Congress GOP WTF?!

AOC Has The Perfect Comeback When A GOP Rep. Says Democrats Are Drinking On The House Floor

Since Republicans in the House of Representatives continue to prove that they cannot manage to elect a Speaker, they’re now lashing out at their Democratic colleagues, but it turns out they’re no better at that than they are at picking a leader.

During debate on the House floor Wednesday, Mediaite reports, Rep.-elect Kat Cammack (R-FL) accused Democrats of drinking as they watched the GOP debacle continue for the second straight day.

Refusing to elect McCarthy as Speaker, said Cammack, was tantamount to “stifl[ing] the will of the American people.”

She credited McCarthy for having “done more than anyone in this chamber to secure a Republican majority,” and said they needed to “unify now” to oppose the “liberal Senate” and “Obama’s J.V. Team in the White House.”

“The American people sent a conservative majority to govern this body,” she continued, but “we cannot begin to govern because heck, we can’t even swear in as members of Congress.”

“Diversity of thought” was “a good thing,” and sets Republicans “apart from our friends on the other side of the aisle,” Cammack continued, who “want us divided” and “want us to fight each other.”

And then Cammack casually dropped in her specious accusation:

“That much has been made clear but the popcorn and blankets and alcohol that has come in over there.”

There were loud boos and jeers in response to Cammack’s cheap shot, but perhaps the best comeback came from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who replied on Twitter.

“If only! If Dems took a shot every time McCarthy lost a Republican, we’d all be unconscious by now”

At last count, McCarthy had lost FIVE votes to be Speaker, garnering fewer votes than Democratic House leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY).

If anyone needs a drink, it’s the House GOP caucus. Maybe if they got rip-roaring drunk they could actually manage to accomplish something. Then again, they’d probably argue over who got the last swig from the bottle.

Foreign Policy Fox News WTF?!

Tucker Carlson Says Lindsey Graham’s ‘Personal Life’ Explains His Support For Ukraine

According to Fox News host Tucker Carlson, the reason Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is so eager to give more military aid to Ukraine as it continues to fight against a Russian invasion is because of the senator’s “personal life.”

Mediaite reports that Carlson made his comments on his show Thursday evening, seeming to suggest that Graham’s sexuality might be in question. The senator is 67 and has never been married, leading some to say that he’s a closeted homosexual.

“So, the other day Lindsey Graham came out–” Carlson began, taking a long pause “–the Republican from South Carolina, and said that he agreed with Joe Biden and Zelensky.

Carlson then played a clip of Graham remarking:

“How does this war end? When Russia breaks and they take Putin out. Anything short of that, the war’s gonna continue. To ask the Ukrainians to give Russia part of the country after all this death and destruction is not gonna happen. To signal a ceasefire, Russia will take the opportunity to rearm and come at them again. So, we’re in it to win it and the only way you’re gonna win it is to break the Russian military and have somebody in Russia take Putin out.”

That led Carlson to tell his viewers:

“So, it’s really hard to overstate how crazy this is. And you don’t want to play shrink and wonder about, you know, what emptiness at the core of Lindsey Graham’s personal life causes him to identify so strongly with a country he’s not a citizen of. Something’s going on there.”

According to Carlson, continuing to assist the Ukrainians will only lead to wider conflict, including a catastrophic war between the U.S. and Russia.

“What happens then?. Well, the world’s largest land mass falls into ungovernable chaos.”

Leave it to Fox News to try and slag a member of the GOP simply because they don’t like his foreign policy aims. What’s next? Will Carlson begin suggesting that Graham is a transsexual? With Fox, you just never know how low they’ll go.


Elon Musk Jared Kushner Social Media WTF?!

Jared And Elon Set Off A Wave Of Online Chatter By Attending The World Cup Final Together

In what many are calling the greatest World Cup Final in history, Argentina defeated France today on penalty kicks.

The Athletic reports:

Lionel Messi has led Argentina to World Cup glory after the most thrilling final in the 92-year history of the tournament.

