GOP Joe Biden Mike Pence Social Media

Mike Pence Gets Shredded After Attacking Biden’s Speech About MAGA GOP Extremism

Mike Pence joined a debate he should have left alone by criticizing a speech President Joe Biden made recently in which he criticized the extreme views of the MAGA Republicans who continue to remain loyal to Donald Trump and make excuses for his every illegal action.

In case you missed it, here’s what Biden said:

“What we’re seeing now is either the beginning or the death knell of extreme MAGA philosophy. It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the — I’m going to say something, it’s like semi-fascism.”

Pence, who is clearly trying to mend fences with the far right wing of his party that still worships Trump, took to Twitter and began slamming Biden for daring to speak the truth:

“Did you see that speech last week? President Biden held a partisan campaign rally at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, flanked by uniformed United States Marines, and revealed what’s truly at stake in the next election.”

“Never before in the history of our nation has a President stood before the American people and accused millions of his own countrymen of being a ‘threat to this country.’ To top it off, President Biden had the audacity to claim, ‘I’m asking our nation to come together, to unite.’”

Those are bold (and incredibly stupid) words coming from a man that Trump suggested might should have been hanged on January 6 to placate the rioting thugs who attacked the U.S. Capitol. As House Select Committee Vice Chair Liz Cheney noted at a hearing in June:

“Aware of the rioters chants to ‘hang Mike Pence’, the president responded with this sentiment: ‘Maybe our supporters have the right idea’. Mike Pence ‘deserves it.’”

But now Pence wants to take umbrage with Biden for calling it like he sees it and making it clear to American voters what’s at stake when they go to cast their ballots in November?

The former VP’s postings raised eyebrows and ire on social media.

Donald Trump Jr. Racism Social Media WTF?!

Twitter Reacts With Revulsion When Don Jr. Posts Meme About White Men Marrying Black Women

It remains a mystery why some white men are so threatened by strong, successful black women, but there are millions of them across this country (and globe) who seem to feel that if things are going well for women of color, it lessens men as human beings.

That, of course, is complete nonsense, and yet it’s still a major tenet of the so-called “MAGA movement” that was spawned by disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump. The ex-president has been a bigoted piece of crap his entire life, and he’s only gotten more racist as he’s grown older.

His son, Donald Trump Jr., however, is young enough to know better, yet he’s only too happy to traffic in racist tropes and suggest that white heterosexual men in the United States are somehow an endangered species.

For example, consider this utterly disgusting meme Junior posted on social media:

What is that about? Obviously, it’s meant to try and flip what has been said about the MAGA faithful (probably because it happens to be true), but it’s actually nothing more than a whiny demand to be recognized and appreciated by Don Jr., who has clearly never felt loved a day in his life, most certainly not by his father, who is a cold fish and malignant narcissist.

Consider for just a moment what has been said about such insecure white men as the former president and his namesake son:

From boasting about the size of his penis on national television to releasing records of his high testosterone levels, President Trump’s rhetoric and behavior exude machismo. His behavior also seems to have struck a chord with some male voters. See, for example, the “Donald Trump: Finally Someone With Balls” T-shirts common at Trump rallies.

But our research suggests that Trump is not necessarily attracting male supporters who are as confidently masculine as the president presents himself to be. Instead, Trump appears to appeal more to men who are secretly insecure about their manhood. We call this the “fragile masculinity hypothesis.”

Twitter users, however, were not willing to extend such a scientific take on the matter, and they destroyed Don Jr.

Crime Donald Trump Espionage Justice Department

DOJ May Move To Have Trump-Appointed Judge Removed From Secret Documents Case

Now that U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon has ruled that a special master will be appointed to determine if any of the classified documents former president Donald Trump was hoarding at his Mar-a-Lago resort are protected by attorney-client or executive privilege, the Justice Department has until Friday to appeal that ruling.

But it may not be enough to merely appeal to a higher court, according to three legal experts who say Attorney General Merrick Garland should move to have Judge Cannon removed from the case completely since she clearly has a conflict of interest.

On MSNBC Wednesday evening, Andrew Weissmann, who served as general counsel for the FBI and was also a prosecutor on Robert Mueller’s team, said the DOJ has a clear case to make:

“This is like a thief taking documents then saying, ‘Judge, I want them back.’ This is a complete farce. And to have somebody like Laurence Tribe and Neal Katyal have to address this, as if it’s a serious argument, just tells you the depths that we are in. And just to be very serious for a moment the notion that in the documents there are state secrets involving nuclear capabilities — it means that there is present harm to national security. Our allies and countries that want to quietly cooperate with us are looking at all of this and making decisions about whether they should continue to do so if we cannot keep secrets. That is how we protect this country. It is how we thwart terrorist attacks. It is how we conduct important, lifesaving undercover operations.”

