Congress GOP WTF?!

Boebert Fake Apologizes For Her Lewd ‘Beetlejuice’ Behavior – Blames It On Her Divorce

Having been caught vaping, felt up, and attempting to give her boyfriend a hand job during a performance of the play “Beetlejuice” in Denver, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is now issuing a fake apology to try and minimize the political fallout that has begun and could well cost her the 2024 election.

The Guardian reports that Boebert issued a statement in which she tried to blame her recent divorce for acting like a horny teen out on a date for the first time.

“The past few days have been difficult and humbling, and I’m truly sorry for the unwanted attention my Sunday evening in Denver has brought to the community,” Boebert said in the apology, as reported by the Colorado Sun.

Boebert added that her “public and difficult divorce” has created a “challenging personal time for me and my entire family”.

“I’ve tried to handle it with strength and grace as best I can, but I simply fell short of my values on Sunday,” Boebert said.


When the story first broke on Tuesday, Boebert suggested she had done nothing wrong, writing on Twitter:

“It’s true, I did thoroughly enjoy the AMAZING Beetlejuice at the Buell Theatre and I plead guilty to laughing and singing too loud!

“Everyone should go see it if you get the chance this week and please let me know how it ends!”

Laughing and singing too loud? How about the groping, tit grabbing, and junk rubbing, Bobo?

And yet, this is the same woman who tells us drag performers are a threat to children.


Barack Obama Donald Trump Trump Supporters WTF?!

Right-Wing Activist Says The MAGA Movement Was Created Because ‘We Want A White Obama’

According to right-wing activist and Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk, the Donald Trump/MAGA movement was created because Republicans were looking for “a white Obama.”

During a podcast at a pastors’ summit on Wednesday, Kirk seemed to admit that the GOP had some blatantly racist motivations when they nominated the failed one-term former president in 2016.

“The Obama movement was larger than life,” Kirk said. “They rode this idea of candidate enthusiasm and this idea of hope and change and all of that. But you live by the sword, you die by the sword.”

“And Obama got re-elected in 2012, but then Republican voters said, our turn,” he added. “We want a white Obama.”

Only Trump (who suggested that Obama was illegitimate and wasn’t even born in the United States, despite his birth in Hawaii) could fill the bill of a white Obama, Kirk explained:

“And the only, I mean, you’ve got Jeb Bush, you had Marco Rubio, and who was the only person that could potentially play the charismatic game as talented as Barack Obama? Donald Trump.”

Donald Trump is the white Obama? That may well be one of the dumbest things to ever ooze from the mouth of a Trump worshiper.

Let’s do a quick compare and contrast:

  • Obama was about hope and change for the better. Trump was about hatred and taking the country back to the days when blacks weren’t allowed to eat in the same restaurants as whites.
  • President Obama stressed equality and inclusion. Trump used veiled white nationalism and fear of others to accomplish his rise to the presidency.
  • Obama is a man of intellect, decency, and kindness. Trump is a lowlife thug who revels in ignorance, preaches division, and loves no one but himself.

Trump humpers think they’ve found the white Obama? All they’ve found is a rehash of George Wallace circa 1963. No wonder they love the evil he represents.



Lauren Boebert Booted From Denver Theater For ‘Causing A Disturbance’

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) was kicked out of a Denver theater over the weekend for “causing a disturbance,” including vaping during a performance of the “Beetlejuice” musical, singing during the performance, and attempting to record portions of the event.

According to The Denver Post, Boebert and another patron were asked to leave the musical after being warned during intermission about their behavior.

The incident report states that after receiving the intermission warning, about five minutes into the second act security officials received “another complaint about the patrons being loud and at the time (they) were recording.” Taking pictures or recording is not permitted at shows.

The report quotes one of the ushers: “They told me they would not leave. I told them that they need to leave the theater and if they do not, they will be trespassing. The patrons said they would not leave. I told them I would (be) going to get Denver Police. They said go get them.”

Boebert’s office confirmed that the congresswoman did indeed get the heave-ho from “Beetlejuice,” with Drew Sexton remarking:

“I can confirm the stunning and salacious rumors: in her personal time, Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is indeed a supporter of the performing arts (gasp!) and, to the dismay of a select few, enthusiastically enjoyed a weekend performance of ‘Beetlejuice.'”

Boebert is running for reelection in 2024, and recent polls have shown she has a very good chance of losing to her Democratic opponent, Adam Frisch.

An early poll shows incumbent U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert and Adam Frisch, the Democrat who came close to unseating the Republican in 2022, in a tie for the seat amid current political conditions.

