GOP U.S. Senate

Lindsey Graham Gets Verbally Slapped Down For His Hateful Attack On A Democratic Colleague

South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham stepped way over the line during debate Sunday on amendments to the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, and he quickly got put in his place for his remarks.

HuffPost notes that Graham attacked Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH):

Graham directly addressed Hassan, calling her actions “deceitful” and “dishonest,” during a debate on repealing a tax on foreign oil.

“This gives phony and cynical a bad name,” Graham snapped in a video shared by Forbes. They wouldn’t let you do this in professional wrestling. If you think people are this dumb, you are gonna be sadly mistaken.”

That led Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), who was presiding over the Senate at the time, to admonish Graham for attacking the motives of a fellow senator and directly addressing Hassan instead of through the chair, which is Senate procedure.

What got Graham so agitated? Of all things, a tax on foreign oil, which Graham wanted removed. Instead, it was defeated soundly, which led the South Carolinian to squawk:

“What she’s doing is trying to strike the provisions that she just voted against but it requires 60 votes So she can vote for repealing a gas tax she just voted against so she’ll look good for the voters. If you really wanted to repeal the gas tax, the new one indexed to inflation, you should have voted for my amendment.

“What you’re doing is deceitful, it’s dishonest, and we’re gonna call you out!”

Murphy told Graham:

“The senators are reminded to address each other through the chair and in the third person.”

After being called out, The Hill notes, Graham “settled down.”

Here’s the video courtesy of Forbes:

GOP GOP Whining

Rick Scott’s CPAC Speech Was Such A Disaster That The Audience REFUSED To Applaud

Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott is considered by some to be a potential candidate for the GOP presidential nomination in 2024, but based on the reception he received Friday during a speech he gave at the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC), it doesn’t look like may Republicans are excited by the prospect of a Scott candidacy.

Scott began his speech by tossing out plenty of culture war red meat to the crowd, but they weren’t the least bit hungry when he told them:

“If you do speak up, boom, you’re going to be canceled. Your views, if you don’t conform with Big Tech, Fauci, or Neil Young, can be taken off Spotify, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.”

Even though Scott paused for applause, there was none, which forced him to soldier on:

“The militant left in America are a modern day version of book burners.

“That’s right. Canceling, silencing, and banning from the Internet is book burning. These are the most narrow-minded, intolerant people our country has ever seen.”

The most blatant silencing, however, was from the audience, where perhaps two people offered up a few tepid claps of accord.

No doubt thinking he would bring the house down with his denunciation of “socialism,” Scott remarked:

“Socialism is not a new idea. It’s one of the dumbest, oldest, most discrete ideas of the 20th century that resulted in the deaths of 100 million people.

“If these Democrats who have no idea how the real world works, are acting like they just invented socialism. The modern wacky left Democrat has never read George Orwell. They don’t know they’re making his predictions come true.”

Crickets. Nothing.

Scott was forced to use what he probably considered his rhetorical nuclear weapon:

“Let’s be clear. What the militant left is now proposing is not simply wrong. It is evil.”

You could almost sense that people were yawning and checking their watches.

Rick Scott is not a serious person or a serious candidate for the White House two years from now. Watching paint dry is more exciting than listening to this wannabe funeral director whine.

Here’s the video. (WARNING: May cause drowsiness):

Donald Trump Elections GOP

Dick Cheney Absolutely Destroys ‘Coward’ Trump In Powerful New Political Ad For His Daughter

If you’re anything like me, you probably have very little admiration or respect for former vice president Dick Cheney, who is sometimes referred to as “Dr. Evil” for his role in the disastrous Iraq war and U.S. occupation of the country which led to a horrible insurgency, along with the deaths of thousands of American and allied troops.

But an ad the former VP for George W. Bush has filmed for his daughter, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) — who is facing an uncertain bid for reelection since she agreed to be a member of the House Select Committee investigating the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol — is powerful and takes aim directly at failed, one-term former president Donald Trump.

The ad begins with Cheney looking into the camera and remarking:

“In our nation’s 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump.

“He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him.”

And then the former vice president pulls out the heavy artillery as he continues his attack on the disgraced, twice-impeached ex-president:

“He is a coward. A real man wouldn’t lie to his supporters. He lost his election and he lost big. I know it, he knows it and deep down I think most Republicans know it.

“Lynne and I are so proud of Liz for standing up for the truth, doing what is right, honoring her oath to the Constitution when so many in our own party are too scared to do so.”

The ad concludes with a strong endorsement of his daughter, whom polls show is running far behind her Republican challenger, Harriet Hageman:

“Liz is fearless. She never backs down from a fight.

“There is nothing more important she will ever do than lead the effort to make sure Donald Trump is never near the Oval Office again. And she will succeed. I am Dick Cheney. I proudly voted for my daughter. And I hope you will too.”


WATCH: Petulant Ted Cruz Slams His Boot On The Desk At Senate Hearing With FBI Director

In his effort to keep his #1 ranking as the most hated person in the United States Senate, Ted Cruz (R-TX) used a boot as a prop at a hearing on Thursday with FBI Director Christopher Wray, slamming it on the table as he asked a question.

Cruz had his panties in a wad over what he claimed was an FBI memo that identified some symbols being associated with violent militias that were seen on display during the January 6 Capitol insurrection.

Some of those symbols included the Gadsden “Don’t Tread on Me” Flag and the Gonzales “Come and Take It” Flag, that most of us have seen.

That led Cruz to tell Wray:

“Also included on this is a text that I was particularly struck is the Gonzales battle flag, ‘come and take it,’ as indicative of being a violent extremist militia. Well, I will self report right now that every day in the Senate I wear my boots that have the Gonzales battle flag on the back.”

With that, Cruz slammed one of the boots up on the table and continued his petulant rant:

“Director Ray, what are y’all doing? This makes no sense. Do you agree with this FBI guidance that the Betsy Ross flag and the Gadsden flag and the Gonzales battle flag are signs of militia violent extremism?”

Wray told Cruz:

“Well, Senator. I’m not familiar with the particular document you have behind you.

“And I’m not in the practice of trying to comment on documents that I haven’t recognized, but I will tell you that when we put out intelligence products, including ones that reference symbols, which we do, across a wide variety of contexts, we usually make great pains, take great pains, to put caveats and warnings in the document to make clear that a symbol alone is not considered evidence of violent extremism.”

However, one good thing did come out of today’s hearing: We now know that Ted Cruz is also the biggest, whiniest little baby in the Senate, too.

Congress GOP Social Media

Lauren Boebert Humiliates Herself With A Tweet About Begging For ‘Acceptance’

Perhaps you’re wondering what’s going today in the World of Stupid. If so, it probably won’t surprise you to learn that Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is one of the headlines in that particular department.

Out of nowhere Wednesday, Boebert posted this on Twitter:

“Don’t beg for acceptance from people who hate you.”

And this is in reference to what exactly? She failed to make that clear, which isn’t exactly new when it comes to Boebert. After all, this is the same woman who has previously left us all scratching our heads with these pearls of idiocy:

Regarding calls for gun control to reduce mass shootings, Boebert remarked, “When 9/11 happened, we didn’t ban planes, we secured the cockpits.”

She attacked the Walt Disney Company by misspelling the name of Mickey Mouse.

Or perhaps you prefer a lovely Thanksgiving message:

“Today I’m thankful to have ZERO Brandon voters in my family! Just enjoying the day maskless, not waiting in the garage to do a PCR test, and no soy replacement meat in sight.”

Reaction to Bobo’s “acceptance” tweet was priceless. Take a look:

When it comes to begging for acceptance, perhaps Lauren can explain this: