Foreign Policy GOP Russia

Marjorie Taylor Greene Demands That Ukraine Surrender: ‘They Cannot Possibly Win!’

Just a few hours after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke to a joint session of Congress, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) went on Facebook Live and demanded that Ukraine surrender to their Russian invaders.

Greene began by claiming that President Joe Biden shouldn’t have sent in military aid to Ukraine that he announced on Wednesday:

“If we truly care about suffering and death on our television screens, we cannot fund more of it by sending money and weaponry to fight a war they cannot possibly win! The only effect of more arms and more money from America will be to prolong the war!”

The Georgia Republican added that the United States was giving the Ukrainian people “false hope about a war they can’t win.”

Greene concluded her remarks by saying that she wants to halt all arms shipments to Ukraine because “as a Christian” she doesn’t want to “produce any more human suffering.”

Greene’s video posting drew a response from fellow Republican Liz Cheney (WY):

It’s hard to tell if Greene is really this stupid or on the Kremlin payroll. Of course, it’s certainly possible that both are true.

Donald Trump Foreign Policy WTF?!

Minutes After Zelensky’s Address To Congress, Trump Brags That He Nearly Destroyed NATO

Shortly after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed a joint session of Congress via satellite link on Wednesday morning, failed, one-term former President Donald Trump issued a statement in which he proudly bragged that he had threatened NATO with “no protection” while he was still in office.

The statement, which was posted to Twitter by the ex-president’s spokesperson, Liz Harrington (because he remains banned from the social media platform), reads:

“People forget so quickly with the help of Fake News that it was me that got the 20 out of 28 delinquent NATO countries to start paying the money that they owed in order to rebuild a floundering NATO. Nobody knew things would happen so rapidly but NATO was poor and now it is rich and all of the Fake News commentators that said Trump was tearing down NATO should be ashamed of themselves for telling lies.

“Bush and Obama did nothing but make speeches and talk. I acted, and acted strongly. I said to them, ‘if you don’t pay up, no protection.’ They all paid up, and quickly. It’s a story that’s never reported but only because we have a corrupt press in our Country!”

In other words, Trump is admitting that he extorted NATO the same way he did Ukraine when he said he would release military aid to the Ukrainians if they would agree to look for dirt on his 2020 opponent, Joe Biden.

Zelensky, it should be noted, was incredibly powerful and poignant in his speech to Congress, evoking the memory of Pearl Harbor and 9/11 as he pleaded for a no-fly zone over Ukraine:

“Remember Pearl Harbor, terrible morning of December 7, 1941, when your sky was black from the planes attacking you. Just remember it, remember, September the 11th, a terrible day in 2001 when evil tried to turn US cities into battlefields, when innocent people were attacked from air, just like nobody else expected it and you could not stop it. Our country experiences the same, every day, right now at this moment.”


Foreign Policy Fox News Lies Russia WTF?!

Tucker Carlson Is Now Trying To Blame The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine On…The United States?!

When Russia first invaded Ukraine a couple of weeks ago, Fox News host Tucker Carlson tried desperately to make excuses for the naked aggression of Russian mass murderer Vladimir Putin.

But when polling revealed that Americans universally despised Putin and his attack on Ukraine, Carlson began looking for other ways to frame the issue, suggesting that it was the fault of the Biden administration’s energy policy, which was also met with skepticism by the public.

So Carlson has now shifted his ranting points yet again, and come across this conclusion: The United States itself is to blame because politicians want to go to war with Russia.

HuffPost notes that Carlson was pushing that asinine theory on his show Monday evening:

“Kamala Harris encouraged Ukraine to become a member of NATO. Quote, ‘I appreciate and admire President Zelenskyy’s desire to join NATO.’

“Message: Up yours, Vladimir Putin, go ahead and invade Ukraine. And, of course, Vladimir Putin did that just days later. So the invasion was no surprise to the Biden administration. They knew that would happen. That was the point of the exercise.

“We watched all this happen, we missed it. How? Honestly because it was insane and therefore very hard to take seriously. Why in the world would the United States intentionally seek war with Russia? How could we possibly benefit from that war? We still don’t know the answer to that question.”

They knew that would happen. Really, Tucker? That’s what your going with? Because it sounds more like something you’d hear from a tinfoil hat wearing loon standing in Times Square and clutching a tattered Bible as he proclaims the end of the world is nigh.

Ukraine should have the right to join NATO. If Putin doesn’t like that, too damn bad. He doesn’t set policy for the NATO alliance. Or at least he doesn’t now that Donald Trump is no longer in the White House and doing whatever his “genius” buddy Vlad orders.

By extension, it can be implied that Carlson (and Fox News) thinks that you and I are also culpable for the invasion of Ukraine. If we support NATO and Ukraine, then we triggered Putin to do what he did.

You’d think it’d be difficult for Tucker Carlson to speak with so much bullshit in his mouth. But he’s so used to lying that it comes naturally for him.

Foreign Policy Russia

Expert On Russia: Putin’s Ukraine Invasion Is About To Become ‘Unsustainable’

Even though the Russian invasion of Ukraine has been going on for less than two weeks now, there are multiple reports that the Russian military is suffering staggering troop losses and morale is low among the soldiers who have been sent to fight.

Has Russian President Vladimir Putin overplayed his hand? And what can we expect next in the conflict?

Ed Arnold, a research fellow for European security at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) told Reuters that Putin’s military excursion is about to become “unsustainable,” noting:

“At the current rate of Russian losses, which are not confirmed, but we do have indications that this operation would be unsustainable within about three weeks from the Russian perspective.

“In which case that they would have to consolidate the gains already made and look to see a way of trying to freeze the conflict on the current lines of advance while they [mobilize] more forces from Russia.”

Arnold then spelled out exactly how Russian forces are starting to bog down as they attempt to take control of Ukraine:

“In the north,” Russian forces are “still looking to fully encircle Kyiv.

“In the south, the Russian advance is continued to be slow but they’re seeing a lot more successes in the south, taking Kherson and consolidating and pushing further west, and then also focusing now on Mariupol. However, at the moment, the Russian operation is going so badly, especially from logistics point of view that really Russia might just not have the numbers to make another conflict that is cold be hot again.”

Massive amounts of military and humanitarian aid are being poured into Ukraine by the world, and that means the Russians will face more resistance everywhere they go. That will lead to an already overburdened Russian military force becoming more vulnerable, which will result in more casualties. Those deaths are causing protests in Russia, which is bad news for Putin, who is already on shaky footing. He may not survive this massive miscalculation.

Foreign Policy GOP Joe Biden Social Media

Lindsey Graham Uses Call With Ukrainian President To Bash Biden And Gets Ripped A New One On Twitter

On Saturday, several members of Congress spoke with Ukrainian President Voldomyr Zelenskyy via Zoom, and after the video call was finished, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) decided he’d post a video on Twitter what he called the “takeaways” of the conversation, even though doing so could well present a security risk for Zelenskyy.

Graham, however, like so many Republicans who have never and will never be President of the United States, couldn’t resist trying to pretend he knows something about foreign policy and diplomacy, even though the only thing he’s ever succeeded at is whining and complaining.

In his video of what he discussed with Zelenskyy, Graham included what can only be called a subtle but pointed criticism of President Joe Biden and the administration, remarking:

“Apparently, the United States is part of the problem, not the solution.” 

Yes, know-nothing, feckless members of the Senate who try to run foreign policy instead of staying in their lane are indeed part of the problem and have no solutions to anything.

Twitter lit up with mockery, snark, and anger aimed directly at the South Carolina Republican.

No one wants to hear your crap, Lindsey. Sit down and shut the hell up.