If the 2024 election were held today with the two candidates, 45% of voters would choose Frisch and 45% would choose Boebert, according to findings from a poll released Tuesday.


Donald Trump Ivanka Trump The Trump Adminstration WTF?!

Former Staffer: Donald Trump Often Fantasized About Having Sex With Ivanka

According to a former top administration official who had regular access to failed one-term, twice-impeached ex-president Donald Trump, sexual comments about female staffers and even the ex-president’s daughter, Ivanka, were common in the Trump administration, which led to a hostile work environment that made many inside the White House uncomfortable.

Miles Taylor, who served as chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security, has written a book entitled Blowback: A Warning to Save Democracy from the Next Trump, and in he reveals that the former president was constantly making inappropriate comments, according to Newsweek.

These incidents included, the book says, claims by aides that Trump made lewd comments about his daughter Ivanka’s appearance and talked about “what it might be like to have sex with her.” This prompted a rebuke from his chief of staff, the book says.

“There still are quite a few female leaders from the Trump administration who have held their tongues about the unequal treatment they faced in the administration at best, and the absolute naked sexism they experienced with the hands of Donald Trump at worst,” Taylor explained.

Taylor said he immediately noticed Trump’s disgusting behavior and comments when he was briefing the then-president.

He recalls witnessing such behavior first-hand in meetings with Trump and Kirstjen Nielsen, who was secretary of homeland security from 2017 to 2019.

“When we were with him, Kirstjen did her best to ignore the president’s inappropriate behavior,” Taylor writes in his book. “He called her ‘sweetie’ and ‘honey,’ and critiqued her makeup and outfits.”

After a crass comment from Trump, he recalls Nielsen whispering to him: “Trust me, this is not a healthy workplace for women.” Nielsen has been contacted for comment.

But the worst of Trump’s remarks were about Ivanka, Taylor writes.

“Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter.
“Afterward, Kelly retold that story to me in visible disgust. Trump, he said, was ‘a very, very evil man.'”

The bottom line for voters, Taylor notes, is that they need to know the sort of man they might put in White House a second time, which would be a disaster.

“He’s a pervert, he’s difficult to deal with. This is still the same man and, incredibly, we’re considering electing him to the presidency again.”

Trump has said inappropriate things about Ivanka in the past.

During a joint appearance with her on “The View” in 2006, he commented, “If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her. Isn’t that terrible? How terrible? Is that terrible?”

And in 2015, Trump told Rolling Stone, “She’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father…”

Donald Trump belongs behind prison bars for whatever is left of his life. Not just for the crimes that have led to indictments, but also for being a disgusting sexist and misogynist who thinks it’s cool to lust after his own daughter.


Crime Donald Trump Social Media WTF?!

Trump Posts Bizarre Meme Online Showing Multiple Guns Pointed At His Face

Based on the strange things he’s been posting on social media since his booking Thursday evening in Fulton County, Georgia, it’s safe to say there’s some incredibly odd thoughts going through the mind of failed former president Donald Trump.

The barrage of odd images began shortly after Trump left Georgia for his Bedminster, New Jersey golf club. For the first time in over two years, the disgraced ex-president posted on Twitter.

Never surrender? That’s exactly what he had just done in Atlanta.

But it was what Trump shared on his Truth Social site that really raised eyebrows, according to Mediaite.

But he ended his long day by posting to his own Truth Social platform late into the night and early am hours. In one message, he reassured users “I LOVE TRUTH SOCIAL. IT IS MY HOME!!!”

Many of the posts were reposts of messages from fans in reply to him, including one from a user named Andrea which read:

@realDonaldTrump is my HERO because he faces so much on a daily basis without even considering giving up. ❤️ He fights for us and gives it his all because he wants to Save America. He is up against so much and we Patriots are standing UNITED with him during it all! Our support and love is unwavering and we will continue to have his back as he has ours- and he ALWAYS has! We love you, President Trump. You are BRAVE and BOLD and you are a BADASS! 🇺🇸❤️🤍💙🇺🇸

#IStandWithTrump #TrumpIsMyHero #MAGA #DJT47

The meme with that post is what drew the most attention.

How ironic that one of the guns says “pedophiles” when it’s Trump who was once accused of raping a 13-year-old girl with the late sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. Trump has also admitted that he’s sexually attracted to his own daughter, Ivanka.

As usual, Trump is suffering from persecution complex because he’s unwilling and unable to admit his own mistakes, including the ones that have led to his multiple indictments.