Crime Donald Trump

Court Documents: Donald Trump ‘Repeatedly’ Raped A 13-Year-Old Girl With Jeffrey Epstein

When he was asked about Jeffrey Epstein— who was accused of sexually assaulting numerous underage girls — former President Donald Trump pretended he hadn’t had contact with Epstein in years, commenting:

“I had a falling out with him. I haven’t spoken to him in 15 years. I was not a fan of his, that I can tell you.”

What kind of falling out? Trump didn’t specify, but he was clearly trying to put as much distance between himself and Epstein, who allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself while in federal custody awaiting trial.


As it turns out, the “falling out” that took place 15 years ago just so happens to coincide with when a woman says Epstein and Trump raped her. She was 13 at the time. And she sued Trump in 2016, PBS reports:

“Jane Doe” aka “Katie Johnson” – 1994. Lawsuit filed June 2016, refiled October 2016 as reported by Buzzfeed and others, then dropped in November 2016.
Jane Doe is an unnamed plaintiff, who has also gone by “Katie Johnson” in legal papers. She claims she was repeatedly raped by Trump and Jeffery Epstein at Epstein’s New York City apartment in 1994, when she was 13 years old. A witness, also given a pseudonym — “Tiffany Doe” — said she recruited “Jane Doe” and others. Doe, using the name “Johnson,” gave an interview to the Daily Mail in which she said she did not know who Trump was at the time of the alleged attack but identified him later when she saw him on television. It is not known why she withdrew the lawsuit. She has not spoken publicly or withdrawn her rape allegation since then.


In that filing, there’s this horrific description of what allegedly transpired between Trump and Epstein as they argued over which one of them would be the first to rape the girl:

“Shortly after this sexual assault by the Defendant, Jeffrey E. Epstein, on the Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, Plaintiff Johnson was still present while the two Defendants were arguing over who would be the one to take Plaintiff Johnson’s virginity. The Defendant, Donald J. Trump, was clearly heard referring to Defendant, Jeffrey E. Epstein, as a ‘Jew Bastard’ as he yelled at Defendant Epstein that clearly, he, Defendant Trump, should be the lucky one to ‘pop the cherry’ of Plaintiff Johnson.”


If indeed Trump was present when the 13-year-old was raped — even if he didn’t participate in the act — he’s still an accomplice to a felony.

Donald Trump is a disgusting scumbag.


Crime Donald Trump Elections

Matt Gaetz: Expect ‘Bloodshed’ From The MAGA Faithful If Trump Loses In 2024

For the second time in as many days, a supporter of failed, disgraced, and oft-indicted former president Donald Trump is suggesting that should Donald not be victorious in the 2024 election, blood will flow in the streets of the United States.

Yesterday, former Arkansas GOP Gov. Mike Huckabee said on a broadcast:

“Here’s the problem. If these tactics end up working to keep Trump from winning or even running in 2024, it is going to be the last American election that will be decided by ballots rather than bullets.”

And now we have a sitting member of Congress, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), predicting “bloodshed” from the MAGA faithful if Trump happens to lose the next presidential election.

During an appearance on the Driveway Liberty Podcast, here’s what Gaetz had to say:

“It turns out they’ll let anybody have these jobs who gets the most votes. Well, you know, and now they’re trying to change that. Like what we were talking about earlier with, you know, with secretaries of state trying to decide certain, you know, Trump can’t even be on the ballot.”

Keeping Trump off the ballot, the podcast host claimed, has “been the plan from the very beginning.”

“I really worry that that type of action could lead to violence,” Gaetz agreed. “And I am so wildly opposed to violence. I don’t think it’s how we should resolve our disputes.”

The Florida Republican then added, “But when you start telling people that they can’t express their participation in this American experience through a vote, then they start looking for other ways, and they’re not, the vote is the best way to do it. The other ways are not so good. And I worry if they start to take the vote away, you could see bloodshed in this country. Like none of us want.”

None of you want that? That’s exactly what you want. That’s exactly what Trump and his Republican allies planned and carried out on January 6, 2021 as they murdered members of the Capitol police and defecated in the hallways of Congress.

Since they know the demographics of this country mean they will likely never win another national election, conservatives are willing to do anything — including horrific acts of violence — in order to take power by force.

One thing you can count on, however: When the “bloodshed” starts, you can rest assured that Gaetz and Huckabee will be in their chosen hiding place, tapping away on their cell phones as they post hateful screeds on social media.


Crime Donald Trump Elections GOP

Fani Willis Claps Back Hard At Jim Jordan: ‘You Lack A Basic Understanding Of The Law’

Fulton County, Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis has had quite enough of the petty threats and other distractions from House Judiciary Committee chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), and she’s responding to his childish actions by reminding him that his knowledge of the law is tenuous at best.

