GOP Social Media

Ted Cruz Thumps His Bible At Stephen King And Promptly Gets His A*s Handed To Him

Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz really needs to take an extended absence from social media. Why? Because he keeps trying to troll others and always winds up humiliating himself because he clearly has no discernable sense of humor.

Consider just a couple of spectacular Twitter fails for Cruz that left him with internet egg on his face:

In October, Cruz was forced to delete a tweet he posted about Muslim white supremacists: “Cruz tweeted out a screenshot of what he claimed was an article from the Atlantic which was titled “The Evolution of White Supremacy” and included a subtitle which read: ‘In Dearborn Michigan, Muslim parents who oppose teaching pornography to children become the new face of the far right.”

Turns out the story was fake and Cruz fell for the lie.

Cruz also attempted to troll White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on the subject of student loan debt relief, posting a tweet that read “We believe in Santa Clause. And unicorns. And pixie dust!”

The guy graduated from Princeton and Harvard Law, but he can’t even manage to spell a name that most five-year-old kids have mastered.

And now Teddy Boy has responded to a tweet from novelist Stephen King in which the bestselling author encouraged kids to read as much as possible, even books that may be banned at their school (especially if they live in a deep red state like Texas), writing:

“Hey, kids! It’s your old buddy Steve King telling you that if they ban a book in your school, haul your ass to the nearest bookstore or library ASAP and find out what they don’t want you to read.”

Exactly. If they’re going to keep books away from kids in school libraries and classrooms, there’s always the bookstore and public library. Many curious young bookworms (including me) have done exactly that when anyone dared to try and keep information from us.

Cruz, however, couldn’t resist responding:

“And just like that, millions of kids began reading the Bible….”

Very few (if any) school districts in the United States have banned the Bible, so that’s a false equivalency. And here’s betting Teddy would pitch a hissy fit if the Koran was also allowed in Texas schools.

Though King hasn’t yet responded to Cruz, others did, and they let the senator have it.

Free advice, Ted: Delete your Twitter account and become a monk. That way you can read the Bible all day and night without interruption except for when you need to rub one out.

GOP Joe Biden Social Media

Ted Cruz Walks Right Into A Spectacular Self-Own When He Complains Joe Biden Doesn’t ‘Respect’ MAGA Republicans

Even though he never gives respect to anyone other than people who don’t deserve it (i.e. Donald Trump), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is angry with President Joe Biden for saying in a stump speech this week that he doesn’t “respect these MAGA Republicans.”

Why would anyone respect the members of a death cult? Are we supposed to respect Jim Jones and David Koresh? If so, count me out.

The MAGA Republicans are also cultish and devoted to the Donald and whatever he does or says. They would follow him off a cliff like lemmings if he told them to. So why do they deserve even a shred of respect?

That statement from the president led Cruz to respond.

Really, Ted? You’re going to take that attitude considering how you repeatedly disrespected Barack Obama and every other member of the Democratic congressional delegation?

Keep in mind just a few of the more disgusting things Cruz has said over the course of his political career:

  • Senator Ted Cruz, the conservative Texas Republican considering a run for the presidency, lashed out at President Barack Obama during a visit to New Hampshire on Sunday, saying his administration had repeatedly trampled on the Constitution.
  • According to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran is essentially financing terrorism. And he’s not backing down after the president called his comments “outrageous.”
  • In the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) said President Obama is not interested in protecting the United States.

But now Cruz wants respect? Instead, he got hit with a Twitter two-by-four.

GOP Whining Social Media

Ted Cruz Humiliates Himself With A Misspelled Attempt To Troll Karine Jean-Pierre

Bless his coal-black heart, Sen. Ted Cruz just cannot resist an attempt to prove what a entitled piece of crap he is, but his latest attack on White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and the Biden administration’s cancellation of some student loan debt wound up boomeranging back on him in a very humiliating manner.

On Wednesday, President Joe Biden announced that he would be cancelling up to $10,000 of student loan debt for millions of Americans who took out those loans to attend colleges and universities.

Shortly after the president presented his plan, Cruz fired off a statement which read:

“The highest concentration of student loan debt is held by people in Washington, DC. This administration’s policy is to force blue collar workers and American families across the country to pay off the cost of a Washington bureaucrat’s college degree – it’s morally bankrupt. 

“This announcement is a gut punch to every hard working single mother who worked double shifts in order to pay for her own education, every parent who borrowed against their home to send their kid to college, Americans who sacrificed to make responsible financial decisions, and our nation’s veterans and service members who risked their lives to earn the G.I. Bill.

