Donald Trump Fox News Media in America

Trump Slams Fox For ‘Pushing The Democrat Agenda’ – Offers to Help CNN Go ‘Conservative’

After attacking CNN for years as purveyors of “fake news,” disgraced former president Donald Trump is now offering to help the network shift to being “conservative.”

At the same time, Trump is slamming Fox News for “pushing the Democrat agenda” and suggesting they are on the way out as a force in right-wing media.

Trump made those statements on his Truth Social (a.k.a. Twitter for losers) platform Sunday, with Newsweek reporting:

Trump hit out at Fox News in a Truth Social post on Sunday in the latest sign the former president’s opinion of the news channel—which he frequently watched and praised during his time in the White House—has soured slightly.

In the same social media post, Trump also suggested it would be an “absolute gold mine” if CNN became conservative amid reports the channel is aiming to become more politically neutral and less critical of the former president under new leader Chris Licht.

Here’s what the twice-impeached ex-president had to say about the two networks:

“Wow! Fox News is really pushing the Democrats and the Democrat agenda. Gets worse every single day. So many Dems interviewed with only softball questions, then Republican counterparts get creamed.”

“If ‘low ratings’ CNN ever went Conservative, they would be an absolute gold mine, and I would help them to do so.”

It has indeed appeared that CNN is taking a sudden turn to the right, with Sara Fischer of Axios reporting

In a memo to staff in May, Licht said he wants CNN to help regain the trust that many people have lost in media, by “fearlessly speaking truth to power, challenging the status quo, questioning ‘group-think,’ and educating viewers and readers with straightforward facts and insightful commentary, while always being respectful of differing viewpoints.

“People are freaked out,” said one CNN journalist. “It almost feels like there’s a pattern. Is there a purge going on? They seem to be sending a message: ‘Watch what you say. Watch what you do.’

However, before CNN decides to ink a pact with the devil (Trump), they’d be wise to consider that if Donald is now turning on his longtime ally Fox, he wouldn’t think twice about tossing CNN under the bus, too.


Donald Trump GOP U.S. Senate

Lindsey Graham Tries To Explain His ‘Riots In The Streets’ Comment And Makes Matters Worse

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has faced withering criticism since he made a comment last Sunday that if former president Donald Trump was indicted for mishandling classified documents, there would be “riots in the streets,” telling Fox News:

“I’ll say this, if there is a prosecution of Donald Trump for mishandling classified information after the Clinton debacle … there will be riots in the street.”

Today, Graham — who is on vacation in Italy — spoke with Steve Sedgwick of CNBC and attempted to explain his controversial remarks less than a week ago:

“What I tried to do was state the obvious.

“Here’s what I said, The raid on [former] President Trump’s home, the likely nominee for 2024, better bear some fruit here. If it’s just about mishandling classified information, we’ve had a standard set when it came to Hillary Clinton.”

The South Carolina Republican added:

“Our country, the people on our side, believe that when it comes to the justice system, there are no rules regarding Trump, [it’s a case of] ‘get him, it doesn’t matter how you get him,’ so I said that if it’s similar to what happened to Clinton and he gets prosecuted, it’ll be one of the most disruptive events in America.”

In other words, Graham is now offering a rationale for the threats he made. And he’s also providing cover for any nutjob who might think the judicial system is somehow tilted against Republicans, especially the failed ex-president, who has been under one form of investigation after another his entire life because he engages in questionable (and potentially illegal) behavior such as refusing to rent apartments to black people, stealing from a charity bearing his name, and allegedly cheating on his company’s taxes.

Here’s what Graham should have been asked: Do you ever get tired of having your nose buried in Trump’s fat posterior?

GOP Joe Biden Social Media WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene In Hot Water For Sharing Fake Video Of Joe Biden As Hitler And Claiming ‘It’s Real’

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is in very hot water with Jewish groups for sharing a fake video of President Joe Biden as Adolf Hitler on Twitter and claiming “it’s real.”

