Elections GOP The Biden Administration

Pete Buttigieg Shreds J.D. Vance For Using ‘Pro-Family’ Rhetoric To Cloak His Bigotry

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttgieg slammed GOP vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance this morning during an appearance on CNN, making it clear that while Vance claims to be “pro-family,” his words suggest otherwise.

Asked about an interview CNN conducted with Vance in which the Ohio Republican accused Democrats of being anti-family, Buttigieg made it clear he has no use for the senator’s bogus pronouncements on the topic of what constitutes a family.

“Let’s be clear, we’re the ones trying to get the Child Tax Credit expanded and J.D. Vance couldn’t be bothered to show up in the Senate and vote for it and Republicans have blocked that from being expanded or it’d be the law of the land right now.”

“So if you want to talk about promoting children, promoting family, put your money where your mouth is,” Buttigieg added.

Buttigieg also told host Dana Bash, “Look, when you asked him and pressed him on whether my family was legitimate, he said yes because I think he felt shamed into it. But let’s remember also, the last time I checked, he doesn’t even think I should legally be able to have a family.”

“Now, if he really got his way in his anti-marriage equality views, I don’t know if that means that he would want me and my husband to be forcibly divorced and separated from our children or if he’d be satisfied just to have us lose legal protections like the ability to do our taxes together, visit them in a hospital,” he added. “I don’t know exactly what his vision of us not having a family looks like, but I know that it’s not pro-family for me.”

Make no mistake. Vance and his political godfather, Donald Trump, think they have the right to determine what constitutes a family. But their version of family is something from the 1950s and has no relevance at all in 2024.

Buttigieg is right. And Vance’s narrow-minded bigotry needs to be called out every time he opens his big mouth.

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris The Biden Administration

Former Trump Administration Official Says Donald Is ‘Afraid’ Of Kamala Harris

A former White House official says convicted felon Donald Trump is hoping and praying that President Joe Biden doesn’t drop out of the 2024 presidential race, because the prospect of having to face Vice President Kamala Harris as his opponent terrifies him.

Alyssa Farah Griffin served as White House communications director, and she told her co-hosts on “The View” that Trump is indeed afraid of Harris.

Griffin made her comments in response to Sunny Hostin, who remarked, “One more thing that I will say is that Republicans are clearly scared about Kamala Harris.”

“There’s a reason Donald Trump isn’t out there shouting about the debate. He knows that Joe Biden will lose to him. He is afraid of Vice President Harris,” Griffin explained.

That led co-host Whoopi Goldberg to note, “It doesn’t matter what we say should be happening. It’s going to come down to one or the other. It’s that simple, and it is not up to us. It is not up to the media. It is up to you all. You know, as I keep saying, do you want the guy whose teeth fall out when he talks and maybe his hair isn’t on as secure, or do you want the guy who’s going to take your family, whatever your background is, and send them to another country because he doesn’t like who you are? That’s what it comes down to. So, you know, it’s in our hands.”

The numbers couldn’t be clearer, as we learned in the 2020 election: When Democrats vote, Democrats win. We outnumber the GOP and we can keep them from inflicting their horrific agenda (i.e. Project 2025) on this country if we get out and vote like our lives depend on it. Because they do.

Congress GOP Justice Department The Biden Administration

WATCH A DOJ Official Give Jim Jordan A Brutal Fact-Check During House Hearing

A hearing of the House Judiciary Committee wound up proving just how little chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) knows about the law or U.S. history, with an official of the Justice Department having to give Jordan some embarrassing facts which completely undercut the point he was trying to make.

Jordan asked Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke about a civil rights investigation into Elon Musk’s SpaceX company, which the DOJ has accused of refusing to hire asylum recipients and refugees in direct violation of U.S. law.

“Did Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter have anything to do with the Justice Department’s decision to file that lawsuit against SpaceX?” Jordan asked Clarke.

Clarke told Jordan that the DOJ investigation of SpaceX began during the Trump administration.

“The investigation into SpaceX was open during the last administration, and we filed an administrative action under the Immigration and Nationality Act, an important law passed by this body with bipartisan support and signed into law by President Reagan,” she noted.

Jordan: “What are you alleging that SpaceX did wrong?”

Clarke: “In this case, we allege that the company is not compliant with the anti-discrimination provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act.”

Rather than accept that, Jordan asked, “They’re discriminating against refugees and asylum seekers, is that right?”

Once again, Clarke had to fact check Jordan.

“No, Chairman. Against people who have received refugee status and asylum status by our federal courts and who enjoy equal standing under federal law to U.S. citizens and naturalized citizens.

“The law requires equal treatment of these individuals.”

Jordan continued to press.

“I just want to cut to the chase. You’re suing SpaceX because they hired too many Americans, too many citizens.”

“And yet you bring the lawsuit after Mr. Musk purchases Twitter, now X, is that right?”

Clarke shut Jordan down by responding: “We apply the laws that this body gave us without fear or favor.”

Congress GOP The Biden Administration

Pete Buttigieg Testified Before Hostile Republicans – And He Kicked Their A**es: VIDEO

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg walked right into the proverbial lion’s den when he testified before the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and he quickly schooled committee Republicans on topics ranging from climate change to subsidies for Big Oil.

U.S. Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) suggested that Buttigieg was personally to blame for “killing” the U.S. auto industry by supporting the development of electric vehicles.

“I don’t know if you can justify or how you justify forcing my constituents to pay for EVs [electric vehicles] and EV infrastructure for coastal elites and wealthy people, but somehow you do,” Perry remarked.

Buttigieg: “Well, I need to point out that wealthy people were specifically excluded from the Inflation Reduction Act.”

Perry: “Well. Do you dispute that two-thirds of EV owners, are owned by people over 100,000, that make over 100,000?”

Buttigieg noted that the price of electric vehicles is going down and wondered if Perry was opposed “cutting their costs.”

“I’m not against cutting the cost. The market should do it,” Perry replied. “But you want the government, you want my taxpayers to pay to cut the cost.”

That led to Buttigieg asking about taxpayer-funded subsidies for the oil and gas industry.

“If you are of the view that there should be no subsidy to propulsion vehicles, then are you against oil and gas subsidies?”

Another GOP congressman told the secretary, “Nobody wants these electric vehicles unless you’re an elite that can afford them – people in may district sure as hell don’t want them.”

The secretary responded, “We’re doing this for three reasons, even though the EV revolution’s going to happen.”

Buttigieg also told Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) that “climate change is real,” which led the congressman to reply, “This one’s called Autumn.”

“Yeah, that’s the seasons changing which respectfully is not the same as the climate changing,” Buttigieg retorted.

But perhaps the best exchange was between Buttigieg and U.S. Rep. Eric Burlison (R-MO), who asked the secretary about the cost of his “private” flights, to which he responded:

“I knew this might come up, so I brought some numbers. Since getting the job, I have taken—these are estimates, give or take a couple—but I’ve taken 638 flights.”

“607 of them were commercial, 10 of them were on military aircraft such as Air Force One, and 21 were on FAA aircraft—representing about 3 percent of the flights.”

He added, “Just once again, the way I usually travel is an economy class aboard an airliner like everybody else, when we do it differently, it’s often because it will save taxpayer money.”

Here’s some video clips from Buttigieg’s testimony: