Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris Polls

Kamala Harris Now Has Multiple Paths To Victory As Trump’s Chances Dwindle

With the 2024 election now just 79 days away, the political fortunes of Vice President Kamala Harris and Democrats continue to rise while her opponent, failed former president Donald Trump, is in political freefall, watching as his poll numbers slump even further and his chances of winning dwindle.

A new polling model from the Washington Post shows that Harris has multiple paths to an Electoral College victory. Trump, on the other hand, is facing the prospect of having to win every single battleground state to return to the presidency.

According to the Post, Harris would narrowly lose the election if it were held today, based on current polls across the states, but still has a better chance of winning because her path to victory isn’t as narrow as Trump’s.

“Our modeling shows that Harris has two paths to possible success: the Rust Belt states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and the Sun Belt states of Georgia, Arizona and Nevada as well as North Carolina(she could win in either region and still claim the White House). Meanwhile, Trump must win both the Rust Belt and Sun Belt to triumph.”

The turning point in the 2024 election occurred on June 27, when President Joe Biden debated Trump and performed poorly, looking somewhat confused and often missing a chance to go on the attack against his opponent.

When Biden withdrew from the race and endorsed Harris, the entire election was “reset” the Post explains. That’s why models show her as the likely winner when the votes are tabulated three months from now.

“The other, and more crucial, reason that Harris is favored is that her improvement in the polls has opened up a second path on the presidential battlefield and in the electoral college. The polling suggests that, unlike Biden, she is no longer effectively tied to the Rust Belt — Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin — to hit 270 electoral votes. As of today, Harris is now only a typically sized polling error away from winning key Sun Belt states. Winning all of Arizona, Nevada, North Carolina and Georgia would also be enough to put Harris over the top and she is continuing to improve her position in those states.”

Trump, however, has to win both the Rust Belt and Sun Belt states, which is a heavy lift for any Republican since Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin are either trending Democratic or are historically more favorable for Democrats based on past voting trends.

If Harris does manage to carry the Rust Belt and Sun Belt states, she would wind up with well over 300 electoral votes, and could win in a landslide not seen since 2008 when Barack Obama swamped John McCain by a final Electoral College tally of 365 to 173.

The upcoming Sept. 10 debate between Harris and Trump could also cement the vice president’s chances of winning by proving that she has a firm grasp of all the main issues that voters list as their priorities: The economy, healthcare, education, and national security.

For his part, Trump continues to spin wildly out of control, telling supporters Saturday evening in Pennsylvania, “I am much better looking than her. I’m a better-looking person than Kamala.”

Clearly, Donald hasn’t looked in the mirror lately when he styles the bird’s next that sits atop his head.

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris

GOP Pollster: Harris Has A ‘Tremendous Advantage’ Over Trump That Could Propel Her To Victory

Is failed one-term former president Donald Trump so inept as a campaigner that he could be on the verge of handing the election to Vice President Kamala Harris?

That’s the contention of GOP pollster Frank Luntz, who noted during an appearance on MSNBC that Harris has a “tremendous advantage” over the disgraced ex-president that could propel her to victory in November.

Referencing a focus group of voters he had recently spoken with, Luntz said, “On these personality traits, Harris has a tremendous advantage over Trump and there are people who had voted for Trump in 2020 that will not vote for him again because they’re tired of his rude and abusive behavior.”

“He is literally losing this election and I’m starting to wonder, does he want to lose? Is this something that’s going on inside his head simply because he doesn’t want to be president for four more years because no sane person would campaign the way Donald Trump is campaigning,” Luntz added.

Voters are fed up with Trump’s “abuse” and his abrasive personality, Luntz continued.

With the Democratic National Convention beginning next week, Luntz predicted, Harris will get yet another positive bump in the polls and is already experiencing a “convention bounce before the convention.”

While polls aren’t always right (remember how Hillary Clinton was supposed to win in 2016, or how Trump was likely to win a second term in 2020?) the trend lines are all pointing toward a significant victory for Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz. But we still have to vote and make our voices heard. Then maybe we can be rid of Donald Trump once and for all.

Donald Trump Elections Joe Biden Viral Video

‘Dark Brandon’ Only Needs 6 Words To Throw Some Epic Shade At Donald Trump: VIDEO

While we haven’t seen President Joe Biden much since he decided not to seek a second term in office, he’s still around and still has his brilliantly cutting wit at his disposal whenever the subject of failed one-term former president Donald Trump comes up.

Such was the case Thursday when Biden was preparing to board Marine One and a reporter asked, “Mr. Trump said he wants to ‘make America affordable again.’ Your response?”

Biden replied, “He ought to get a job.”

Damn! Dark Brandon is back and he’s out of flying f*cks to give, as many on social media noted while they applauded.

Elections GOP U.S. Senate

WATCH: Josh Hawley Tries To Ambush His Democratic Opponent And Gets Humiliated

Sen. Josh “Running Man” Hawley (R-MO) showed up at the Missouri State Fair on Thursday, but he wasn’t there to see the exhibits and enjoy the food. Instead, he decided he’d ambush his Democratic opponent, Lucas Kunce, and whine about the two not being able to arrange a debate.

Hawley posted a video of his confrontation with Kunce on Twitter, perhaps thinking it would make him look tough and spontaneous, but only proving what a complete douche he is.

The video begins with Hawley saying, “Guys, how are you? Let’s go find Lucas Kunce. Let’s go find him. Come on, where’s he been? I haven’t seen him, you guys seen him? He hasn’t been out of his basement two weeks, let’s go find him. Where is he? Where is he? Where is he? Where is he?”

After finding Kunce, Hawley exclaims,  “Lucas Kunce! We gonna debate today?”

Kunce: “How you doing, man?”

Hawley: “We gonna debate today?”

To that, Kunce notes, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, dude.”

Hawley:  “You don’t know!? I read your bullshit letter to the Farm Bureau. Are you going to sue the Farm Bureau?”

The Farm Bureau reference, according to HuffPost, involves a campaign contribution made to Hawley.

Kunce’s campaign has agreed to five televised debates, according to St. Louis Fox affiliate KTVI-TV. But Kunce would not participate in a non-televised debate hosted by the Missouri Farm Bureau that his campaign contends would violate campaign finance law, since the group endorsed Hawley and donated $5,000 to his campaign, according to the Missouri Independent.

In a letter to the bureau, the Kunce campaign cited Federal Election Commission law preventing organizations that endorse and financially back candidates from hosting debates, the website said.

“Lucas does not wish to expose the Farm Bureau or your members to unnecessary risk,” Kunce campaign manager Caleb Cavaretta wrote.

After a few seconds of back-and-forth between the two men, Hawley asks Kunce, “It’s great to see out of your basement, Lucas. By the way, are you gonna do any campaign events around the state or just media?”

That’s when Kunce struck Hawley with the perfect retort.

“Josh, why are you so weird? Man, why are you so creepy?”

Here’s the encounter at the state fair, as presented by Hawley:

Kunce responded with a posting of his own:

Hawley was dragged on Twitter for his stunt.

Donald Trump Elections Social Media

Social Media Claps Back After Trump Says The Country Had It ‘So Good’ When He Was POTUS

Now that the polls are turning against him and the size of his rally crowds is dwindling, failed one-term, twice-impeached, and multiply-indicted ex-president Donald Trump is trying to remind American voters of how “good” things were with him as head of state.

According to HuffPost, Trump was speaking in Asheville, North Carolina, on Wednesday, ostensibly to lay out his economic agenda for the nation, but the speech quickly devolved into little more than a pathetic bragging session.

At one point, he spoke at length about the “surging economy” he claims he handed over to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, asserting that “we had some of the greatest periods of economic growth and health that any country has ever seen, I think, probably more than any country has ever seen.”

“You never had it so good. Now you’re not doing so well,” he said.

Is that right, Donnie? Well, the facts suggest otherwise. Consider:

When Trump reluctantly left office in January 2021, 95,000 people died from COVID-19 in that month alone.

On January 6, 2021, thousands of Trump’s fanatical supporters stormed the Capitol, attacking police officers, defecating in the House chamber, and threatening to kill members of Congress who were about to certify that President Joe Biden had won the 2020 election.

The unemployment rate when Trump left the White House was 6.3%, the economy was hemorrhaging jobs, and some economists predicted the worst was yet to come.

Trump’s bullshit claims about things being “so good” with him in the Oval Office were quickly debunked on social media.