Donald Trump The Trump Adminstration

Barbra Streisand Has The Perfect Way To Troll Donald Trump And His Minions

Donald Trump is a braggart. He loves to toot his own horn and talk about all of the great things he’s accomplished as a businessman (even though he’s filed bankruptcy on multiple occasions) and all he did while he was in the White House, where he allowed the COVID pandemic to run rampant and kill hundreds of thousands of Americans while the U.S. economy tanked and unemployment skyrocketed to double digits.

Trump is also a pathological liar. He lies about everything. If he tells you the sky is blue, go outside and check. It won’t be.

How do you counter such a man? Well, according to award-winning singer and actress Barbra Streisand, you use cold hard facts to cut Donald down to size and remind him that he’s a loser and always has been.

Speaking to Variety, Streisand was asked about the four years that Trump was president, and she didn’t mince any words:

“That was four years in a black hole. Unforgivable. Four years of people dying unnecessarily because they didn’t tell the truth. The truth is so important. Tell people the truth, they can deal with it.”

Streisand also gave her thoughts on the Capitol insurrection:

“What’s so hard to understand is all the hate and violence that Trump invoked during his years and how that manifested itself in the January 6th insurrection and the falsities and the lies that are still floating around about an election that Biden won by 7 million votes.”

Truth is the perfect antidote to Trump’s lies, and that’s when Streisand provided exactly what we all need to forever troll the Donald and his delusional supporters:

“‘When you think of it, Al Gore lost the election by 537 votes. Hillary Clinton lost the election by 77,000 votes. But Trump lost the election by 7 million votes. I think they should show that every day on TV.”

They certainly should. Run it anytime Trump or someone who supports him is on TV and trying to spread their bullshit. Run it right under their image and keep running it as long as they’re on the air.


GOP Social Media

Lauren Boebert Tried To Throw Shade At Rachel Maddow And Got Her A*s Handed To Her

Republican Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert has owned herself once again with a moronic tweet she sent out suggesting that the Biden administration must have “learned about governing” from watching MSBNC host Rachel Maddow’s show.

“Most of the Biden Regime learned about governing from watching Rachel Maddow and it really shows.”

Over the past several months, Boebert has also urged Christians to pray for the death of President Joe Biden and even tried to blame him for the 2020 shutdown of schools across the United States as part of the nationwide COVID lockdown.

As for her attack on Maddow, let’s compare their resumés:

  • Maddow holds a bachelor’s degree in public policy from Stanford University and a doctorate in political science from the University of Oxford.
  • Boebert needed multiple attempts to finally pass her GED high school equivalency exam. She is also a failed small businessperson and married to a man who once exposed himself to underage girls at a bowling alley.

Boebert’s tweet aimed at Maddow is especially ironic when you consider that the Trump administration was regularly on the very same page with Fox News (and vice versa) during Donald Trump’s failed presidency.

The Colorado Republican’s tweet was immediately swarmed with reminders of recent history and her lack of awareness.

Crime Donald Trump

Two Legal Experts Say Donald Trump Is About To Wind Up ‘Broke And In Jail’


Each day, new developments on the legal front make it clear that former President Donald Trump is facing serious civil and criminal liability on multiple fronts, any of which could leave him bankrupt and facing the prospect of decades in jail.

Two noted legal experts, Donald Ayer and Norm Eisen, note in an article they wrote for the Washington Post, that while Trump may think he’s laying the groundwork for a political comeback, he’s actually looking at one of the most daunting legal landscapes in U.S. history:

“Recent statements by Donald Trump and his enablers prove that he and his Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen aren’t departing from American politics anytime soon. But neither is the push to hold him legally accountable, as shown by a new lawsuit — the second against Trump by a member of Congress arising out of the failed Jan. 6 insurrection. As attorneys who have overseen prosecutions or other accountability efforts in Republican and Democratic administrations alike, we believe the combination of civil cases and a pair of rapidly accelerating state criminal investigations make for a potent force to combat the ex-president’s ongoing wrongdoing.”

Whether it’s the investigations being conducted in New York, Georgia, or Washington, D.C., Trump and his attorneys are looking at being under siege on multiple fronts, and that could leave him vulnerable in any or all of the places that are taking a long hard look at his actions, documents, and statements.

Trump tried to launch his comeback tour with his speech to the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC), but the things he said are already coming back to haunt him, Ayer and Eisen explain:

“The law allows post-wrongdoing acts to be admitted if they bear upon relevant issues such as motive or a lack of remorse. As civil and criminal proceedings press forward, the CPAC speech and others like it could be admissible in court as evidence to shed light on Trump’s intent in inciting the attack on the Capitol.”

