Congress GOP

WATCH NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell School Jim Jordan On The First Amendment

Ohio Republican Congressman Jim Jordan got his head handed to him on Wednesday by National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell when Jordan tried to trip up Goodell on the subject of the First Amendment and free speech.

Specifically, Jordan said he was upset that Goodell had fined Washington Commanders Jack Del Rio for downplaying the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot that left five people (including a Capitol Police officer) dead.

Jordan began with a confrontational tone, asking Goodell:

“You made this statement. ‘We the National Football League encourage all to speak out and peacefully protest.’ Did you really mean that when you said, Mr. Goodell?”

Goodell replied:

“Yes, I think people are responsible for what they say and what they do. Yes.”


“When you said you encourage all to speak out, you meant all, not just some?”

And that’s when Goodell reminded Jordan that the First Amendment isn’t absolute:

“That’s correct, congressman, but you are responsible for what you say. There are consequences for what you do, and say, and write.”

Jordan’s wan response was “Yeah.”

Keep in mind this is the same Jim Jordan who spoke via phone with failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump as the attack on the Capitol was taking place and may have also helped plan the attack.

Also, Jordan has steadfastly refused to give testimony to the January 6 committee unless they agree to show him all of the evidence they have in advance. Sounds like the sort of thing a guilty person would demand, doesn’t it?

Congress Elections GOP January 6

Aide To Mark Meadows Directly Implicates ‘Several’ Members Of Congress In Attempted Election Coup

Today’s public hearing of the January 6 House Select Committee expanded the conspiracy that had already been laid out in previous hearings, and we learned that Republican members of Congress were indeed part of the conspiracy to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

Cassidy Hutchinson was a top aide to former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, and the committee played portions of her videotaped testimony in which she named Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) and “several members of Congress” who in late November and early December took part in a plan to draw up a slate of alternate electors who would go against the will of the voters and suggest that failed former president Donald Trump should remain in office.

Several members of Congress. Who might they be? We don’t know yet, and Hutchinson didn’t name them in the portion of her testimony that was broadcast today. But the fact there are multiple Republicans tells us that we do indeed have a conspiracy to commit a criminal act against the United States, which is a very serious offense.

The House Select Committee knows the names, and it’s safe to bet they will be laying them out in the days ahead or in their final report, which will be released before the midterm elections in November.

Just for fun, let’s speculate who might be on that list of “several.”

  • Rep. Jim Jordan (OH)
  • Rep. Andy Biggs (AZ)
  • Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA)
  • Sen. Ted Cruz (TX)
  • Sen. Josh Hawley (MO)

Once those names are made public, criminal referrals can be made to the Justice Department, provided they haven’t already been.

There’s going to be some sleepless nights ahead for several in the GOP.

Capitol Insurrection Congress January 6 WTF?!

Lauren Boebert: Dems Are ‘Exaggerating’ Jan. 6 Simply Because AOC Said She Feared Being Raped

According to Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, Democrats in Congress are making a big deal out of what happened on January 6, 2021 simply because Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said she feared she might be raped as thousands of pro-Trump rioters stormed the Capitol and called for then-VP Mike Pence to be hanged.

Appearing on a right-wing GOP propaganda podcast hosted by former Trump administration official Mercedes Schlapp, Boebert proclaimed that the Jan. 6 panel is “exaggerating” the seriousness of the attempted coup because someone yelled rape:

“Look at AOC. Everything goes back to her possibly being raped on January 6th? Why does everything come back to people wanting to have some sort of sexual encounter with her any time there’s an incident?”

Here’s a much better question: Why is Lauren Boebert so obsessed with AOC and what she does in her private life?

Also, how can anyone blame a female member of Congress for fearing she might be raped (and murdered) by the MAGA morons who decided to attack the seat of government on Jan. 6?

Granted, Bobert doesn’t worry about such things because she lives with a convicted sexual predator who exposed himself to underage girls. And Lauren has even chosen to have four children with her sicko sex offender hubby. How quaint!

Thankfully, Bobo got put on full blast by Twitter users.

GOP U.S. Senate Viral Video

VIRAL VIDEO: Enraged Republican Calls Ted Cruz A ‘Coward’ At Texas GOP Convention

The Texas GOP convention was held over the weekend, and judging by some of the speeches and overall tone of those who delivered them, it’s accurate to say that the Lone Star State is getting more right-wing by the minute, with attendees loudly booing anyone who disagreed with them on any issue.

One Republican who got an earful was Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who always seems to be at the center of one controversy or the other, if only because he simply doesn’t know when to keep his trap shut.

But it was what happened to Cruz after he had already spoken to the convention that’s making news.

According to Newsweek, an enraged man called Cruz a coward and a globalist before he was finally escorted away from the senator:

“Remember how Trump made fun of your wife and you went and became best friends with Trump, why do you do that?” the man said as he approached Cruz who was sitting at a table in the convention hall.

“You go and become best friends with Trump after he makes fun of you and your wife, why do you do that?”

The man continued his angry rant:

“It is because you are a coward, I do love America, you don’t.

“You care more about the border between Ukraine and Russia than you do about the border between Texas and Mexico, why is that?”

Even as the man was being ushered away, he continued to verbally excoriate Cruz:

“You are a globalist, you know it Ted, you are a globalist. You know that, bud, that is why you are a coward and a liar.

“You know that and I know that, that’s why you are afraid to stand up. When people were freezing and dying you were in Mexico, do you remember that?

“Remember when you had the all-inclusive buffet while people were freezing. Do you remember that Ted? When everyone was freezing and people were dying.”

The video has been viewed online almost 500,000 times since it was posted on Sunday.

Capitol Insurrection Donald Trump January 6

Trump Has ALL CAPS Online Meltdown As Jan. 6 Hearings Reconvene: ‘I DEMAND EQUAL TIME!!!’

With the January 6 House Select Committee starting back with its public hearings today, failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump took to his pathetic Twitter substitute, Truth Social, and began railing against the committee, insisting that he wanted equal time.

Here’s what Trump posted shortly before the committee was gaveled into session:

“The Fake News Networks are perpetuating lies, falsehoods, and Russia, Russia, Russia type disinformation (same sick people, here we go again!) by allowing the low rated but nevertheless one sided and slanderous Unselect Committee hearings to go endlessly and aimlessly on (and on and on!),” he wrote. “It is a one sided, highly partisan Witch Hunt, the likes of which has never been seen in Congress before. Therefore, I am hereby demanding EQUAL TIME to spell out the massive Voter Fraud & Dem Security Breach!”


Of course, if Trump really wanted his side of the story to be heard, all he’d have to do is notify committee chairman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) and let him know he wants to testify under oath in public and televised.

Of course, Trump won’t agree to show up and testify because he knows he’d commit perjury within a minute and a half of opening his mouth, leaving him open to being charged with that crime.

Also, as demented and scatterbrained as Trump is, can you imagine what a good attorney such as committee member Jamie Raskin (D-MD) would do to him? He’d destroy the Donald and leave nothing but orange fragments in place of where the disgraced ex-president had been sitting.

So, Donald, here’s a challenge: Have your “people” notify the committee that you want your equal time and you’ll probably get incredible ratings, which we all know are paramount to you because you’re a narcissistic asshole who thinks the world revolves around him.

What do you say, coward?