Foreign Policy Vladimir Putin

WATCH Sen. Chris Murphy Shut Down Chuck Todd For Complaining That Biden Called Putin A ‘War Criminal’

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) wasted no time shutting down “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd on Sunday when Todd suggested that President Joe Biden had made a mistake when he called Russian President Vladimir Putin a “war criminal” this week.

Todd asked Murphy:

“President Biden called Putin a war criminal this week. There are a lot of people who agree with that assessment but question whether the president himself should have personalized it. Where are you in this?”

The senator replied:

“I don’t think you can do anything other than call Vladimir Putin a war criminal He is! I mean, what he’s doing right now as we speak, targeting children, maternity wards, schools inside Ukraine clearly crosses a line.”

That led the NBC host to follow up by inquiring:

“We’re going to negotiate with a war criminal? That is what’s difficult here, right? We didn’t negotiate with [former Serbian President Slobodan Milošević].”


“President Biden is showing moral leadership just like President Zelenskyy is showing moral leadership. There are a lot of Republican colleagues now who are using their time to criticize President Biden, vote against Ukraine aid on the floor of the House and the Senate while President Biden is standing up there saying and doing the right thing.

“So I’m proud of President Biden for drawing a moral line against Vladimir Putin. I’d rather have my Republican colleagues supporting him rather than attacking him.”

There can be no doubt that Vladimir Putin is a war criminal. Anyone who orders the bombing of residential areas, uses cluster bombs, and doesn’t care if his troops target women, children, and the elderly is beyond the pale.

When Russia’s illegal and immoral invasion of Ukraine is over with, Putin needs to be dragged of of the Kremlin and placed on trial for crimes against humanity. If he’s found guilty, he should face the same fate as the Nazis convicted at the Nuremberg trials after World War II: To swing from a hangman’s noose.

Foreign Policy Russia Vladimir Putin

Hillary Clinton Claps Back At Putin After Russia Sanctions Her And Other Prominent Americans

Earlier today, Russia retaliated against the United States for its imposition of sanctions for their invasion of Ukraine three weeks ago.

Mediaite notes that there were some familiar names on the list of Americans the Kremlin decided to ban from Russia:

“In response to a series of unprecedented sanctions prohibiting, among other things, entry into the United States for top officials of the Russian Federation, from March 15 of this year, the Russian ‘stop list’ includes on the basis of reciprocity President J. Biden, Secretary of State A. Blinken, Secretary of Defense L. Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff M. Milley, as well as a number of department heads and prominent US figures,” the statement said.

Also on the list is former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton, who took the announcement in good humor with this Twitter posting:

Be sure and note there are no Republicans on the sanctioned list from Russia. Twitter users certainly did.

Donald Trump Russia Vladimir Putin

Trump Minimizes Putin’s Bloody Invasion At Saturday Rally: He Just Needs ‘Somebody To Talk To Him’

At a rally in Florence, South Carolina on Saturday evening, failed former President Donald Trump downplayed the brutality of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, suggesting that he simply needed “somebody to talk to him.”

The ex-president, who at times sounded exhausted and spoke for less than an hour, remarked:

“But the swamp was deep deeper than anybody believed, despite all of Biden’s weakness, cowardice and incompetence, there is still a path for him to end this tragedy in Ukraine. Without getting Americans snared in a gruesome and very bloody war. Bloody war. This could lead by the way this could lead to World War Three. I see what’s happening. Because if you think Putin is going to stop, it’s going to get worse and worse. He’s not going to accept it, and we don’t have anybody to talk to him. You had somebody to talk to him with me.”

Trump also told rallygoers:

“(Putin) happens to be a man who is driven. He’s driven to put it together.”

Just this week, Putin’s troops attacked a maternity hospital in Mariupol, killing three people and endangering the lives of pregnant women and their babies. But he just needs someone to talk to? Sounds like he needs someone to put a bag on his head and deliver him to the International Criminal Court in the Hague for crimes against humanity.

Twitter users were disgusted by Trump’s attempt to minimize Putin’s brutality:

Maybe we can arrest Trump at the same time as Putin and put them both on trial.

QAnon Vladimir Putin WTF?!

Supporter Of Trucker Convoy Praises Putin: He’s ‘Taken Out’ All Of The ‘Child Trafficking Areas’ In Ukraine

A supporter of the so-called “People’s Convoy” trucker protest told a reporter Thursday that Russian President Vladimir Putin has been unfairly criticized for his invasion of Ukraine and is actually a “good guy” because he’s “taken out” all of the “child trafficking areas” in the country.

Speaking with Andrew Callaghan of Channel 5, the man remarked:

“The Deep State has always made Putin to look like the bad guy. But he’s a good guy. He’s taken out all the biolabs, child trafficking areas, adrenochrome harvesting areas.”

The extreme right-wing QAnon conspiracy theory movement preaches that there’s a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophile sex traffickers who extract “adrenochrome” from the blood of children in an effort to render themselves immortal:

Adrenochrome, which has no rejuvenating effects, and very questionable psychedelic properties, would have long faded into obscurity had it not been rejuvenated by the QAnon twaddle. And it is not just innocent balderdash that is being spread, as exemplified by the man who swallowed the adrenochrome theory hook, line, and sinker and attempted to liberate children he believed were being kept captive in a Washington pizza parlor by Hillary Clinton. He brandished a rifle and a pistol as he “investigated the crime,” threatening customers and employees. He was subsequently arrested and sentenced to four and a half years in jail. 

The man at the trucker protest rally also suggested that when former President Donald Trump was given a soccer ball by Putin during a 2018 meeting in Helsinki, it contained all sorts of valuable information:

“If people would have watched when Trump came into office at the beginning, when you saw them hand that soccer ball off, that soccer ball had so much information in it to take down everybody that Putin’s had all the intel on for years, it had a lot of data in it. And that’s what’s going on.”

It’s tempting to dismiss people such as this man as outliers, but keep in mind that tens of millions of them voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020 and are hoping they’ll get a chance to cast a ballot for him in 2024.

The end of American democracy will be brought about by willful ignorance.


Donald Trump Donald Trump Jr. Vladimir Putin

Don Jr: My Dad Played Putin ‘Like A Fiddle’

Donald Trump Jr. thinks it’s absurd that so many people believe that his father was easy on Russian President/war criminal Vladimir Putin, and he’s determined to set the record straight so that history will look more favorably on his old man.

As Putin’s military bombs maternity hospitals and attacks other civilian targets at every turn, Don Jr. posted a new video in which he mocks critics of the failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president and suggests the entire world is wrong about daddy:

“This is some nerd, in his mom’s basement, who’s never dealt with anything.

“Ever think that, like all other things, maybe Trump understood that?

“He knew exactly how to play these guys, and he played it like a fiddle.”

Yep, it was all brilliant psychological warfare, and look how brilliantly it worked: Putin is attacking a sovereign country and Kim Jong-un is launching new missiles. Donald Trump controlled them both so perfectly that they’re lashing out now that he’s no longer in the White House.

Bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit.

The truth is that ex-president Trump got royally played by both Putin and Kim. Junior is just too damn stupid (like father, like son) to understand that his dad failed at being commander-in-chief the same way he’s failed at everything his entire life.

Twitter also had some choice words for Don Jr.