Neil Katyal, former acting Solicitor General in the Obama administration, then joined the debate:

“Every day, every week, we learn a new fact about just how bad Trump’s behavior was. Now, it is nuclear secrets. That also underscores just how bad the decision was by this judge in Florida. So, appointing a special master is one thing, but stopping a criminal investigation of this magnitude in its tracks because you think, as a federal judge, that some documents might be privileged. That is insane. That is a bazooka when one needs, at most, a scalpel. And if you have lost Bill Barr, and Bill Barr is — God. That is….”

Katyal added:

“She pleaded herself out of her own court. Because she planted remedies to the special master via the Presidential Records Act. And she has a footnote on this, Footnote 16, which says basically, the Presidential Records Act says that you can only bring these cases in Washington D.C. and only Washington D.C. judges can oversee them. So, that maybe that’s what the Justice Department, I think, should do here. Get this case before judges who are experts on presidential records and executive privilege and the like.”

Crime The Trump Adminstration

Steve Bannon Forced To Surrender To Authorities On Criminal Charges In New York: Report


Already facing a two-year prison term in federal prison after being found guilty for contempt of Congress, Steve Bannon, a former political strategist for failed ex-president Donald Trump, will surrender to New York authorities on Thursday for his role in an alleged scheme to defraud contributors to a $25 million fundraising effort for building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

According to The Washington Post:

The precise details of the state case could not be confirmed Tuesday evening. But people familiar with the situation, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sealed indictment, suggested the prosecution will likely mirror aspects of the federal case in which Bannon was pardoned.

In that indictment, prosecutors alleged that Bannon and several others defrauded contributors to a private, $25 million fundraising effort, called “We Build the Wall,” taking funds that donors were told would support construction of a barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Shortly after news broke of the latest indictment against Bannon, he lashed out in statement which reads in part, “The Soros-backed DA has now decided to pursue phony charges against me 60 days before the midterm election because WarRoom is the major source of the MAGA grassroots movement. The SDNY did the exact same thing in August 2020 to try to take me out of the election. It didn’t work then, it certainly won’t work now.”

Ironically, Bannon was pardoned by Trump on federal charges connected to the “We Build the Wall” fundraising scheme, but that pardon doesn’t protect him from being indicted and put on trial in New York. Bannon pleaded not guilty to those charges, which included allegations that he had personally pocketed $1 million of the donated funds.

Bannon may also be in further legal jeopardy for his role in the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol. His name has come up frequently during the public hearings being conducted by the House Select Committee investigating Jan. 6.

Here’s more on Bannon’s contempt of Congress conviction:

Crime Donald Trump Espionage GOP

Joe Scarborough Slam Dunks Marco Rubio For His Absurd Defense Of Trump Filching Classified Information

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough lit into Republican Sen. Marco Rubio (FL) Tuesday morning for his latest absurd defense of former president Donald Trump’s stealing of classified documents when he left the White House.

Over the weekend, Rubio pooh-poohed the notion that Trump had somehow broken the law by having hundreds of top secret documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, remarking:

“This is, really, at its core, a storage argument that they’re making.

I don’t think a fight over the storage of documents is worthy of what they’ve done, which is a full-scale raid and then these constant leaks.”

Rubio knows better, Scarborough insisted, pointing out that he’s the ranking Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee:

“I mean, there is no line. Marco Rubio was running the Senate Intel Committee, so you have Marco Rubio saying, top secret documents are only at risk if they’re mishandled by Democrats. Top secret documents mishandled and actually taken, removed from a government office, removed from the White House and illegally, improperly hidden at Mar-a-Lago, even after the FBI negotiates and tries to get them all back, it just doesn’t matter. So, again, is there any line? No, there’s no line.”

The MSNBC host added:

“Now it’s a storage issue? No, it’s not a storage issue. Nobody ever believed it was a storage issue. Marco Rubio never believed it was a storage issue. If you take top secret documents out of a government building, Marco Rubio would be the first person to say, like me in the past, you go to jail. You go to jail.

“The hell with institutions, according to people like Marco Rubio. The hell with top secret documents, the hell with the FBI, the hell with the CIA the hell with the Justice Department, the hell with the rule of law.”

Rubio is a hack who sold out years ago. Here’s hoping Val Demings cleans his clock in November.