GOP U.S. Senate Viral Video

VIRAL VIDEO: Enraged Republican Calls Ted Cruz A ‘Coward’ At Texas GOP Convention

The Texas GOP convention was held over the weekend, and judging by some of the speeches and overall tone of those who delivered them, it’s accurate to say that the Lone Star State is getting more right-wing by the minute, with attendees loudly booing anyone who disagreed with them on any issue.

One Republican who got an earful was Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who always seems to be at the center of one controversy or the other, if only because he simply doesn’t know when to keep his trap shut.

But it was what happened to Cruz after he had already spoken to the convention that’s making news.

According to Newsweek, an enraged man called Cruz a coward and a globalist before he was finally escorted away from the senator:

“Remember how Trump made fun of your wife and you went and became best friends with Trump, why do you do that?” the man said as he approached Cruz who was sitting at a table in the convention hall.

“You go and become best friends with Trump after he makes fun of you and your wife, why do you do that?”

The man continued his angry rant:

“It is because you are a coward, I do love America, you don’t.

“You care more about the border between Ukraine and Russia than you do about the border between Texas and Mexico, why is that?”

Even as the man was being ushered away, he continued to verbally excoriate Cruz:

“You are a globalist, you know it Ted, you are a globalist. You know that, bud, that is why you are a coward and a liar.

“You know that and I know that, that’s why you are afraid to stand up. When people were freezing and dying you were in Mexico, do you remember that?

“Remember when you had the all-inclusive buffet while people were freezing. Do you remember that Ted? When everyone was freezing and people were dying.”

The video has been viewed online almost 500,000 times since it was posted on Sunday.

GOP January 6

Steve Bannon Gets Masterfully Trolled To His Face During Wednesday Court Appearance

Former Trump administration chief strategist Steve Bannon had to make another court appearance today in the matter of the two contempt of Congress charges that were filed against him by the Justice Department for his refusal to obey a lawful subpoena from the January 6 House Select Committee.

Bannon was trying to get a judge to dismiss those contempt charges, and he spoke with reporters while he was preparing to enter the court, telling them:

“We believe in free and fair and transparent elections! And we’re winning everywhere! This is going to be a massive blowout like 1932. You’re witnessing, right now, a political realignment like 1932. And we will govern for 100 years after we win 100 seats.”

A reporter asked:

“Do you want to govern as a one-party kind of total government? Do you want to destroy the Democratic Party?”

Bannon replied:

“Well, I believe that we will destroy the Democratic Party as a national political institution. A populist uprising of Hispanics, African-Americans and working-class people is before us!”

Yeah, sure thing, traitor.

But the best part of Bannon’s impromptu presser was the man who stood behind him holding a sign that read “FAILED COUP.”

Bannon is under the delusion that he’s still got power and relevance. He doesn’t, and when he’s found guilty and sentenced to federal prison, he’ll have even less.

Abortion Congress GOP

Political Action Committee Alleges Lauren Boebert Was A Paid Escort And Had Two Abortions

Though you’ve likely never heard of the The American Muckrackers Political Action Committee (PAC), they helped make sure that Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) lost his primary bid for a second term Congress by releasing a series of damaging photos and videos of the congressman in all sorts of compromising positions.

And now that same PAC is promising to “fire” Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), who is also facing an uncertain future when Colorado holds its primary election on June 28.

The allegations being made by American Muckrakers hit right the heart of what would be stunning hypocrisy on the part of Boebert, who is resolutely opposed to abortion and loves to suggest that she’s a Christian who doesn’t support same-sex marriage or LGBTQ rights.

Here’s the statement American Muckrakers released about Boebert and her allegedly disturbing past:

Be sure and note the mention of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), another anti-choice member of the GOP who is also fond of using his “morality” lectures to chide those who don’t share his right-wing Christian nationalist beliefs. And while there is no proof that Cruz ever paid Boebert for sex, he still needs to address the matter.

Boebert, on the other hand, had better hope more revelations don’t come up between now and June 28 or she’ll be joining Cawthorn in the unemployment line.

Donald Trump Elections GOP

Trump Attacks Barr As A ‘Marxist’ After Former AG Calls Him ‘Detached From Reality’

Failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump bitterly lashed out at his former attorney general, William Barr, just minutes after the January 6 House Select Committee played a videotaped deposition Barr gave in which he called the ex-president “detached from reality” for his repeated claims the 2020 election had been stolen from him.

In his testimony, Barr told Jan. 6 investigators:

“I was somewhat demoralized, because I thought, boy, if he really believes this stuff he has, you know, lost contact with — he’s become detached from reality.

“The election was not stolen by fraud.”

That triggered Trump BIG TIME, leading him to respond via his spokesperson, Liz Harrington, who, unlike Trump, still has a Twitter account.

It didn’t take long before others lit into Trump for his asinine complaint against the AG he handpicked.


Congress GOP Joe Biden WTF?!

Lauren Boebert Publicly Prays For Joe Biden To Die – And Gets Cheered By Fake Christians

On Saturday, as she spoke to a group of so-called “Christians” in Colorado Springs, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) proudly announced that she prays for President Joe Biden each and every day. She then added that she prays he’ll drop dead.

Newsweek reports that video of Boebert’s remarks has quickly gone viral:

Speaking on Saturday at the Charis Christian Center Family Camp Meeting in Colorado, where she was a guest speaker, the Republican politician referred to bible verse Psalms 109:8 as she spoke about the 79-year-old Biden, much to the delight of the crowd. The video has so far been viewed over 480,000 times on Twitter.

Here’s what Boebert said:

“I do want you to know that I pray for our President. Psalm 109:8 says, ‘May his days be few and another take his office.'”

The roomful of fake Christians began cheering in response to what Boebert said, so she added:

“Hallelujah! Glory to God.”

It probably won’t surprise you to learn that this isn’t the first time a Republican has used Psalm 109:8 as a death wish on a president.

In 2016, then-Sen. David Perdue also called for President Barack Obama’s time in office to be brief, according to Business Insider:

“In his role as president, I think we should pray for Barack Obama. But I think we need to be very specific about how we pray. We should pray like Psalms 109:8 says. It says, ‘Let his days be few, and let another have his office,'” Perdue said at the time. 

In a perfect example of karma, Perdue lost his senate seat in the 2020 election.

Reaction to Boebert’s hateful remarks on social media was swift:

If Lauren Boebert is a Christian (she most definitely isn’t) then personally I think I’d rather wind up in hell.