Congress Elections GOP Uncategorized

‘Red Flags’ From Tuesday’s Georgia Primary Show Marjorie Taylor Greene Could Lose In November

Even though she easily won the Republican primary in Georgia yesterday, there are some major “red flags” that suggest Georgia GOP Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is vulnerable and could well lose in November’s general election.

That’s what noted political experts told Newsweek, noting that if Greene faces a challenge from a Democrat who can raise the necessary campaign funds the controversial Republican could find herself looking for work in 2025.

 T.J. McCormack, a Republican strategist and commentator, “Given Greene’s recent bizarre behavior, this might have been an opportunity to steal a win.”

Among the biggest concerns for Greene are her campaign finance reports, which show that she doesn’t have as much cash on hand as an incumbent should this close to November.

Denny Salas, a political strategist and senior vice president at New York-based Gotham Government Relations, said there are indeed some “red flags” for Greene, who has raised $5 million but only has about $1 million left with six months until the election.

“Her high spending rate, or ‘burn rate,’ could allow a Democratic opponent to defeat her in November’s general election,” Salas said. “While raising $5 million is impressive, blowing through most of it already is concerning.

“So, while not having any Republican opponents made her primary easy, her massive campaign spending suggests she may be vulnerable if Democrats find a well-funded candidate to run against her.”

Former president Donald Trump could also wind up dragging down Greene and other Republicans seeking reelection. Or vice versa, Jay Oliver, LI News radio host and political commentator warned.

“Republicans are in a tough spot whether to go against her with supporter Donald Trump by her side or join other Democrats with total condemnation.”
“In a Republican redrawn district to favor the GOP, how much control of this ‘loose cannon’ will be meaningful to help Trump in November? That will be the key.”

Greene’s latest bizarre accusation is that President Joe Biden and the Justice Department wanted to assassinate Trump when they raided his Mar-a-Lago resort to search for classified documents he failed to return upon leaving the White House.

According to Greene, the fact that FBI agents had the authorization to use lethal force during the raid is proof that Biden wanted Trump eliminated, The Independent reports.

“The Biden DOJ and FBI were planning to assassinate [president] Trump and gave the green light,” the Georgia representative wrote on X Tuesday evening.

The FBI quickly promptly swatted down Greene’s absurd conspiracy theory in an official statement.

“The FBI followed standard protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants, which includes a standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force,” the statement read.

“No one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter,” it added.

What will become of Greene? That remains unclear, but the entire county would be better off if she goes down to defeat come November. After all, we already have enough morons in Congress.

Crime Donald Trump Social Media

Stephen King Goes Viral With His Mockery Of ‘Chickensh*t’ Trump’s Refusal To Testify

Like millions of Americans, novelist Stephen King is not a fan of failed one-term, twice-impeached, and multiply-indicted former president Donald Trump.

On Tuesday, Trump’s defense team rested their case in support of the ex-president without him taking the stand to tell his side of the story.

While most legal experts agree that it was a wise move to not testify, Trump’s refusal directly contradicted numerous statements he’d made over the past couple of months, insisting that he would indeed defend himself against charges that he allegedly falsified business records to hide hush money payments he made in response to extramarital affairs he had with at least two women, Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal.

After getting pelted with massive online mockery for his cowardice, Trump was also swatted down on social media by King, who branded Donnie as “chickenshit.”

King’s tweet has been “liked” 31,000 times and retweeted nearly 5,000 more since he posted it on Tuesday morning, and it has also elicited over 6,000 responses. Here’s a sampling:

Crime Donald Trump Social Media

‘Coward’ Trump Mercilessly Mocked After Refusing To Testify In Hush Money Case

After saying for weeks that he looked forward to testifying on his own behalf in the hush money and election fraud case brought against him by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, former president Donald Trump turned tail and ran today when offered a chance to take the witness stand.

As recently as last month, Trump insisted he planned to testify.

However, as most expected, Trump’s defense team rested without him saying a word under oath, probably because they knew he would have committed perjury.

Donald’s latest cowardly slinking was met with widespread mockery on social media, where he was called a coward and liar. Take a look:

Closing arguments will begin next week.

Donald Trump Elections Social Media WTF?!

Trump Campaign Winks And Nods To Extremists With Ad Promising ‘Creation Of A Unified Reich’

The 2024 Donald Trump campaign posted a video ad on social media Monday that promises the “creation of a unified Reich” if he wins the 2024 presidential election in November.

According to HuffPost, “The 30-second clip imagined newspaper articles reporting on a ‘landslide’ Trump 2024 election win. One referred to ‘the creation of a unified Reich’ under the headline of ‘What’s Next For America?'”

The word “Reich” is a clear a reference to the Third Reich, which was proclaimed by German dictator Adolf Hitler in 1933 and led to the horrors of World War II and the Holocaust.

Shortly after the video was posted on Trump’s Truth Social site, the Biden campaign pointed out that the former president was unmistakably harkening back to Nazi Germany.

That’s not all the ad promises, Mediaite noted.

Other parts of the ad featured placeholder text about “the European great powers” and the digging of trenches next to headlines such as, “Border is closed. 15 million illegal aliens deported,” and “Peace through strength.”

The Trump campaign immediately shifted into damage control mode, with campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt insisting it was “not a campaign video” and had instead been “created by a random account” and “reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word.”

Trump himself has used Nazi-like rhetoric before, claiming that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country” and hosting Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida.

It should come as no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention that Trump and his supporters are bringing up the Third Reich, which was predicated on the belief that only “pure” Aryan blood was acceptable in Germany. Such rhetoric eventually led to the deaths of 11 million innocent people who were executed by Hitler’s henchmen.

Crime Donald Trump Elections

This ‘Rookie Mistake’ By Trump’s Attorney Could Lead To A Guilty Verdict In Hush Money Trial

Former president Donald Trump’s penchant for hiring attorneys who don’t know what they’re doing could be on the verge of leading to a crushing defeat in the New York hush money and election fraud lawsuit currently underway in Manhattan.

Todd Blanche is the lead attorney for the ex-president, and his incompetence and failure to ask the right questions when cross-examining Michael Cohen could come back to haunt Trump, according to Barbara McQuade, a former U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan.

As McQuade explained to MSNBC host Katie Phang, Blanche’s mistakes were “going on too long, not having a specific plan and asking one question too many.”

The “strategy of an effective cross-examination,” McQuade continued, is to “pick out a few key areas of impeachment, contradiction or getting the witness to agree with helpful points and be laser-focused on those things so that the jury can follow along.”

Instead, it appeared that Blanche was attempting to “exhaust” Cohen, McQuade said.

Blanche “seems to be going on and on and trying to get Michael Cohen to admit to lies. Just point out the contradiction and then you can use it yourself.”

Testimony in the Manhattan hush money trial is likely to be concluded next week.