Crime Donald Trump Elections

Former U.S. Attorney: Jack Smith Can Still Do Tremendous Damage To Trump Before The Election

Even though there’s almost zero chance that any of the federal criminal cases against convicted felon Donald Trump will go to trial before the election in November, Special Counsel Jack Smith can still do tremendous damage to the disgraced ex-president in the months leading up to balloting.

That’s the warning from former U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade who appeared on MSNBC’s “The Weekend” this morning and told the hosts, “It is not just the defendant, it is the public that has a right to a speedy trial. I think the more progress he [Smith] could make before president-elect Donald Trump goes into office, the more he can do at the other end.”

“You do not have to go back to a grand jury to remove things from an indictment where they already found probable cause,” she continued. “So he can pare this down to just those acts that he believes are official acts and go for it. Certainly, it will be litigated but the public will have an opportunity to see what the unofficial acts were: Organizing false slates of electors, pressuring state officials to flip the outcome of the election, and exploiting the chaos at the Capitol on January 6 to try to press legislators to delay the certification.”

McQuade added, “All of that, I think, is entitled to a public hearing. Of course, also the documents case out of Florida. Judge Aileen Cannon has made no effort to act with urgency. — no reason that case can’t proceed all the way through January to see how much progress they make.”

Every new detail Smith exposes in the months before Americans go to the polls could prove damaging to Trump’s already shaky prospects of winning a second term as president. And in an election that’s already expected to be close, those details could be a giant albatross for him.

GOP Lara Trump Social Media Trump Supporters WTF?!

Lara Trump’s ‘Inappropriate’ Workout Video Causes The MAGA Faithful To Explode With Rage

Lara Trump is married to convicted felon Donald Trump’s son, Eric, and also happens to be the current co-chair of the Republican National Committee, a position that makes her one of the most influential members of the GOP in the Age of Trump.

Mrs. Trump is also an avid social media user, constantly posting content on Twitter and Instagram, including videos of her workout routine.

But a video she shared over the July 4th holiday isn’t sitting well with many of the MAGA faithful, who seemed to object to her gyrations and the fact that she was working out to rap music.

Here’s the video:

To most rational human beings, the video would be no big deal. But to many pro-Trumpers, it was tasteless and also included (gasp!) a rap music soundtrack, which led them to pitch a collective social media hissy fit.

Next time, maybe Lara should do her workout to some Perry Como or Ray Coniff. Then again, the Trumpers would probably whine about that the way they whine about everything else.


Donald Trump Elections Viral Video

Al Sharpton’s Hilarious ‘Dunkin Doughboy’ Rant About Trump Is Today’s Must-See Video

MSNBC host Al Sharpton is going viral today with comments he made this morning during an appearance on “Morning Joe” in which he slammed convicted felon Donald Trump as the “Dunkin Doughboy.”

On Thursday, while golfing, Trump attacked President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

“I got him out of the — and that means we have Kamala,” the disgraced former president remarked, calling Biden a “broken-down pile of crap” and saying of Harris, “I think she’s gonna be better” as a potential opponent, adding, “She’s so bad. She’s so pathetic.”

That led Sharpton to note, “It really is amazing when you look at the history of how Republicans managed an elderly [Ronald] Reagan, how they managed [Dwight] Eisenhower, who had a [heart] attack while he was president,” he explained to host Scarborough.

“He was a Republican, and now they’re trying to make the country think there is such a panic on what we don’t know about Biden.”

“We still don’t know if it was a bad night or if it was something else,” Sharpton continued. “I think he’s earned a right with his achievements and his accomplishments as president, for us to give him at least a couple of weeks to really decide what he is doing and to come forth.”

As for the interview Biden gave to ABC News that will air this evening, Sharpton commented, “We’ll see what happens with [George ] Stephanopoulos. We’ll see what happens with the press conference they wanted the next morning, immediately, for him to start running relay races to prove something when their guy is sitting on a golf cart looking like the Dunkin Doughboy, cursing every other word.”

There were howls of laughter in response to Sharpton’s new nickname for Trump, and the video is quickly going viral on social media.

Watch the video and enjoy:

Donald Trump Elections

‘Scared To Death’ Trump Aides Accused Of ‘Hiding’ Him Since Debate

In the eight days since the first presidential debate, convicted felon Donald Trump has largely been out of the public eye, making a few statements on social media, but avoiding the raucous campaign rallies that were the norm for him in 2016 and 2020.

Could it be that top aides in the Trump 2024 campaign are afraid of putting Donald back into the public spotlight because they fear he’ll make a monumental verbal gaffe?

That’s the consensus from panelists on “Morning Joe” who noted Friday that the disgraced ex-president has kept a low profile since last Thursday’s debate.

Host Joe Scarborough told Rev. Al Sharpton, “Independents actually broke away from Donald Trump toward Joe Biden; that’s how much they were turned off by seeing this guy.”

“You’ll notice, too, for all the talk about Joe Biden being hidden, 8 p.m. and all of this other stuff, you notice Donald Trump has kept his head underground politically since this debate,” he added. “His staff is scared to death of having their old man go out and say crazy things.”

Scarborough continued, “They know Donald Trump forgets if we had World War II or not, he forgets who the current president of the United States is — he thinks he is running against Barack Obama and has beaten him. He thinks he is running against Barack Obama again. Sometimes he tries to get to the end of a sentence and sort of kind of goes off into left field, into the pasture.”

“Again, they’re hiding Donald Trump right now. They don’t want Donald Trump to get behind a microphone because the less he says, the safer they believe they are.”

The majority of the chatter over the past week has been about a supposed “cognitive decline” by President Joe Biden, but the truth is that Trump is also fading mentally. And let’s not forget that Donald’s father, Fred, died from Alzheimer’s Disease, meaning that his son has a genetic predisposition for the dreaded illness.

Why is Trump remaining out of sight? Perhaps because his mental acuity is less than stellar.

Elections GOP Kamala Harris Social Media

Kristi Noem’s Cheap Shot At Kamala Harris Immediately Comes Back To Bite Her On The A*s

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) — a.k.a the dog murderer — said Wednesday during an appearance on Fox News that Vice President Kamala Harris would lose badly to convicted felon Donald Trump if she happens to replace President Joe Biden as the 2024 Democratic presidential nominee.

Speaking with Fox News host Jason Chaffetz, Noem remarked, “She has an inability to communicate common sense to the American people, they just can’t relate to her.”

“And so, you know, if Joe Biden steps down and it is Kamala Harris, gosh, you know, that’s going to be an interesting race, because she’s just as bad as he is.”

Inability to communicate? That’s incredibly ironic when you consider Noem was so clueless that she decided to share in a memoir how she shot and killed her family’s 14-month-old dog because he didn’t do what she told him to and sometimes behaved aggressively towards other animals on the family farm.

The sheer hypocrisy of Noem’s comments got her lit up like a July 4th fireworks display on Twitter.