Mediate reports on the video:

The video shows an actor resembling the president except with a Hitler-esque patch of facial hair below his nose, standing in front of a photoshopped background from Biden’s speech with swastikas added. The audio seems to be a clip from one of Hitler’s speeches, although that has not been verified.

Greene used the video to criticize Biden for a speech he gave in Philadelphia on Thursday evening in which he criticized failed, one-term former president Donald Trump and “MAGA Republicans,” calling them “an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”

Those remarks led Greene to post two tweets:

Greene’s tweets drew the immediate ire of Jewish groups, with Jonathan Greenblatt of the Anti-Defamation League remarking:

“That a member of Congress would consider this funny, let alone acceptable, is disgraceful. With one post and a doctored video, [Greene] managed to trivialize Hitler and the Nazis’ sheer evil and belittle the serious threat that extremism poses to this country. Absolutely shameful.”

The American Jewish Committee demanded that House Republican leaders condemn Greene:

“(Greene) continues to trivialize the terror of the Nazis and use Holocaust imagery for political gain. This doctored video is vile, offensive, and completely unbecoming for a member of Congress. House Republican leaders must condemn her conduct.”

So far, however, no one in Republican leadership has stepped forward to criticize Greene or even address the matter of her tweets. It’s safe to say none of them will.

Capitol Insurrection Congress GOP January 6

Newt Gingrich Is Now A Target Of The January 6 House Select Committee

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich received a letter he probably wishes he never would have today, because he now knows that he’s a target of the House Select Committee investigating the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

CNN reports:

The committee wants to learn more about communications Gingrich had with senior advisers in former President Donald Trump’s White House about television advertisements that relied on false claims about the election.

In the letter, committee chairman Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) writes:

“The Committee has obtained information indicating that you have knowledge about former President Donald J. Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, and we write to seek your voluntary cooperation. Some of the information that we have obtained includes email messages that you exchanged with senior advisors to President Trump and others, including Jared Kushner and Jason Miller, in which you provided detailed input into television advertisements and relied upon false claims about fraud in the 2020 election.

“These advertising efforts were not designed to encourage voting for a particular candidate. Instead, these efforts attempted to cast doubt on the outcome of the election after voting had already taken place.”

The letter even contains a direct quote from an email Gingrich sent to Kushner, who was a senior adviser in the Trump administration:

“The goal is to arouse the country’s anger through new verifiable information the American people have never seen before[.] . . . If we inform the American people in a way they find convincing and it arouses their anger[,] they will then bring pressure on legislators and governors.”

Gingrich was also involved in the “false electors” scheme, which is referenced by Thompson in the letter:

“The Committee is also interested in other communications you may have had with the White House, President Trump, the Trump legal team or any other persons involved in the events of January 6th. We ask that you preserve all records of such communications.”


Donald Trump WTF?!

Trump Now Claims The FBI Was Looking For Hillary’s Emails When They Searched Mar-a-Lago

Now that he’s just about exhausted every absurd excuse he can think of for why he had hundreds of classified documents in his office at Mar-a-Lago, disgraced, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump has decided to blame his 2016 Democratic presidential opponent, Hillary Clinton.

Yes, once again he’s trying to blame Hillary.

During a radio interview on Thursday, the one-term ex-president said:

“I think they were looking for Hillary Clinton’s emails. I think they thought, and who knows, boxes and boxes full of stuff. I think they thought…”

The host interjected:

“That you’ve got the goods.”

Trump continued:

“They were afraid that things were in there, part of their scam material because that’s what they are, they’re scammers.”

Yeah, Trump has Hillary’s emails, but he was sitting on them. He wasn’t going to release them, but the FBI came and got them. That’s so logical, huh?

What’s next? Will Donald try to lay the blame on the Great Pumpkin? The Grinch? The Easter Bunny?

Trump is scared. He’s terrified. And now he wants to blame Hillary…AGAIN!