Climate Change GOP WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Latest Take On Climate Change Is Laced With Bigotry

During a town hall meeting in her North Georgia district on Tuesday, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) seemed to suggest that the recent flooding from Hurricane Helene was due to “climate change,” and then seconds later added that migrants seeking refuge in the United States were being allowed into the country under the guise of escaping extreme weather events.

“As a matter of fact, if you all could sit and listen to every detail of our committee hearings,” Greene said. “You would hear them saying that it’s racist not to let these people in.”

“You would hear them saying that they’re coming because of climate change,” she added.

Minutes later, Greene remarked that Democrats should instead focus on climate change here at home.

“Really? Try talking to the people in western North Carolina. Try talking to the people in South and Central and Eastern Georgia. They were affected by the climate.”

A few minutes after that, Greene asked the sparse crowd in attendance who they thought was “really running the White House.”

“If you think it’s Obama, raise your hand,” she said.

Ironically, while Greene was busy trying to make political hay out of the storms that have devastated areas of the South, she wasn’t concerned enough to remain in her home state over the weekend and lend a hand to help victims of the storm. Instead, she was too busy attending a college football game in Alabama and having her photo taken with failed one-term former president Donald Trump, according to HuffPost.

Critics suggested Greene should have at that time been in Georgia assisting with the recovery effort. Some remembered fellow MAGA Republican Ted Cruz’s 2021 trip to Cancun, Mexico, amid a deadly winter storm.

Much like Trump, Margie Greene is only interested in self-promotion. Everyone and everything else is secondary to her ambition and greed.

By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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