Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris

Republican Pollster Says ‘Negative And Hostile’ Trump Is Handing The Election To Harris: ‘His Head Is Exploding’

Even though Election Day remains almost three months away, a noted Republican pollster is warning that failed one-term former president Donald Trump is on the verge of handing the 2024 race for the White House to Vice President Kamala Harris with his relentless hostility and negativity.

GOP polling guru Frank Luntz was a guest on CNN, and the host asked him about the rallies being conducted by Harris.

“Is it fair to say, Frank, in your opinion, that this enthusiasm that we’ve seen anecdotally and in the crowds and donations is translating into actual support?”

Luntz replied, “It’s more than fair. It’s accurate that the change over the last 17 days has been significant. It’s meaningful and measurable, and it’s being led by younger women who had opted out of this campaign.”

“Paycheck-to-paycheck voters,” Luntz added, often “see in her campaign someone they can relate to.”

Since President Joe Biden dropped out of the race, Luntz noted, Trump hasn’t been the same.

“He’s been very negative and very hostile and clearly he’s the kind of lost his balance. He absolutely emerged from the convention with a clear and convincing lead but what has happened, he stopped talking about immigration. He stopped talking about inflation. And instead he has been so personal with his attacks that voters are starting to recoil.”

The upcoming Democratic National Convention will give Harris yet another polling bump, Luntz predicted.

“People like her more than they like him,” he added. “If he’s watching this right now, his head is exploding and that’s part of the problem.”

If Harris continues to build on the polling lead she’s built over the past couple of weeks, Trump is in very big trouble, and all of the major battleground states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania — will be locked down by Democrats when Labor Day rolls around next month.

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris Social Media

Harris Claps Back At Trump’s Fake Crowd Claim With Stinging Online Rebuttal

On Sunday, convicted felon and former president Donald Trump made an online posting in which he suggested that Vice President Kamala Harris was faking the crowds who show up for her rallies in key battleground states by using artificial intelligence software to manipulate the images.

According to CNN, Trump had a full-scale social media meltdown.

Donald Trump
 falsely claimed in a series of social media posts Sunday that “nobody” attended Vice President Kamala Harris’ Michigan rally last week — and said his Democratic rival should be “disqualified” over a “fake crowd picture.”

The former president appeared to have fallen for a far-right conspiracy theory — one easily disproved by photos and videos captured by attendees and media showing thousands of supporters at the event at an airport hangar near Detroit.

Trump included this image with his screed:

Within minutes of Trump’s lie, the Harris campaign responded, and they pulled no punches.

1) This is an actual photo of a 15,000-person crowd for Harris-Walz in Michigan

2) Trump has still not campaigned in a swing state in over a week… Low energy?

Others also heaped mockery and scorn on the Donald.

At this rate, we can probably expect Donald to soon claim that the upcoming Democratic National Convention in Chicago was actually held at an abandoned parking lot in Poughkeepsie and featured Lego creations as stand-ins for the attendees.

The crazy never ends with Trump.

Elections GOP The Biden Administration

Pete Buttigieg Shreds J.D. Vance For Using ‘Pro-Family’ Rhetoric To Cloak His Bigotry

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttgieg slammed GOP vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance this morning during an appearance on CNN, making it clear that while Vance claims to be “pro-family,” his words suggest otherwise.

Asked about an interview CNN conducted with Vance in which the Ohio Republican accused Democrats of being anti-family, Buttigieg made it clear he has no use for the senator’s bogus pronouncements on the topic of what constitutes a family.

“Let’s be clear, we’re the ones trying to get the Child Tax Credit expanded and J.D. Vance couldn’t be bothered to show up in the Senate and vote for it and Republicans have blocked that from being expanded or it’d be the law of the land right now.”

“So if you want to talk about promoting children, promoting family, put your money where your mouth is,” Buttigieg added.

Buttigieg also told host Dana Bash, “Look, when you asked him and pressed him on whether my family was legitimate, he said yes because I think he felt shamed into it. But let’s remember also, the last time I checked, he doesn’t even think I should legally be able to have a family.”

“Now, if he really got his way in his anti-marriage equality views, I don’t know if that means that he would want me and my husband to be forcibly divorced and separated from our children or if he’d be satisfied just to have us lose legal protections like the ability to do our taxes together, visit them in a hospital,” he added. “I don’t know exactly what his vision of us not having a family looks like, but I know that it’s not pro-family for me.”

