Congress GOP

Eric Swalwell Slams Kevin McCarthy To His Face: ‘You Are A P*ssy’

During the GOP-led censure of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) in June, his fellow California Democrat Eric Swalwell let Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) know exactly what he thought about him, and it nearly led to blows on the floor of the House of Representatives, according to a report from The Daily Beast.

Matt Fuller notes, “Democrats stood on the House floor and shouted ‘Shame!’ at their GOP colleagues. As the spectacle was taking place, one of the leaders of the demonstration, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), was standing in the well of the House near the speaker’s podium and delivered some harsh words to his fellow Californian. ‘This is pathetic,’ Swalwell allegedly told McCarthy, who was presiding over the House at the time. ‘You’re weak. You’re a weak man.'”

Fast-forward to the next day, and McCarthy decided he was man enough to confront Swalwell.

McCarthy: “If you ever say something like that to me again, I’m gonna kick the sh*t out of you.

Swalwell: “Are we really gonna do this?”

McCarthy: “Call me a p*ssy again, and I’ll kick your ass.”

Swalwell: “You. Are. A. P*ssy.”

The Speaker has a longstanding contentious relationship with Swalwell and even removed him from the House Intelligence Committee after the GOP narrowly won control of the House in the 2022 midterm elections. Many saw the move as payback for Swalwell’s calls for the two impeachments of failed, disgraced former president Donald Trump.


Congress GOP

Eric Swalwell Drags Jim Jordan During House Judiciary Hearing And Social Media Is Loving It


The House Judiciary Committee, chaired by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) was in session today, and testifying before the committee was Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, and while Jordan and others members of the GOP on the committee tried to suggest that the secretary needed to be impeached and replaced, the best lines of the day came from committee member Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and were aimed directly at Jordan.

CNN reports that the hearing was contentious from the get-go.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan lambasted President Joe Biden’s border policies, calling it a “Biden border crisis” and describing them as “open border policies” in his opening remarks Wednesday at a hearing where Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is testifying.

“I know that today Secretary Mayorkas is going to try to paint a rosy picture of this disastrous mismanagement of our border,” Jordan said. “But the numbers don’t lie.”


Mayorkas is facing House Republicans who have been making the case to potentially impeach him over his handling of the US-Mexico border in a House panel hearing Wednesday. He maintained in his opening remarks that the administration’s approach to the border is “working.”

When Swalwell’s time came to speak, he made it clear that it was more than a tad ironic Jordan is complaining about someone not doing their job and not taking their oath of office seriously because the Ohio Republican resolutely refused to testify before the House Select Committee on January 6.

“Frankly, sir, I think you’re too nice because if I had a chairman who failed to honor his own lawful subpoena about 500 days after it was submitted to him, I would say catch me when you’re serious. Come talk to me when you follow the about whether or not you think I follow the law. But that’s not who you are, you take your job seriously even in front of a lot of unserious people.”

Swalwell then noted that just six days ago Republicans on the committee had invited Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to sit before the panel and spread all sorts of absurd and dangerous conspiracy theories.

“In fact, the chair that you are sitting in, you may not know this, but the last person who sat in that was called by the chairman an anti-vaccine, anti-Semitic witness in RFK Jr., so you have brought immediate credibility to the chair that you are sitting in just by being here. They’re not serious people. They chide people for their pronouns. They obsess and display in the committee and in other committees a private citizen’s non-consensual nude images. We’re not talking about serious people. We’re not talking about people who are on the level.”

That set off a wave of appreciation and applause on social media.


GOP U.S. Senate WTF?!

WATCH: Mitch McConnell Freezes In Mid-Sentence – Has To Be Escorted Away By Colleagues

Something appears to be very wrong with the health of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and it was on full view for the world during a daily Senate GOP press conference today.

During his opening remarks Wednesday, McConnell uttered a couple of words and was then unable to continue any further, clearly losing the ability to talk.

The Kentucky Republican was quickly escorted away from the podium by Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) as Sen. John Thune (R-SD) took McConnell’s place at the microphone.

McConnell returned to the presser several minutes later, according to CNN’s Manu Raju and later appeared “sharp” when it was time for questions from the media.

CNN medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta said in his opinion McConnell “needs an exam…Time is critically important.”

