Donald Trump Elections Social Media

Twitter Reacts With Horror After Trump Gives Cheap ‘Gift’ To Child With Rare Brain Disorder

Earlier this week, failed one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump held a campaign rally in Uniondale, New York, where he suggested that he would win the state, even though it hasn’t given its electoral votes to a Republican presidential candidate since 1984, when Ronald Reagan was reelected in a landslide.

While he was in Uniondale, Trump also met with an 8-year-old boy named Liam who is suffering from a rare brain disorder and growth hormone deficiency.

Before meeting with Liam, the disgraced ex-president had written a letter to the boy:

Dear Liam,

Happy birthday, Mrs. Trump, and I hope you enjoy this special occasion surrounded by the love of your family and friends.

We are so encouraged by the strength and determination you have shown throughout your life and send our love and best wishes to you as you continue to fight. Remember you are never alone, and we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers for continued care and good health. May God bless you and your family, stay strong.


Donald Trump

Trump then met with Liam and his family, according to One America News, and promised he had a wonderful gift for him.

“I’m supposed to be on that stage, but that doesn’t matter because I got you the best present,” Trump said. “This is the best present you’ll ever have.”

The Republican then handed Liam a box and said “in there is real good stuff.”

Trump then thanked the boy and his family for coming to the rally and for supporting him.

“We’re gonna have that picture for life, you and I,” Trump told Liam after taking a photo.

So what was the present? Was it an all-expenses paid trip to Walt Disney World? Was it a nice check to help defray some of the family’s medical expenses? Hell, was it even a ticket to the local zoo so the kid could go see the animals?

No. It was a fucking cheap-ass MAGA cap signed by Donald Douchebag, probably made in China and worth about ten bucks.

The video set off a wave of revulsion and ridicule on Twitter.

Next time, maybe Donnie can gift another kid some autographed photos of him hanging out with the late sex abuser Jeffrey Epstein. Afterwards, Trump can take the kid out for ice cream and regale him with tales of how he grabs women by their genitals.


By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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