Make no mistake. Vance and his political godfather, Donald Trump, think they have the right to determine what constitutes a family. But their version of family is something from the 1950s and has no relevance at all in 2024.

Buttigieg is right. And Vance’s narrow-minded bigotry needs to be called out every time he opens his big mouth.

Donald Trump Elections GOP Kamala Harris

Megyn Kelly Gets Her A*s Handed To Her For Whining That Kamala Called Trump A ‘Criminal Sexual Predator’

Even though he has attacked her numerous times, former Fox host Megyn Kelly remains slavishly devoted to failed one-term, twice-impeached, and multiply-indicted former president Donald Trump.

So it should come as no surprise that Kelly is upset by Vice President Kamala Harris pointing out on the campaign trail that Trump is a convicted felon who has been accused of sexual assault and rape by dozens of women.

Trump is also a serial fraudster who is facing sentencing next month in Manhattan for years of systematic tax and insurance fraud committed by the Trump Organization.

But to hear Kelly tell it, Harris has no right to highlight Trump’s legal troubles.

Taking to Twitter, Kelly posted this message on Saturday in response to a report from the New York Times that Trump calls Harris a “bitch” in private:

“She calls him a criminal sexual predator fraudster so I’m pretty sure none of us care.”

That was all it took for others on social media to remind Kelly that Trump has indeed been found guilty of sexual assault, fraud, and other crimes.


Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris

Donald Trump Frequently Refers To Kamala Harris As ‘Nasty’ And A ‘B**ch’ In Private: Sources

The last three weeks have been disastrous for failed ex-president Donald Trump, who has seen his polling advantage over Vice President Kamala Harris vanish, leaving him several points behind her in some polls.

In private, according to sources close to Trump, the convicted felon and 2024 GOP presidential nominee has been lashing out at Harris, often referring to her as “nasty” and a “bitch,” The New York Times reports.

Indeed, Mr. Trump has often been in a foul mood the past few weeks. He has ranted about Ms. Harris. He has called her “nasty,” on “Fox & Friends,” and a “bitch,” repeatedly, in private, according to two people who heard the remark on different occasions. (“That is not language President Trump has used to describe Kamala, and it’s not how the campaign would characterize her,” Mr. Cheung said.)

Trump has even begun lashing out at wealthy supporters who have created political action committees and stuffed them with millions of dollars for him to spend as he seeks a second term in office.

Mr. Trump stunned one of his wealthiest patrons, Miriam Adelson, the widow of the casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, by having an aide, Natalie Harp, fire off a series of angry text messages to Mrs. Adelson in Mr. Trump’s name, according to three people with knowledge of what took place.

The texts were particularly jarring because Mrs. Adelson and Mr. Trump had a friendly meeting just a week earlier at the Republican National Convention, according to a person briefed on the matter.

The texts complained about the people running Mrs. Adelson’s super PAC, Preserve America, into which she is pouring millions of dollars to support Mr. Trump.

Some of Trump’s inner circle have begun suggesting he make his running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance, the scapegoat and dump him as a way to reset his moribund campaign apparatus and signal to donors that he will do whatever it takes to right the ship. But those calls for Vance’s ouster have gone unheeded, with the ex-president suggesting that the Ohio senator is the one being called “weird,” not him.

“And, at the Aug. 2 fund-raiser, according to two people with knowledge of what took place, when a donor at the round-table discussion asked about Democrats trying to paint the Republican ticket as ‘weird,’ Mr. Trump replied: ‘Not about me. They’re saying that about JD.'”

How bad are the polls for Trump? Bad enough that it appears he could lose the normally red state of Ohio: “Two private polls conducted in Ohio recently by Republican pollsters — which Mr. Trump carried in 2020 with 53 percent of the vote — showed him receiving less than 50 percent of the vote against Ms. Harris in the state, according to a person with direct knowledge of the data.”

Bottom line: If Ohio goes for Harris — especially since she’s already leading or even with Trump in several other key battleground states — November 5 will be a popular and electoral vote landslide for Harris, dragging down Republicans in down-ballot races that would hand control of both Congress and the White House to Democrats. In other words, the election could be a referendum on Trump, and that’s not exactly a contest he’s going to win by using derogatory terms that alienate women, who just so happen to be the largest voting block in the country.