McConnell is 81 and was hospitalized for a concussion and broken ribs after he fell earlier this year. Friends and colleagues say he has been moving with more caution (and more slowly) since the fall that caused the earlier injuries.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for Republicans to say that McConnell needs to step down from his Senate seat even though they repeatedly say President Joe Biden, 80, is unfit for office. The GOP, we’ve all seen, is little more than a collection of hypocrites collecting government salaries.


Gun Crime Gun Nuts

Kyle Rittenhouse’s Michigan Pro-Gun Rally Is A Humiliating Failure

Kyle Rittenhouse (a.k.a. Killer Kyle as he’s often called) should be able to draw one hell of crowd when he shows up considering that he’s a darling of the right-wing gun fetishists who think they need to strap semiautomatic weapons to their obese frames in order to visit Wal Mart and pick up some beer and bologna for the weekend.

But it turns out that Killer Kyle isn’t much of an attraction, as he proved when he was a featured speaker at a pro-gun rally in Ionia, Michigan.

When he did speak, the tens (if that) of people who showed up in the heat got to hear Kyle intone against anyone who has ever suggested that sensible gun control is a good idea.

“Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and her anti-freedom cohorts are hellbent on shredding Second Amendment rights for law-abiding Michiganders,” Rittenhouse said.

Rittenhouse called House Minority Leader Matt Hall, R-Richland Township, a “weak-kneed Republican” who “opened the door” to a red flag law. Hall was one of five House Republicans to vote for the three bills establishing safe storage, drawing outrage from some conservatives. Hall did not vote for the bills establishing a red flag law.

Rittenhouse may have also been under the impression that Republicans controlled the House — asking, “what’s the point of a Republican majority?” — when in fact Democrats control both chambers of the Legislature. A message seeking comment was left with Hall’s office.

Yeah, Kyle. Blah blah blah. He might just as well have said, I like guns and killing people, and I know you do, too, or why else would you be here to listen to a loser like me?

Well, because losers attract other losers. It’s the Second Law of the Physics of Pathetic.

However, something good did come out of the rally: The humiliation and mockery that was doled out online in response to Killer Kyle’s below par crowd size.

Maybe next time Killer Kyle needs to serve some beer and sandwich meats to guarantee that the fatties like him make the trek.


Donald Trump Elections Religion

Trump Is Unable To Answer When A 2024 Voter Asks Him, ‘How Has Your Faith Grown?’

A new clip of former president Donald Trump attempting to answer a question from a 2024 Iowa voter at a town hall meeting hosted this week by Fox host Sean Hannity has quickly gone viral, and not in a good way for the multiply-indicted ex-president.

At the town hall, a voter inquired of Trump, “How has your faith grown since you decided in 2015 to run for president and who has mentored you in your faith journey?”

Trump replied, “Great question,” but then went on an extended monologue that provided no actual response to what he’d been asked.

“You know, I’ve seen so much heartache and turmoil. I was a developer and I did other things and, you know, I had a wonderful life before all this stuff. I didn’t know what a grand jury was. I didn’t know what a subpoena—what is a subpoena? I had a wonderful life.”

Attempting to transition into why he was running for president, Trump continued:

“I couldn’t be more glad. I am so happy I did it because I’ve made America great, we can do it again. Right now, we are not a great country. We are not a great country. But I’ve gotten to know, because of this, evangelicals. I mean, I know so many people and they feel so good about themselves and their family and they base it on religion. I had never had that kind of an experience where I got to know so many. And Franklin Graham and Paula White.

“I mean, I know so many people that are so incredible, religious people, and not just Christians, not just evangelicals. You know, when I look at the Catholic faith, you take a look at what the FBI— no, but look at what the FBI is doing to Catholics, they’ve made them like the enemy, they’ve made them— it’s horrible. How could a Catholic ever vote for a Democrat or a guy like Biden again after the experience that they’re going through?”

Answer the freaking question, Donnie!

Instead, he concluded with this: “But I’ve met some of the finest people that I wouldn’t have had the privilege of meeting if I weren’t president, and they’re religious leaders and they really are incredible people.”

Is it really any wonder why in a Pew Research Poll fully 40% of those surveyed said Trump is not religious “at all?” He’s a fake Christian, just like the vast majority of those who support him.