Congress GOP Right Wing Morons WTF?!

One Of Marjorie Greene’s Constituents Believes Hillary Clinton ‘Cut A Girl’s Face Off And She Wore It’

If you’ve ever listened to Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene speak or read one of her tweets, you’ve probably wondered: How did someone this completely unfit and unprepared for office ever get elected in the first place?

The answer, of course, is that Greene’s constituents in her North Georgia district elected her, and talking to some of them makes it painfully clear that they support her because they’re just as deranged as the person they voted for.

Stephanie McCrummen of the Washington Post recently paid a visit to the 14th congressional district of Georgia, and what she found is like something out of a novel written by Carson McCullers or Flannery O’Connor, filled with oddball characters and a level of Southern gothic that borders on absolute insanity.

Angela Rubino goes by the moniker “Burnitdown” in her online postings, and McCrummen spent some time with her while in the 14th, reporting:

Six years into the grass-roots movement unleashed by Donald Trump in his first presidential campaign, Angela Rubino is a case study in what that movement is becoming. Suspicious of almost everything, trusting of almost nothing, believing in almost no one other than those who share her unease, she has in many ways become a citizen of a parallel America — not just red America, but another America entirely, one she believes to be awash in domestic enemies, stolen elections, immigrant invaders, sexual predators, the machinations of a global elite and other fresh nightmares revealed by the minute on her social media scrolls.

Rubino, to put it simply, all but worships Greene:

In Greene, she did not see what much of America saw — a person willing to do almost anything to keep emotions running high, whether that meant perpetuating lies about election fraud, harassing a victim of a school shooting, speaking at a white nationalist conference or casting fellow citizens who disagree with her as ‘domestic terrorists.’ Instead, Rubino saw a person like herself: a political outsider who shared the same sense of urgency about the same dystopian America, one that required a popular uprising to save it.

Oh, and the people Rubino associates with are (as you’d expect) just as demented as her, as McCrummen discovered when she joined a vote canvas:

There was a military contractor who said he’d been reading a Russian book about CIA-sponsored regime change operations, which he believed included the last U.S. presidential election. There were women who believed public schools were indoctrinating children with left-wing ideology. Retirees who believed the coronavirus was a bioweapon. A mechanic who wore ear buds all day streaming ‘War Room,’ a podcast in which former Trump strategist Stephen K. Bannon was urging people to take over local Republican parties.

But perhaps the most disturbing thing Rubino said during the time McCrummen was with her is this tidbit she shared with a friend of hers, Melissa Smith:

“Did you ever see that clip about Hillary Clinton where she cut a girl’s face off and she wore it?” said Rubino, referring to one of the fake videos of the type always coming across her social media scroll. “I could hardly watch.”

How did Greene respond to Rubino when they met at a primary night event for the congresswoman? The encounter was a bit like two visitors from space as they bonded in mutual admiration:

Greene smiled and told people that instead of giving an off-the-cuff speech, she had written one out for once. And so in the more careful and polished manner of a leader on the rise, she began describing the America that Rubino believed in more and more, one at war with “globalists” and the “democratic communist agenda” and elites who “look down on us” and “hate us.”

She listened as Greene spoke of an “American revival.” She nodded along as Greene said, “It is we who will set the public agenda for the next decade.”

How did Marjorie Taylor Greene get elected? By pandering to people even more deranged and profoundly ignorant than she is.


Congress GOP Gun Crime

WATCH Katie Porter Shut Down A GOP Witness At A Hearing On Guns

California Democratic Congresswoman Katie Porter masterfully handled a witness testifying for Republicans on the issue of gun control, making it clear that she wasn’t about to be steamrolled and lied to.

Amy Swearer of the right-wing Heritage Foundation was appearing before the House Oversight Committee, and she immediately suggested Porter had incorrectly accused her of perjury regarding legislation on assault weapons:

“Would you like the explanation?” Swearer asked Porter, to which the congresswoman replied:

“I have not yielded, Ms. Swearer.”

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) squawked that Swearer had not been allowed to answer, but he was promptly ruled out of order by the committee chair.

Swearer then got even angrier:

“I have been accused of falsely testifying under oath and I would like to address it!”


“Earlier today, you testified you hope this is the last time you have to testify before this Congress. For the sake of our nation and the integrity of this Congress, I do too.”

The witness responded:

“I said after a mass shooting. Trying to figure out how to solve a problem that we are heavily invested in solving.
“How dare you.”

Once again, Porter had the perfect comeback:

“Reclaiming my time. How dare you misstate the law.”

Seething, Swearen hissed:

“How dare you ask questions that you do not even want the answer to.”