Jordan has repeatedly accused Willis of trying to “interfere” in the 2024 election by charging former president Donald Trump as part of a racketeering conspiracy to overturn the results of balloting in the Peach State as part of the 2020 election, which Trump lost in an electoral landslide.

Focusing on a letter Jordan sent in August, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports, Willis accused the congressman of using “inaccurate information and misleading statements” for his own political gain.

“Its obvious purpose is to obstruct a Georgia criminal proceeding and to advance outrageous misrepresentations,” Willis said in response to Jordan’s letter. “As I make clear below, there is no justification in the Constitution for Congress to interfere with a state criminal matter, as you attempt to do.”

Willis also noted that Jordan was legally ignorant.

“Your letter makes clear that you lack a basic understanding of the law, its practice and the ethical obligations of attorneys generally and prosecutors specifically.”

It should be noted that Jordan never sat for the bar exam in his home state and has never actually practiced law, as MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell noted in a brutal takedown of the Ohio Republican earlier this year.

“An Ohioan who is a graduate of Capital University Law School, but has never passed the bar exam – so is not a lawyer – Congressman Jim Jordan got a reply to his letter from Harvard Law School graduate Alvin Bragg, the district attorney of Manhattan.”

“Alvin Bragg’s reply letter to Jim Jordan is the single most humiliating letter ever received by a chairman of the House Judiciary Committee – every one of whom has known much more about the law than Jim Jordan.”

Jim Jordan is a sycophantic jackass who wants to advance his political career when he isn’t busy serving as Donald Trump’s full-time fluffer. He’s an embarrassment to his party, the Congress, and the United States.


Crime Donald Trump Social Media

New Photo Of Trump From ‘Bikers For Trump’ Rally Is Proof Positive He Doesn’t Weigh 215 Pounds

Over the Labor Day weekend, there was something called a “Bikers for Trump” rally held at the failed former president’s Bedminster, New Jersey golf club.

The disgraced ex-POTUS gave a brief report of what transpired at the rally on his failing Truth Social site.

A very large group of “Bikers for Trump” just left Bedminster. What a great time we all had. The motorcycles were AMAZING, the love and enthusiasm absolutely “beyond.” Thank you all. We must WIN in 2024. MAGA!

Granted, that’s not a very big or important happening in the grand scheme of things, especially when you consider that Trump worshipers will make up any bogus excuse or fake event that gives them a chance to worship their multiply-indicted tangerine-tinted savior.

But a photo from the rally led to plenty of discussion on social media about the weight listed on Trump’s booking form when he was processed at the Fulton County, Georgia jail on August 24.

Specifically, Trump listed his height and weight as 6-3 and 215 pounds, which everyone (including him) knows is complete bullshit. He hasn’t weighed 215 since he was 40 years old, and he probably didn’t weigh 215 then.

Here’s the photo from “Bikers for Trump,” courtesy of Ron Filipkowski:

If that’s what 6-3 and 215 looks like, then a $5 bill will also buy you a Mercedes sports coupe.

Trump’s “215” looks a hell of a lot more like 300, doesn’t it? And that was certainly the consensus on Twitter.

6-3, 215? Sure he is. On the moon, maybe.


Donald Trump Elections Holidays

Biden Shreds Trump On Labor Day As A ‘Developer’ Who ‘Didn’t Build A Damn Thing’

Speaking on Labor Day to Sheet Metal Workers’ Local 19 in his home state of Pennsylvania, President Joe Biden made it clear that he intends to let the American people know he’s on the side of the working men and women of this country while his likely 2024 Republican opponent, failed former president Donald Trump, is little more than a man who makes money off the labor and sweat of others.

Referring to Trump as “the last guy,” HuffPost reports, Biden told the union members:

“Guess what? The great real estate builder, the last guy, he didn’t build a damn thing. Under my predecessor, infrastructure week became a punchline. On my watch, infrastructure has been a decade, and it’s a headline.”

Biden, on the other hand, signed a $1 trillion infrastructure bill that will fund nationwide infrastructure projects for decades to come.

The president has chided Trump before on the subject of infrastructure, remarking in April of 2021:

“How many times have we heard, ‘This is Infrastructure Week,’ over the last four years? About every second week is ‘Infrastructure Week,’ but no infrastructure was built.”

Biden also took an opportunity on Labor Day to hit Trump on the issue of job creation.

“The guy who held this job before me was just one of two presidents in history … who left office with fewer jobs in America than when he got elected to office. By the way, you know who the other one was? Herbert Hoover. Isn’t that kind of coincidental?”

“All I hear from my friends on the other side is what they say is wrong with America,” Biden said. “They keep telling us America’s failing. They’re wrong. I’ve got news for them: America has the strongest economy in the world right now, today.”