Elections GOP

Lara Trump Admits The GOP Will Try And Keep Millions Of 2024 Votes From Being Counted

Republican National Committee (RNC) co-chair Lara Trump is making no secret of GOP plans for the 2024 election: They want to guarantee that millions of ballots aren’t counted in the hope that their efforts will hand the election to failed former president Donald Trump.

Speaking with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, Trump proudly announced that her party has filed suit in the state of Nevada to make it illegal for any votes to be counted after Election Day.

“You cannot have ballots counted, Maria, after elections are over,” Trump said. “And right now, that is one of the many lawsuits we have out across this country to ensure that just that happens, that we have a free, fair, and transparent election.”

“So in Nevada, as you pointed out, we are saying we want, on election day, that to be the last day that mail-in ballots can be counted. And we’ve been very successful in a lot of lawsuits.”

Similar efforts are taking place in the key swing state of Pennsylvania, Trump revealed.

“They wanted to take off dates from mail-in ballots, of course, the Democrats, in an effort to make it easier to cheat.”

So if a ballot isn’t counted on the day of the election, it should be thrown out, according to the GOP.

As HuffPost notes, the Republican effort is meant to undermine the 2024 election.

“The lawsuit filed by the RNC in Nevada doesn’t seek to stop counting ballots after Election Day, but rather seeks to prohibit counting any mail-in ballots received after that date, even if they were postmarked in time.

Under the state’s current law, ballots received up to four days after Election “Day are counted, as long as they are postmarked before the end of the day on Election Day.”

It didn’t take long for social media to explode with criticism of the RNC plan.

Elections WTF?!

Georgia Governor Admits On Tape: Voter Suppression Bill Has ‘Nothing To Do With Fraud’

The voter suppression bill that Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signed last week was supposedly (according to him and other Republican leaders in the Peach State) necessary to fight voter fraud.

On Tuesday, Kemp was still defending the legislation:

“I’ve always been passionate about making it easy to vote and hard to cheat. You know, the voters in Georgia are pretty smart and I trust them to take a hard look and figure out for themselves what is really in it and what’s not.”

But just a few hours later, Kemp flatly admitted that the bill had nothing at all to do with fraud or cheating by Georgia voters, telling WABE radio:

“A lot of this bill is dealing with the mechanics of the election. It has nothing to do with potential fraud or not.”

Kemp also suggested that since the GOP controls the Georgia General Assembly, they can pass any laws they want, no matter what anyone else thinks:

“I’ve heard a lot of the Democrats say this year the elections have consequences. And they certainly do.

“And the people that are still governing in the General Assembly wanted to do something about the problems that they saw with this election. And that’s exactly what they have done, which is how the process works.”

So there’s no fraud that needs to be fought against, but since Republicans are in charge, they can do as they please. That’s a hell of a way to look at things.

However, Kemp’s legislation is already causing major problems for Georgia economically, with a boycott being called for and the CEO’s of both Delta and Coca-Cola (both headquartered in the Peach State) saying the new law is unacceptable.

Several lawsuits have also been filed to void the Georgia voting law, any of which could succeed. But will they before the 2022 midterm?

Republicans can’t win elections unless they cheat. If you doubt that, keep in mind that even Gov. Brian Kemp admitted so.