Donald Trump Social Media Trump Supporters WTF?!

#RealMenWearDiapers Trends As The MAGA Faithful Go Deeper Down The Rabbit Hole

If you’ve been on Twitter this week, you may have seen a bizarre hashtag that left you scratching your head and wondering if social media had gotten even stranger than usual.

The hashtag? #RealMenWearDiapers. Go ahead and see for yourself.

Can you believe that?

So what exactly is going on here? Well, it appears that the MAGA faithful have fully embraced the notion that failed former president Donald Trump does indeed wear adult diapers and they’re completely cool with the whole idea, according to Harry Fletcher of Indy100.

“The posts from (former Trump attorney Michael) Cohen, which were posted in April, show him taunting Trump and calling him the nickname ‘Von S**itzInPantz’.”

“Since this bizarre turn of events, Trump’s supporters seem to have embraced the nickname in an unexpected way, turning up to rallies wearing diapers and shirts with the slogan ‘real men wear diapers’ written upon them.”

Take a look for yourself:

Can someone please make it make sense?

GOP Viral Video WTF?!

Unhinged GOP Senator Attacks Witness During Hearing: ‘Are You Going To Call Me A Sick F**k?!’

Louisiana Republican Sen. John Kennedy had a deranged meltdown yesterday during a hearing of the Senate Budget Committee and verbally attacked a witness for daring to retweet a posting on social media in which Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) was called a “sick fuck” by climate protesters in March.

According to Mediaite, “Manchin was confronted by a group of climate activists at Harvard University, where one protester called him a ‘sick fuck’ before he was forcibly removed from the room. Supran retweeted a post by the organization responsible for disrupting Manchin’s visit at the university.”

The witness, Dr. Geoffrey Supran, Professor of Environmental Science & Policy and Director of Climate Accountability Lab at the University of Miami, told Kennedy, “Big oil is the new big tobacco. As a scholar of disinformation, I do not use the word lie’ lightly. But no other word adequately describes the oil industry’s brazen efforts to mislead the public about its history of misleading the public.”

Rather than engage Supran on the issue of climate change and public policy, Kennedy tried to pick a fight with him.

“Are you going to call me a sick fuck?”

Supran countered.

“This form of character assassination is characteristic of the kinds of propaganda techniques of the fossil fuel industry.”

Kennedy got his comeuppance on social media, where many noted that he is indeed a sick fuck.

Careful what questions you ask, Sen. Kennedy. You might not like the answers.

Elections Eric Trump Joe Biden WTF?!

Eric Trump Whines He Can’t Buy ‘Skin Lotion’ In New York – And It’s All Joe Biden’s Fault

According to Eric Trump, it’s almost impossible to buy “skin lotion” and other toiletries in New York due to crime, and it’s all the fault of President Joe Biden.

Eric made his patently absurd remarks during an appearance on “Sunday Morning Futures,” telling host Maria Bartiromo that his old man, disgraced ex-president Donald Trump, is “feeling great” despite being on trial in Manhattan for allegedly paying hush money and interfering with the 2016 election, which he won.

“His fundraising numbers are off the chart. The love out there is incredible.”

“It’s the exact reason that they’re trying to tie my father up in a courtroom every single day between now and [the election],” he continued. “They know that [Biden] doesn’t stand a chance. No one believes him.”

That’s when the former president’s son began attacking New York, which he said was “failing.”

“They’re going after a guy for a $130,000 payment. Every day, they close the courtroom. You know, they close the streets around the court. It costs 20 times that. Every time they shut down the FDR drive, it costs 50 times that. No one believes it.”

“All while in New York, you can’t go into Duane Reade,” Trump added. “You can’t go into CVS and buy skin lotion because it has to be locked behind Plexiglas because theft is so high.”

The entire matter, he asserted, can be laid at Biden’s feet.

“The country does not believe it. But this guy’s not going to make it. He can’t.”

