
Marjorie Greene Says She Hates Solar Panels: ‘I Don’t Want To Have To Go To Bed When The Sun Sets’

You probably thought there was no way in hell Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) could possibly get any dumber, and yet remarks she made during a meeting with her constituents may well prove to be the most ignorant statements made this year by any member of Congress from either party.

Greene began by pretending to be a Christian:

“Can we just say thank God for air conditioning?”

And then she began to talk about household appliances, most of which have higher IQs than her:

“Let’s talk about refrigerators. I like my refrigerator. I’m sure you like yours, too.”

The led to this bit of mindless drivel:

What about washing machines and dryers? Lord please God don’t make me scrub clothes in a bucket! And have to hang them out on the line.

And from that, she transitioned to solar and wind power:

“When we switch over to wind turbines and solar panels, I’m gonna be really pissed off about that.”

Why is she going to be pissed off? Unfortunately, she explained:

“I mean, I like the lights on. I want to stay up later at night. I don’t want have to go to bed when the sun sets. Its so silly. I mean, all of this is absolutely insane.”

If Greene wants to see what “insane” really looks like, all she has to do is find the nearest mirror and take a long look.

How does anyone get to be this damn stupid? And is she really this dense, or is she just willfully ignorant, saying what she thinks her constituents want to hear? Whatever the reason, Marge got plenty of feedback on Twitter.

Congress GOP Whining WTF?!

Dense Boebert Admits She Needs At Least 5 Days To Read One Piece Of Legislation

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is not very bright. After all, she needed three attempts before she was finally able to pass the GED exam, which she tries to spin as a positive thing, suggesting that she got a lot more education by having kids at a young age and marrying a man who got caught flashing his penis at underage girls in a bowling alley.

And now Boebert is admitting she’s so intellectually challenged that she needs at least five days to read any legislation before she can vote on it, posting this video online:

Granted, bills should indeed be read, but does it take five days to do that? Perhaps if Ms. Boebert spent less time on Twitter and making appearances on right-wing podcasts, she’d have more time to sit down and actually do her damn job.

Also, if the job is too tough for Lauren, then why in the hell is she running for reelection? Probably because her beloved gun-totin’-themed restaurant, Shooters Grill, has now closed and she needs the money and benefits a government job provides.

But wait a minute! Isn’t Boebert one of those “small government” right wingers who thinks we need to cut back on everything? Apparently that only applies to others, because she damn sure insists on getting paid, courtesy of taxpayers, naturally.

Five days to read legislation? What good will that do when Bobo can’t even prove that she knows how to read in the first place?


Elections The Trump Adminstration WTF?!

Melania Asked If She’d Get A Budget And Staff After She Left The White House

Donald and Melania Trump are now Floridians, residing at the former president’s Mar-a-Lago resort.

But according to CNN, before her husband left office, the former first lady wanted to know if she could get more goodies and have taxpayers foot the bill for them:

“In mid-November, as President Donald Trump railed against the election results, his wife, first lady Melania Trump publicly agreed with his sentiments. But privately, a handful of days after the final state tally, the first lady tasked an emissary with discreetly finding out what was available to her in terms of budget and staff allocation for post-White House life.”

Budget and staff? Really? Haven’t she and her husband fleeced the Treasury out of enough money already?

The answer to Melania’s query came back quickly:

“The short answer is no. While there are post-presidential perks for such things for the outgoing commander in chief, budgets to set up an official office and staff and cover some travel costs, there is nothing from the government for any first lady, save a paltry $20,000-a-year pension, which is paid out only if her husband dies.”

All of this led to some interesting commentary on Twitter:

As the old saying reminds us, A grifter is always gonna grift.


Crime Donald Trump Impeachment Justice Department WTF?!

Trump Claims Jack Smith ‘Can’t Bring A Case’ Because Senate Acquitted Him During Impeachment

According to failed one-term, twice-impeached and multiply indicted former president Donald Trump, Special Counsel Jack Smith “can’t bring a case” against him in federal court because he was already acquitted by the U.S. Senate during his impeachment trials in 2019 and 2021.

Clearly expecting to be indicted yet again by Smith for his role in the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol and attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, disgraced ex-president went on his failing Truth Social site and made the following post:

“How can Deranged Jack Smith bring a case on January 6th., as ridiculous as it is anyway, when I have already won such a case, and been fully acquitted, in the U.S. Senate? In other words, I was Impeached on this, and WON!!! ELECTION INTERFERENCE & PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT, all rolled up as one. We are truly a Nation In Decline!”

Of course, anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of the U.S. Constitution knows that impeachment and criminal indictment are in no way connected.

Here are the basic differences between the two:

Indictment is a formal accusation that someone has committed a crime. It is typically issued by a grand jury and serves as the basis for a criminal trial. In other words, when someone is indicted, they are formally charged with a crime and must stand trial to prove their innocence.

Impeachment, on the other hand, is the process by which a government official is charged with misconduct or abuse of power. This can include charges of bribery, treason, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. Impeachment is a political process that is used to hold elected officials accountable for their actions while in office.

One is a legal process. The other is a political process.

It’s no surprise that Trump is confusing the two processes. After all, he’s easily the most ignorant person ever elected to the presidency.


GOP U.S. Senate WTF?!

WATCH: Mitch McConnell Freezes In Mid-Sentence – Has To Be Escorted Away By Colleagues

Something appears to be very wrong with the health of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and it was on full view for the world during a daily Senate GOP press conference today.

During his opening remarks Wednesday, McConnell uttered a couple of words and was then unable to continue any further, clearly losing the ability to talk.

The Kentucky Republican was quickly escorted away from the podium by Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) as Sen. John Thune (R-SD) took McConnell’s place at the microphone.

McConnell returned to the presser several minutes later, according to CNN’s Manu Raju and later appeared “sharp” when it was time for questions from the media.

CNN medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta said in his opinion McConnell “needs an exam…Time is critically important.”

McConnell is 81 and was hospitalized for a concussion and broken ribs after he fell earlier this year. Friends and colleagues say he has been moving with more caution (and more slowly) since the fall that caused the earlier injuries.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for Republicans to say that McConnell needs to step down from his Senate seat even though they repeatedly say President Joe Biden, 80, is unfit for office. The GOP, we’ve all seen, is little more than a collection of hypocrites collecting government salaries.