Donald Trump WTF?!

Trump Grosses Out CPAC By Claiming The White House Doctor ‘Loved Looking At My Body’

Taking the stage Saturday evening at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president riffed for over and hour on his favorite topics — himself, himself, and himself — even going to far as to tell attendees that former White House physician Ronny Jackson (who now serves in Congress) “loved” looking at his body when he gave him a physical.

According to Mediaite, Jackson was in attendance as Trump gave his speech:

During his speech, the former President shouted out Jackson, who stood up in the audience, smiling to a round of applause.

“He was a great doctor,” said Trump “You know, he was an admiral, a doctor, and now he’s a congressman.”

Trump continued claiming that he asked Jackson which career he preferred and “he sort of indicated doctor because he loved looking at my body.”

“It was so strong and powerful,” noted Trump.

The disgraced ex-president added that Jackson told him he was “the healthiest president that’s ever lived.”

Jackson was the subject of an Defense Department Inspector General report last year that found he had contributed to a hostile work environment, drank on duty, and engaged in sexually inappropriate conduct during his time as White House Physician.

As for Trump’s ludicrous claim that he’s the “healthiest president that’s ever lived,” take a look at this photo of the Donald from last weekend during a golf tournament at his Bedminster Golf Club:

Does that tub of lard look healthy to you?

There’s also this photo, which was also taken as Trump played golf at the Saudi-funded golf pro-am last weekend:

Does that man look healthy, or does he look like he needs to be hospitalized?

This one tweet best sums up how the rest of us feel when we see Donald Trump:

By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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