“He can’t get down a pair of stairs,” he said. “He can’t finish a sentence. He can’t read off a teleprompter without some kind of gaffe.”

Biden’s not going to make it? What about Eric’s pathetic father, who is falling asleep in court every five minutes and makes claims so wild that some have suggested he’s suffering from Alzheimer’s?

Nice projection, Eric, but no one believes anything your daddy or his spawn have to say. You’ve lied too damn much and the American people are sick of your bullshit.

Elections GOP WTF?!

Kristi Noem Brags She Executed Her Family’s Puppy Because It Was ‘Worthless’

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) is widely considered to be on Donald Trump’s shortlist as his 2024 running mate, but a new book Noem has written may have put the kibosh on her chances of ever being anything more than a GOP footnote.

The book, No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward, Newsweek reports, features a section in which Noem admits she executed the family’s puppy, Cricket, because the dog didn’t obey her commands.

“Cricket was a wirehair pointer, about 14 months old,” Noem reportedly wrote, adding that the dog, a female, had an “aggressive personality” and needed to be trained to be used for hunting pheasant.

She wrote that she took Cricket on a pheasant hunt with older dogs to calm the animal and help it learn how to behave. But on the hunt, Cricket went “out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life.”

Noem said she tried to control Cricket by using an electronic collar, but the dog didn’t respond to the training, so she gunned it down in cold blood.

Cricket escaped Noem’s truck and attacked the family’s chickens, “grabb[ing] one chicken at a time, crunching it to death with one bite, then dropping it to attack another.” This made the chickens’ owner cry and Noem financially renumerated them and helped them clean the mess the dog had made.

“At that moment,” Noem said, “I realized I had to put her down.”

Noem even gives a blow by blow description of how she killed the helpless animal.

The excerpt from Noem’s book set off a wave of anger and revulsion on social media, where she was excoriated as “an utterly callous and despicable woman.”

Donald Trump Social Media WTF?!

Stephen Miller Just Made The Most Absurd Claim About Trump And Social Media Can’t Stop Mocking Him

Former White House adviser Stephen Miller made a bizarre statement yesterday during an appearance on Fox News, and his remarks got him heavily mocked on social media.

According to Mediaite, Miller was asked by Hannity, “You wrote a lot of speeches. You helped write speeches with Donald Trump, and I know that he used to take his big marker and pen and cross this out and add this and probably made your life a living hell. Did you ever have to put the word ‘Pause’ in there?”

Miller said he never did that the way speech writers reportedly do for President Joe Biden, and then he went off on a mini-rant about Trump and style.

“Let me also just say, since we’re addressing the subject of style, the most stylish president and first lady in our lifetimes are Donald Trump and Melania Trump. Donald Trump is a style icon! He changed American fashion on The Apprentice. People spent the next 10 years trying to dress like Donald Trump. So, if anybody deserves a puff piece on their sense of style, it’s Donald Trump and the first lady.

“Joe Biden… looks like a walking corpse! The only style article to be written about Joe Biden is how you have mastered the art of looking embalmed because that is what Joe Biden looks like every single day when they jerk him up and he goes about his schedule.”

Donald Trump is a style icon? What?! Since when?

Anyone who has seen Donald Trump since he announced his first run for president in 2015 knows that he often looks like his suits are loose-fitting to accommodate his ballooning weight and that he also appears to be doing his impression of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, standing with a forward tilt that makes him look even more bizarre.

Here’s what the Washington Post had to say about Trump’s fashion sense:

His clothes are really just a perfunctory set of uniforms. His suits — he has leaned towards Brioni over the years — are cut from conservative but quality fabric yet lack an attention to fit. They are always a little too roomy, the sleeves a tad too long. So much so that they look cheap — or more diplomatically, they look a lot like the mass-market suits that bore his name and were once sold at Macy’s until the department store shuttered the line after his derogatory remarks about Mexicans.

Miller’s hyperbolic statements were instantly shot down online.