Donald Trump Elections WTF?!

‘Mystery Cuts’ On Donald Trump’s Right Hand Spark Speculation About Possible Health Issues

As he was leaving Trump Tower this morning for Day 2 of the New York trial which will determine what additional damages he will have to pay journalist E. Jean Carroll for defaming her, a photographer for the Daily Mail took some photos of failed ex-president Donald Trump that show visible cuts on the bottom of his hand.

The Daily Mail reports:

Donald Trump sported mysterious red marks on his hand as he made his way to court to watch his rape accuser E. Jean Carroll testify in New York City on Wednesday morning.

The former president, 77, flew back to New York late on Tuesday night after a campaign rally in New Hampshire to cap off a whirlwind 24 hours since winning the Iowa caucuses. captured him leaving Trump Tower early on Wednesday morning with mysterious red cuts on his hand, hours after braving a snowstorm to speak to supporters alongside former 2024 GOP hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy.

As is often the case with public figures, the photo set off a wave of speculation regarding what exactly could have caused the cuts. Did Melania stab him with a letter opener? Did Donald cut himself shaving, and if so, why are the cuts on the bottom of his hand?

It has long been suggested that Trump isn’t in the best physical health. He’s been obese for decades and is known to favor fatty fast food over balanced nutrition.

The disgraced former president is also known to have sown more than his share of wild oats in the bedroom, having committed adultery during all three of his marriages. Could those marks be lesions from syphilis?

Social media took the photo and ran with it.

If Trump follows his usual pattern, he’ll try and blame Biden for the marks on his hand.

GOP Social Media

‘Spineless’ Ted Cruz Gets Destroyed On Social Media For His Latest Self-Inflicted Humiliation

Even though only one state (Iowa) has cast ballots in the 2024 Republican presidential caucuses and primaries, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is demanding that failed former president Donald Trump be declared the party’s nominee.

Cruz made that announcement Tuesday, along with a full-throated endorsement of Trump during an interview with Fox host Sean Hannity.

You may recall that it wasn’t very long ago that Cruz had a very different view of Trump, whom he accused of being a “sniveling coward,” a “pathological liar” and someone who has “an issue with women,” as CNN noted in a segment that aired Tuesday.

Cruz’s latest fawning subservience to the Donald drew withering mockery on social media.

Donald Trump Social Media WTF?!

Donald Trump’s Sickening Shoutout To Jimmy Carter Sets Social Media Ablaze With Disgust

For some bizarre reason, Donald Trump thought he’d include a reference to former President Jimmy Carter during his remarks after he won the Iowa caucus on Monday evening.

Trump told supporters:

“My wife attended the funeral two months ago of Rosalynn Carter and it was beautiful and Jimmy Carter was there. And I thought to myself Jimmy Carter is happy now because he will go down as being a brilliant president by comparison to Joe Biden. … He’s gonna be known as brilliant!”

What in the hell?! President Carter is probably still in mourning, but Trump thinks it’s appropriate to try and use the death of a great former first lady for his own self-aggrandizement? The man truly has no shame.

It didn’t take long before social media slammed Trump for his sickening comments.

Crime Donald Trump Elections

Rachel Maddow Has A Brutal Fact-Check For The Trump Faithful – And It’s Perfect

Even though he coasted to an easy 30-point win in the Iowa caucus on Monday evening, things are not all rainbows and unicorns for failed one-term, twice-impeached ex-president Donald Trump.

As MSNBC host Rachel Maddow noted while the results trickled in from the Hawkeye State, Donald is facing some major obstacles to winning a second term in office, and most of those can be found on the legal front.

Referencing a poll from Iowa that shows 63% of Republicans think Trump is fit to serve as president even if he’s convicted of a felony, Maddow explained that means there are still more than a third of GOP voters who believe Trump shouldn’t be returned to the White House if he’s convicted.

Maddow added:

“They’re going to nominate him nationwide?” Maddow asked incredulously. “When even a third of Iowa caucusgoers say, ‘No, he can’t be president if he’s convicted’?”

“I’m sorry. But he’s gonna be convicted.”

Legal analyst Ari Melber was quick to interject that while there’s “overwhelming evidence” in the four criminal cases Trump is facing, one can’t “say what’s going to happen” in those.

Maddow: “I can. He’s gonna be convicted.”

That prompted a torrent of comments on social media.

Racism Trump Supporters WTF?!

Pro-Trumper Charlie Kirk Blasted From Left And Right For His Disgusting Attack On MLK Jr.

Charlie Kirk, the CEO and founder of the pro-Trump student group Turning Point USA, spent the holiday honoring the late civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. attacking Dr. King and trying to sully his memory.

On Twitter/X, Kirk wrote:

“Who was MLK? A myth has been created and it has grown totally out of control. While he was alive most people disliked him, yet today he is the most honored, worshipped, even deified person of the 20th century. Today we are going to tell the truth and explain how this myth was born. Happy Monday.”

Just last week, William Turton of Wired reported that Kirk was planning “to launch a campaign against MLK,” which didn’t exactly make sense.

Even for Kirk and Turning Point USA, the attacks on King represent a dramatic shift. The group has profited from the use of King’s image. Turning Point USA’s website sold a $55 T-shirt with MLK’s name and stickers of King that say ‘Let freedom ring.’ After an inquiry from WIRED, both products were removed from TPUSA’s store.

Kirk should have kept his big mouth shut, according to nearly everyone who responded to his tone-deaf tweet.