Rather than let Swearen continue, Porter told her:

“Ms. Swearer, I’m moving on.”


GOP Gun Crime Viral Video

Viral Video Shows Man Yelling At Ted Cruz In Restaurant: ’19 Children Died! That’s On Your Hands!’

On Friday evening, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) decided he’d have dinner at a Houston restaurant after he had given a speech at this year’s National Rifle Association (NRA) convention.

But if Cruz was hoping for a peaceful meal, he got the exact opposite, with a TikTok user named Hopey posting a video clip with this message:

“So I was having dinner and got to see a show. Ted Cruz being accosted literally the whole time, lmao.”

In the video, a man is shown screaming in Cruz’s face:

“Why did you come here to the convention? 19 children died! 19 children died! That’s on your hands! Ted Cruz, that’s on your hands!”

The video has since gone viral, and it has also received lots of comments on social media. Take a look at a few:

Congress GOP Gun Crime Social Media WTF?!

Paul Gosar Tweets And Then Deletes Lie That The Texas Shooter Was A ‘Transsexual Leftist Illegal Alien’

While we already knew that Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) is one of the most bigoted and disgusting people currently serving in Congress, something he tweeted shortly after a mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, killed 21 people was so tone-deaf (and completely incorrect) that he felt a need to delete the tweet a couple of hours later.

HuffPost notes:

Extremist Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Arizona) deleted a disturbing and offensive tweet Tuesday that falsely claimed the gunman who killed more than 20 people at a Texas school was a “transsexual leftist illegal alien.”

The lawmaker wrote the message in response to a Twitter user who wondered if the shooter was a member of the far-right, “the kind of trash that” Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Gosar “travel to speak to?” before deleting their tweet.

Gosar’s conspiracy theory about the shooter was also widely disseminated on right-wing media, despite its factual inaccuracy:

Gosar, an anti-immigration hardliner who routinely cozies up to white nationalists, was apparently promoting a false claim circulating on right-wing networks. Users shared images of a trans person unrelated to the attack claiming they were the shooter.

Who needs facts when you’re trying to spread a lie? Right, Paul.

Gosar is such a sorry excuse of a human being that his own family members have urged voters in his district not to support him. They have also suggested he should be held responsible for his role in the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Capitol Insurrection Donald Trump GOP

WATCH: GOP Voter Unable To Respond When Asked Why Trump Didn’t ‘Stop’ Antifa If They Were Responsible For Jan. 6

A Republican voter in Georgia who tried to blame “Antifa” for the January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection could only shrug his shoulders when asked why Trump failed to stop the rioters.

“Morning Joe” contributor Elise Jordan was speaking with voters in the Peach State one the eve of the primary election. Failed, one-term former President Donald Trump was supporting ex-Georgia Sen. David Perdue for the GOP gubernatorial nomination, but polls show Perdue is losing by as much as 32 points to incumbent Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp.

When Jordan asked a question about Jan. 6, one man told her:

“There was a lot of bad stuff that happened that day, I agree. But I believe the portion of people that were troublemakers is very small. No. 2 how many of those troublemakers were actually Antifa or intentional troublemakers?”

The man then continued:

“There’s a whole series of questions that don’t add up, and you have to go through this much boilerplate and crap to find the three nuggets of truth or hard fact or information that really matters. I’m frustrated by the entire thing, I want to forget about it, but I looked at every photograph in the [Atlanta Journal-Constitution], about 20 photos that day. All the ones smashing and bashing and crashing, 25, 28 years old, skinny jeans with the beards. I said to myself, ‘That’s not the normal Republican.’ I mean, look at us here. I mean, maybe he was paid to do that.”

As if that wasn’t bad enough, the man began spinning all sorts of debunked conspiracy theories about what transpired on Jan. 6:

“None of it makes any sense. When you read about, you know, Ray Epps being at the one gate that fell first, when you read about the Molotov cocktails left at the DNC the night before with only a mechanical kitchen timer, not anything remotely triggered, so after 60 minutes, the timer can’t be activated. Kamala Harris went to the DNC. Bombs were found by her crew at 11:50, 12:50, within five minutes of Ray Epps giving the orders to crash the first barrier barrier. Then the riots started because the police had to withdraw from that area and investigate the molotov cocktails. There is so much going on when you bore down into the facts.”

Jordan perfectly shut down the man by asking:

“Let’s take a step [back]. So if this was happening, and it was Antifa, then why didn’t President Trump whip into action and stop it? He didn’t tweet, he didn’t call off the dogs. Why was that?”

The man could only smile wanly and shrug his shoulders, unable to find a single word to back up his nonsensical fantasies.