinese spy balloon:

“Just something I noticed listening to that — did you pick up on Buttigieg’s cadence? He is mimicking Barack Obama.”

Cruz added:

“He’s doing this speed up and pause; speed up and pause. And Buttigieg didn’t use to speak that way. I think he’s getting ambitions of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. And there’s no real mystery about that. But it is a little amazing, given the train wreck he’s presided over at the Department of Transportation for two years, that his ambitions have soared so high.”

David Edwards · Ted Cruz opines on Buttigieg’s cadance ‘mimmicking Barack Obama’

Of course, Ted is also planning to run for president in 2024, and he’s trying to get ahead of his potential rivals if he should happen to win the GOP presidential nomination, which he won’t. Cruz has tried his hand atwinning a nomination to be president, and he failed spectacularly, winding up kissing Donald Trump’s ass even though Trump insulted both his father and his wife.

Sounds like Cruz is still upset at a burn Buttigieg laid on him in June of last year, shortly after the mass shooting at a school in Uvalde, Texas that killed 19 children and two teachers.

When asked about the horrific shooting, Cruz suggested that schools would be safer if they had “one door into and out of the school, which led Buttigieg to retort:

“The idea that us being the only developed country where this happens routinely — especially in terms of the mass shootings — is somehow a result of the design of the doorways on our school buildings is the definition of insanity, if not the definition of denial.”

China Social Media WTF?!

Randy Quaid’s Reaction To The Chinese Balloon Is So Strange That Twitter Users Can’t Stop Laughing

Granted, we’ve known for quite some time now that actor Randy Quaid had jumped the shark and taken to inhabiting the dark world of internet conspiracy theories and other assorted craziness that hides in plain sight in some of the more untraveled corners of social media.

For example, consider this from a profile of Quaid published by Uproxx back in 2014:

Randy and Evi Quaid reportedly believe there is an evil sect of Hollywood trying to kill them. It is the same shadowy organization that killed Heath Ledger, David Carradine, and Chris Penn. This sect is also responsible for extorting millions from their bank accounts, while running them out of the country.

The impetus for the seemingly paranoid descent into madness has several starting points depending on who you ask. Friends and relatives point to the 1989 marriage of the Quaids as the beginning of the end for the Golden Globe winning actor. Others say it manifested back in 2006, when they were approached by law enforcement for disturbing the peace (more on that later). Perhaps, it was when the world became aware of their self-destruction, when Randy was blackballed from a would-be Broadway play for allegedly verbally and physically attacking cast members, among other undignified behaviors reported by those on hand.

Fast forward to today, and feast your eyes on Quaid’s non-sequitur take on the Chinese spy balloon which was downed this afternoon on the orders of President Joe Biden. Hours prior to that action, Quaid tweeted out:

What in the hell does that even mean?! Is it supposed to be humorous, or is he serious? It’s difficult to tell when dealing with the mentally ill.

But we did get something good out of Randy’s bizarro tweet: Social media reaction that is absolutely priceless.

Civil Rights Donald Trump GOP WTF?!

Republicans Want To Rename A Street Honoring The Late John Lewis For Donald Trump

If you were wondering how some Republicans are celebrating Black History Month, consider a piece of legislation introduced this week by two state lawmakers in Tennessee.

Newsweek reports:

State Representative Paul Sherrell and state Senator Frank Niceley sponsored the bill to change the name of a section of John Lewis Way. According to state general assembly records, Sherrell filed the bill on Tuesday. Niceley filed the state Senate version on Wednesday, which fell on the first day of Black History Month.

John Lewis Way was formerly known as Fifth Avenue, however it was renamed after the late congressman in 2020.

Under the bill, part of the street named for Lewis would become President Donald Trump Boulevard. The area they want to rename is located between Dr. Martin L. King Jr. Boulevard and James Robertson Parkway. So not only would John Lewis be dishonored by their disgusting plan, but also Dr. King.

Councilwoman Zulfat Suara, a Democratic member of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County said she will fight the move with every fiber of her being.

“OMG. I have to take a deep breath so as not to swear! What have this state become! Do some just wake up and propose the next thing that comes to mind. This is not how to govern. This is ridiculous. We are going to fight this.”

Tennessee state Representative Justin Jones (D) also criticized the possible renaming of a portion of the street.

“Tennessee Republicans’ bill to change parts of John Lewis Way to Donald Trump Blvd is about more than a street name. It’s spitting on the grave of our ancestor. It’s memorializing hate. Best believe, we’ll fight back.”

Republicans love to brag that they’re the “party of Lincoln.” But if Lincoln were still alive, they’d probably insist that he bow down and worship Trump or be booted from the party.