Argentina took the lead through Messi and Angel Di Maria, only for Kylian Mbappe to score a late brace. Messi restored Argentina’s lead in extra time, but Mbappe again hit back for France, completing his hat-trick and taking the game to a penalty shootout.

Argentina won the shootout 4-2, to claim the World Cup and victory in one of the sport’s all-time great games.

Shortly after the game was over, a photo began circulating online showing Twitter CEO Elon Musk and former Trump administration senior adviser Jared Kushner standing together in a private box at the stadium in Qatar, which led this posting:

What in the hell is going on there? Is Jared trying to line up another couple of billion bucks from Qatar, much the same as he did with the Saudis right after the Trump administration ended?

And why is Musk at the World Cup? Granted, he’s a billionaire and can attend any sporting event on the planet, but is he really there to try and shore up his Twitter investment? After all, a report from the Wall Street Journal suggests that Musk is desperate to sell more shares in the social media platform because he no longer has the cash on hand he needs to pay the bills for rent on office space and vendors who supply the company.

Since neither Kushner or Musk was kind enough to explain the reason for the simultaneous appearance at the World Cup, it seems only fair to let social media figure it out.

Jared and Elon make a nice couple, especially when they’re on the hunt for blood money.

Donald Trump WTF?!

MAGA Faithful Attack Trump After His ‘Major Announcement’ Turns Out To Be $99 Digital Trading Cards

After repeatedly teasing a “major announcement” Wednesday via his failing Truth Social platform, failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump finally revealed on Thursday exactly what he wanted to tell the world.

Speculation online had been that Trump would either announce his 2024 running mate or that he was leaving the GOP and forming his own political party.

Instead, he’s hawking digital trading cards that retail for $99 a pop, according to Deadline.

On his social media platform Truth Social, Trump announced that his official “Donald Trump Digital Trading Card” is debuting, with “amazing ART of my Life & Career.”

“Collect all of your favorite Trump Digital Trading Cards, very much like a baseball card, but hopefully much more exciting,” Trump wrote. The cards will be available for “only $99 each.”

How was the major announcement received by the business world? Not very well.

In the immediate aftermath of his announcement, shares in Digital World Acquisition Corp., the investment vehicle set to take Trump’s media company public, fell by more than 6% after rising the day before in anticipation of the announcement. Investors apparently expected something more substantial. The deadline for the SPAC to complete a deal to go public was extended into next year.

As you’d expect, there was plenty of laughter and derision aimed at the ex-president, with many noting that he’s always trying to find a new way to grift off his fans.

Author Mike Rothschild: “Trump’s MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT was an NFT collection. It’s so lame that I’m not even including a screen shot. Congrats to everyone who saw this for the pathetic attention grab that it always was.”

Conservative editor Ben Kew: “So Trump’s ‘MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT’ was actually just a grift to promote a bunch of worthless trading cards. Even my grandmother knows NFTs are a scam.”

But it was what Trump’s so-called “fans” and supporters had to say on social media that should most concern Donald, because it sounds like they’ve had quite enough of his BS.

They sound BIG mad. Probably because it took them this long to realize they’ve been taken for a ride by a con man.

History WTF?!

Sean Spicer Thoroughly Disrespects Pearl Harbor Day With A Unforgivable Mistake

For those who know American history, today has special significance: It’s Pearl Harbor Day, which commemorates the Japanese attack on the Pearl Harbor naval base by the Japanese on December 7, 1941, a day which President Franklin D. Roosevelt said would “live in infamy.”

However, former White House press secretary Sean Spicer confused today with D-Day, and shared his ignorance with the world via Twitter.

“Today is Dday. It only lives in infamy if we remember and share the story of sacrifice with the next generation #DDay.”

D-Day — which celebrates the Allied forces’ invasion of Normandy — a landmark in World War II that eventually led to the surrender of German forces and the end of the war in Europe.

Spicer, it should be noted, later deleted his post and did a mea culpa apology.

But it was far too late and the internet remembers everything, as Spicer found out when reaction began pouring in.