Congress Military Racism

Matt Gaetz Gets Decimated By Defense Secy. For Accusing The Military Of Using ‘Critical Race Theory’

Desperate to deflect attention from accusations that he sexually trafficked underage girls for his own perverted pleasure, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) attempted to pick a fight with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin by accusing the U.S. military of using “critical race theory” to the detriment of American national security.

Declaring that critical race theory is the “number one concern” of military officers, Gaetz then told Secretary Austin:

“I’ve heard those sentiments most frequently from units that are majority-minority. How should the Department of Defense think about critical race theory?”

Clearly agitated by such an absurd question, the defense secretary responded:

“I don’t know what the issue of critical race theory is. We do not teach critical race theory. We don’t embrace critical race theory. And I think that’s a spurious conversation. We are focused on extremist behaviors and not ideology, not people’s thoughts, not people’s political orientation.”

Austin then continued his verbal destruction of the Florida congressman by telling him:

“And thanks for your anecdotal input. But I would say that I’ve gotten ten times that amount of input — 50 times that amount of input on the other side that has said, ‘We’re glad to have had the ability to have a conversation without ourselves and our leadership.'”

Gaetz then dared to interrupt the defense chief:

“It may be that you’re receiving that input in the ratios you describe because it was your directive. It may be people are concerned about criticizing your decision.”

The Florida Republican also accused the defense secretary of “hiring a critical race theorist” as an adviser, which drew this response from Austin:

“This is the first I’ve ever heard [Bishop Garrison] being described as a critical race theorist. Let me just share one thing you brought up, Congressman, about the input that comes to me. I trust my leadership from top to bottom that they will give me fair and balanced and unvarnished input.

“And for you to say people are telling me what I want to hear, I get it. You know, maybe they are telling you what you want to hear.”

Matt Gaetz is a whiny little punk who allegedly enjoys sleeping with children. He belongs in prison and will likely be there very soon. Maybe when he gets there, he can discuss his fascination with critical race theory with his cellmate.

Here’s the video of Matt getting slapped down by Lloyd Austin:

History Media in America Racism WTF?!

Newsmax Guest: Teaching Kids About Slavery Will Lead To ‘Death Camps’ For White People

Over the years, there’s been some absolutely moronic, absurd, and misleading shit said on right-wing media, most notably Fox News, which is infamous for trafficking in lies and conspiracy theories that have no basis in fact or grounding in reality.

But in today’s wide-open media bouillabaisse of anything goes inanity — fueled in part by the explosion of social media platforms and ubiquity of the internet everywhere you go — we have even more extreme mutant strains of nutbaggery such as Newsmax, where today’s batshit, head-shaking headline originated with a discussion of “critical race theory” which led to a guest warning that teaching about slavery and how whites have treated blacks in the United States over the centuries will result in “death camps” for white people.

Those words came from right-wing radio host Michael Savage, who told Newsmax hosts Steve Cortes and Jenn Pellegrino that there’s already violence against whites all over the country:

“And now they’re beating up white children in schoolrooms. And I’m not going to mince words. You can cut me off if you have to. I know you probably agree with me. I can’t take this anymore. And there’s only one solution to it—sue the goddamn schools if they do it to your child for child abuse, and you will win.”

Yeah, kids didn’t start beating each other up until racism became a topic of discussion, right, Michael? As for suing for child abuse, can we also sue parents who voted for Trump and believe his bullshit? Seems only fair, don’t you agree?

Rather than provide proof of his specious assertions, Savage went full douche and brought up Nazi Germany and the Holocaust:

“The same kind of thing started in Germany. The Jews were no good. The Jews did this. The Jews did that. The next thing you know they were being excluded from swimming pools. They didn’t put them in concentration camps overnight.

“I studied this intimately. I am Jewish. I know how this starts. Attacks on white people is exactly what was done to the Jews in Germany in the 1930s. Don’t fall for this garbage. This is the road to the death camps. Stand up to these bastards and sue them!”

Jewish Americans were once excluded from public swimming pools, clubs, and schools in this country, too. Did it lead to concentration camps? No. It led to reforms, change, and a growth in American consciousness that allowed this country to evolve and realize the ignorance of such discrimination.

We have to understand where we’ve been as a nation in order to make sure we don’t repeat the past endlessly and lose our souls. Learning from history — even the dark and controversial parts — is how we prevent repeating it.

GOP History Racism

Mitch McConnell Gets Taken To The Woodshed For Trying To Paper Over The GOP’s Racist History

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) thought he’d try and rewrite the history of his party on Tuesday, but he immediately got smacked down by the facts about the GOP which are written in bigotry and hatred.

During a debate on whether or not to eliminate the filibuster in the U.S. Senate, McConnell said the procedure — through which one senator can bring all business in the upper chamber to a screeching halt — had not been used in the past (by Republicans) to delay passage of civil rights legislation in the 1950s:

“It has no racial history at all. None. There’s no dispute among historians about that.”

That’s a lie, and McConnell said it knowing damn well it was a lie.

History shows that the longest filibuster ever held in the Senate was made by the blatantly racist GOP Sen. Strom Thurmond in opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1957, speaking continuously for 24 hours and 15 minutes to prevent black Americans from having the same rights as whites.

Steven S. Smith, a political scientist at Washington University in St. Louis, explained the use of the filibuster by Republicans during the bad old days:

“The histories of the filibuster, civil and voting rights, and race in America are intertwined.”

How racist is the history of the Senate filibuster? It was once used to block anti-lynching bills. That is the shameful past of the procedure McConnell tried to paper over.

Fortunately, however, former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance of Alabama was quick to counter McConnell, noting:

When he started getting criticism, McConnell’s office tried to walk back what he’d said:

For those who aren’t familiar with the full history of the Republican Party, it was once the Party of Lincoln. But then Richard Nixon was elected, followed by Ronald Reagan (who railed against “welfare queens” in a blatant attack on African-American women), and later was the party of choice for Donald Trump, who called Mexican immigrants “rapists” and suggested that anyone who dared to protest was a hoodlum or an “animal.” The GOP has become the party of bigotry and racial hatred. And the filibuster is part of that legacy, despite what McConnell or any other revisionist historian tries to assert.

How can you tell when someone is a racist? When they deny their own past, their support of bigots, and their cozy relationship with neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and white separatists.

Nice try, Mitch, but you’re just as full of shit as ever. And you’re also a terrible liar.