When he was president, Trump had the protection of incumbency to shelter him from being indicted or taken to trial. And he also had the added benefit of being able to call in favors from key members of the GOP in Congress who could run interference for him.

Now, however, Trump is merely a former president, and that means he has no such shields to keep him immunized from being sued or charged. While he remains able to defend himself, Ayer and Eisen conclude, he appears headed for a very bad ending:

“Today, however, Trump is a private citizen. His friends in Congress are less reliably loyal. He must defend himself. This is not to say that exacting justice will be easy — as a private businessman, Trump was notorious for using the law as a weapon. But the walls seem to be rapidly closing in. If they do, they may finally mark an end to the ex-president’s involvement in our public life. It is not easy to be involved in politics if you are broke and in jail.”

May it happen, and happen soon.


Business Donald Trump The Trump Organization

Trump Tower Tenants Refusing To Pay Their Rent And Moving Out

Not so many years ago, Trump Tower was one of the most prestigious addresses in all of Manhattan. There was 100% occupancy and a waiting list to rent even the smallest spaces in the building.

But those days are gone, and Trump Tower is now at less than 75% occupancy, the lowest level since 2013, and a sign that times are indeed tight for the Trump Organization, which is facing a major loan payment later this year, the Washington Post reports:

“In its midsection, Trump Tower is something more prosaic: a Manhattan office building, with 12 floors available for lease. The Trump Organization’s headquarters occupies two other office floors.

“The leased floors serve as part of the collateral for one of Trump’s biggest outstanding debts, a $100 million loan with the full amount due next year, according to data kept by the real estate analysis firm Trepp.”

One of the former tenants that went belly up, ironically, was Marc Fisher Footwear, which used to manufacture shoes that carried the name of Ivanka Trump:

“But earlier this year, the Trump Organization sued Marc Fisher Footwear for unpaid rent. The suit said the shoemaker had stopped paying rent in November 2020, and owed more than $1.4 million.”

One tenant, however, is indeed paying their rent on time and at an exorbitant rate: The Make America Great Again PAC, which rents the 15th floor of Trump Tower, providing $37,541.67 a month in guaranteed revenue for Trump and his company, which some suggest may be legal but is certainly not kosher:

“He’s running a con,” said Paul S. Ryan, a campaign-finance expert at the watchdog group Common Cause. “Talking about political expenses — but, in reality, raising money for self-enrichment.”

Then again, Donald Trump has always run a con. In his days as a real estate mogul, he was doing little more than leveraging properties with borrowed money so he could pay off other loans he owed to other banks.

It’d be tempting to call Trump’s entire life a giant Ponzi scheme, but that’d be an insult to anyone who ever ran one of those.


Capitol Insurrection Donald Trump Eric Trump January 6

Eric Trump May Have Incriminated His Dad With Videotaped Remarks On The Jan. 6 Attack

Alex Holder is a British documentary filmmaker who spoke with members of failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump’s family during the 2020 campaign — including in the days leading up to the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol — and portions of his upcoming film, “Unprecedented,” were subpoenaed by the House Select Committee investigating the Capitol insurrection.

According to The Independent, which spoke with Holder, ex-president Trump’s son, Eric, seemed to indicate that the family believed violence was a viable response to what they thought had been a stolen election:

“When I asked Eric about the potential danger of sort of rhetoric and the sort of the belligerence, he felt that it was … fair game in that it … was sort of the equivalent on the other side of the political discourse, or he felt that it was the right thing to do … because the election was stolen.”

Holder also revealed that he wasn’t surprised when the rioting began at the Capitol because of all the anger and vitriol that had been spewed by the former president from the moment it became clear he had lost the election in a landslide to President Joe Biden:

“The idea of violence, to me, seemed likely because of the fact that when you tell 75 million people that their vote didn’t count, and the person that’s telling you that is not just the guy you voted for, but also the incumbent President of the United States, the chance of violence was always there.”

Eric’s remarks are especially troublesome for his father, who has repeatedly insisted that he never thought anyone would storm the Capitol and that he was merely calling for a peaceful protest on the day thousands of his supporters broke into the seat of government with chants of “Hang Mike Pence” and open calls to find and kill key Democrats, including Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

Eric Trump has made his father’s already perilous legal situation much worse.