Melania Trump Trump Supporters WTF?!

The Latest MAGA Outrage: The FBI Went Through Melania’s Wardrobe Drawers Looking For Evidence

Always looking for something to be outraged by, the MAGA faithful are now obsessed with reports that when the FBI searched Mar-a-Lago on Monday in connection with a warrant issued by a federal judge, they also looked through Melania Trump’s wardrobe drawers.

What?! Oh my God! The horror!!

The story began on Fox News, which has been pushing the Melania angle in prime time, no doubt hoping to boost ratings and keep the Trump acolytes properly outraged.

If FBI agents went through Melania’s clothing, that was clearly covered in the search warrant. After all, it’s quite easy to hide documents, cell phones, cameras, and thumb drives in a drawer.

And then there’s this possibility: Maybe Melania is a co-conspirator with her husband. It wouldn’t be the first time a married couple has engaged in criminal behavior as a team.

But to hear the outcry on social media, you’d have thought they strip searched Melania.

By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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