“Let’s be clear – there is no way to ‘cancel’ student debt. This will cost every taxpayer an average of $2100. Someone will pay the price for this policy and the price is likely to be felt by every American in the form of even higher inflation. This administration is exceeding its legal authority and illegally burdening hard-working Americans with debts they didn’t take on themselves.”

That’s complete poppycock, especially the part about it leading to higher inflation. There is no proof that even remotely suggests the president’s move will lead to higher inflation. And as for $2,100 every taxpayer will pay, why isn’t Cruz complaining about the billions in Paycheck Protection Program loans that have been written off? Because he’s a hypocrite who made sure billionaires that own fracking companies received $35 million in COVID relief funds from the taxpayers. Those billionaires also happen to be major donors to the Texas senator. How’s that for quid pro quo?

And now Ted is trying to troll Jean-Pierre, posting this on Twitter today:

Santa Clause? Hell, most 5-year-old kids know how to spell Santa Claus correctly. Is this the sort of education Ted got at Harvard Law School? If so, they should rescind his degree and demand he retake all of his courses.

Ted Cruz is a monumental asshole. He’s also a jackass who needs to go back to grammar school. Oh, and while he’s at it, it also appears he needs to delete his Twitter account before it leads to another self-own.



WATCH: Petulant Ted Cruz Slams His Boot On The Desk At Senate Hearing With FBI Director

In his effort to keep his #1 ranking as the most hated person in the United States Senate, Ted Cruz (R-TX) used a boot as a prop at a hearing on Thursday with FBI Director Christopher Wray, slamming it on the table as he asked a question.

Cruz had his panties in a wad over what he claimed was an FBI memo that identified some symbols being associated with violent militias that were seen on display during the January 6 Capitol insurrection.

Some of those symbols included the Gadsden “Don’t Tread on Me” Flag and the Gonzales “Come and Take It” Flag, that most of us have seen.

That led Cruz to tell Wray:

“Also included on this is a text that I was particularly struck is the Gonzales battle flag, ‘come and take it,’ as indicative of being a violent extremist militia. Well, I will self report right now that every day in the Senate I wear my boots that have the Gonzales battle flag on the back.”

With that, Cruz slammed one of the boots up on the table and continued his petulant rant:

“Director Ray, what are y’all doing? This makes no sense. Do you agree with this FBI guidance that the Betsy Ross flag and the Gadsden flag and the Gonzales battle flag are signs of militia violent extremism?”

Wray told Cruz:

“Well, Senator. I’m not familiar with the particular document you have behind you.

“And I’m not in the practice of trying to comment on documents that I haven’t recognized, but I will tell you that when we put out intelligence products, including ones that reference symbols, which we do, across a wide variety of contexts, we usually make great pains, take great pains, to put caveats and warnings in the document to make clear that a symbol alone is not considered evidence of violent extremism.”

However, one good thing did come out of today’s hearing: We now know that Ted Cruz is also the biggest, whiniest little baby in the Senate, too.

GOP U.S. Senate Viral Video

VIRAL VIDEO: Enraged Republican Calls Ted Cruz A ‘Coward’ At Texas GOP Convention

The Texas GOP convention was held over the weekend, and judging by some of the speeches and overall tone of those who delivered them, it’s accurate to say that the Lone Star State is getting more right-wing by the minute, with attendees loudly booing anyone who disagreed with them on any issue.

One Republican who got an earful was Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who always seems to be at the center of one controversy or the other, if only because he simply doesn’t know when to keep his trap shut.

But it was what happened to Cruz after he had already spoken to the convention that’s making news.

According to Newsweek, an enraged man called Cruz a coward and a globalist before he was finally escorted away from the senator:

“Remember how Trump made fun of your wife and you went and became best friends with Trump, why do you do that?” the man said as he approached Cruz who was sitting at a table in the convention hall.

“You go and become best friends with Trump after he makes fun of you and your wife, why do you do that?”

The man continued his angry rant:

“It is because you are a coward, I do love America, you don’t.

“You care more about the border between Ukraine and Russia than you do about the border between Texas and Mexico, why is that?”

Even as the man was being ushered away, he continued to verbally excoriate Cruz:

“You are a globalist, you know it Ted, you are a globalist. You know that, bud, that is why you are a coward and a liar.

“You know that and I know that, that’s why you are afraid to stand up. When people were freezing and dying you were in Mexico, do you remember that?

“Remember when you had the all-inclusive buffet while people were freezing. Do you remember that Ted? When everyone was freezing and people were dying.”

The video has been viewed online almost 500,000 times since it was posted on Sunday.