Congress GOP The Biden Administration Viral Video

WATCH Pete Buttigieg Destroy A GOPer Who Mentions Using The 25th Amendment On Biden

Congressional Republicans are getting desperate as they see their once massive lead over Democrats in the upcoming midterm elections dissipate, with some polls showing the GOP now trailing, so they’re trying to trash President Joe Biden in an attempt to divert attention from their own incompetence and the disturbing revelations coming from the House Select Committee investigating January 6, 2021.

That desperation was on full display today during a hearing of the House Transportation Committee and it came in the person of Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX), who didn’t ask a single question about transportation or infrastructure, and instead asked Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg about the cabinet using the 25th Amendment to remove President Biden from office.

Nehls began his idiotic soliloquy with this:

“Sadly, he shakes hands with ghosts and imaginary people. He falls off bicycles. Even at the White House Easter celebration, the Easter Bunny had to guide him back into his safe place. This is, if he stays awake. 

“So my question for you is, sir, have you spoken with any other cabinet members about implementing the 25th Amendment on President Biden?”

That’s when Buttigieg took out a can of whoop-ass and opened it up on the Texas Republican, expertly destroying him:

“First of all, I’m glad to have a president who can ride a bicycle. 

“And I will look beyond the insulting nature of that question and make clear to you that the president of the United States…”

Knowing he was losing the debate, Nehls could only interrupt Buttigieg and repeat his question:

“Have you spoken to any cabinet members about implementing the 25th Amendment on President Biden?”

Buttigieg told Nehls:

“Of course not.

The president of the United States is as vigorous a colleague or boss as I “have ever had the pleasure of working with.”

Nehls is doing a piss poor job of trying to obfuscate and make everyone forget the insane things failed, one-term former president Donald Trump did that almost led to his cabinet using the 25th to boot him from office, as Yahoo News reported last month:

“Former President Donald Trump’s staff warned him that his actions on Jan. 6, 2021, could amount to criminal behavior. They unsuccessfully pleaded with him to call off rioters ransacking the Capitol who were threatening former Vice President Mike Pence. And after the riot had been put down and one of the most chaotic days in U.S. history was over, a former aide testified Tuesday, they told him his cabinet members were discussing invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.

“Cassidy Hutchinson, a former top aide to Trump’s former chief of staff Mark Meadows and a veritable fly on the wall throughout the events and meetings that led to the insurrection at the Capitol, testified at length Tuesday that Trump was often irate and lashed out at staff as he attempted to hold on to power after he lost the 2020 election. His behavior, she said, had led Cabinet members to consider a remedy allowed by the U.S. Constitution.”

Twitter loved Buttigieg’s verbal evisceration of the Texas congressman:

Abortion Congress GOP WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene: All Pregnant Women Should Be Forced To Give Birth

Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is now advocating that all women in the United States who become pregnant should be forced to give birth, no matter the circumstances.

Speaking to Newsmax podcast host Rob Carson, Greene said that the very idea of women having abortion rights is “insulting” to her.

“The very idea that women’s rights don’t matter anymore, which is what [Democrats] say, and our stance for pro-life is to support women. We support their pregnancies. We support them being mothers even if it’s a circumstance that they didn’t plan.

“We also support women’s rights. The right to privacy, our right to have privacy in our bathrooms, the right to compete in our women’s sports without being threatened by biological men. And so, yes, all of this is a slap in our face “

She supports women’s rights to privacy, and yet she wants to have the government decide what a woman can do with her body when she’s pregnant. That’s one hell of a contradiction, not to mention the attendant hypocrisy in such a statement.

Any federal legislation to guarantee a woman’s right to choose, Greene declared is “evil and disgusting.”

“They want to make abortion legal up until the day of birth, and make it available for every woman that wants it across the country and they are so angry about it. They’re demanding it, they’re fighting for it.”

What’s evil and disgusting is people like Greene trying to tell others what they can and cannot do with their bodies. It’s the ultimate form of government control and tyranny.

Pretty soon, Greene and her ilk will insist that women serve no other purpose than that of breeding machines. Then again, that’s pretty much what the Supreme Court they packed with extremists has already made clear with their ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.

These are dark days in the United States, and if extremists like Greene have their way, things are going to get much worse.

Congress GOP Gun Nuts WTF?!

GOP Rep. Ronny Jackson Makes A Fool Of Himself With Pro-Gun ‘Message’ For Joe Biden

On the very same day that four people were killed in a mass shooting that took place at a mall in Indiana, Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) thought it would be a great idea to post a video in which he brandished two assault rifles and seemed to threated President Joe Biden.

Here’s the video Jackson shared on Twitter:

HuffPost notes that Jackson’s video seems to be in response to comments Biden has made since the horrific mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas:

Biden last month called for renewing the ban on sales of military-style assault weapons. But even in the face of repeated massacres by shooters who legally purchased the powerful rifles, Republicans have been steadfast in opposing reforms.

The video itself was mocked endlessly on social media, but what many who commented were most fascinated by is the way Jackson was holding the weapon in his right hand, which is pointed directly at his foot! One slip of his index finger and the former White House physician would be in need of a doctor for sure.

Congress GOP

Eric Swalwell Has The Perfect Comeback When Lauren Boebert Claims He’s Intimidated By Her

For some unknown reason, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is under the impression that anyone who avoids her must be intimidated by her.

But why would anyone be the least bit intimidated by the vacuous congresswoman who needed multiple tries to pass the GED exam and proves on a daily basis just how clueless she is?

HuffPost reports that Boebert said during an interview with failed GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee that she doesn’t understand why Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) doesn’t want to have anything to do with her:

Boebert packed in as many insults as she could against Swalwell in an interview with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee on his TBN talk show.

Boebert called Swalwell — a la kindergarten — “Eric Smells Not So Well.”

“I’ve actually tried to have conversations with Eric Smells Not So Well. It doesn’t really work out. He bee-lines away from me. And so maybe I’m intimidating.”

But rather than getting angry, Swalwell got even, referencing a scene from the 2009 movie “He’s Just Not That Into You” where one character tells the other, “Don’t call him. He doesn’t like you.”

Twitter quickly gave Swalwell a social media standing ovation and heaped scorn on Bobo:

Abortion Congress GOP Viral Video

WATCH: Jim Jordan Hems And Haws When Asked If A 10-Year-Old Should Have To Give Birth To Her Rapist’s Baby

There are many things that can be said about Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), and most of them aren’t charitable because he simply doesn’t deserve to have nice things said about him and also because there’s virtually nothing about him that mertis any sort of praise.

The Ohio Republican is still trying to extricate himself from a controversy of his own making, suggesting on Twitter earlier this week he didn’t believe a 10-year-old Ohio girl had been raped and forced to travel to Indiana in order to obtain an abortion so she wouldn’t have to give birth to the child of her rapist.

Here’s the tweet Jordan posted and later deleted:

So objectionable was Jordan’s tweet that even when he showed up on right-wing Newsmax Friday, he got grilled by the host, according to Mediaite:

“Should they be forced to carry out this child? Should they have this option? In the state of Ohio, sir, where do you fall on that?” Jordan was asked.

To call Jordan’s reply gobbledygook would be an enormous understatement:

“Well, this is a question. This is straight on this Supreme Court, Supreme Court’s decision.

“This is the question that the legislatures in the respective states will answer. I am as pro-life as you can be, we want to protect the unborn children as life. But in this situation you’re talking about you’re talking about a ten-year-old. But that’s a question for legislatures in the respective states.”

Jordan added:

“That’s exactly what the Dobbs decision said. And that’s where the people’s representative should make that decision in our state legislature.”

Jordan and his colleagues in the Republican Party are hypocrites. They say they want to end abortion in the United States, but they have no solutions when children are raped or women’s lives are in danger if they give birth. They want to try and have it both ways, but that’s simply not possible when it comes to an issue of fundamental privacy and reproductive choice.

Republicans have long dreamed of a day when the Supreme Court would make abortion illegal. But now that the court has done so, the GOP is like the proverbial dog who caught the car: They don’t know what in the hell to do next.