Right Wing Morons

Alex Jones Sinks His Own Defense By Admitting The Sandy Hook Massacre Was ‘100 Percent Real’

As he tries to avoid having to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in damages for claiming the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary was fake, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was forced to admit under oath Wednesday morning that the horror which left 26 people dead, including 20 children aged six and seven, was indeed real.

Testifying in a trial that will decide how much in damages Jones has to pay for his lies about Sandy Hook, the host was asked if he understood “how crazy” it was to claim no one died at the school. He claimed he was “under a lot of pressure at the time” and added:

“It was, especially since I’ve met the parents. It’s 100 percent real, and the media still ran with lies that I was saying it wasn’t real…They won’t let me take it back.”

Of course, if Jones hadn’t said such disgusting things in the first place, he wouldn’t need to take them back.

On Tuesday, parents of one of the victims testified, Mediaite reports:

Jones’ testimony came a day after Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis, the parents of 6-year-old Sandy Hook victim Jesse Lewis, testified about the torment they’ve experienced since Jones claimed that their son was a child actor. Heslin testified that Jones claims have made his life “living Hell,” and Lewis spoke directly to Jones on the stand as she said “I wanted to tell you to your face because I wanted you to know that I am a mother first and foremost. And I know that you are a father and my son existed. You’re still on your show today trying to say that I’m, implying that I’m an actress, that I am ‘deep state.’”

Jones has already been found guilty of defamation, and the family is seeking $150 million in damages due to the threats and harassment they’ve received since Jones began telling his falsehoods about what happened at Sandy Hook.

Right Wing Morons

WATCH: Right-Wing ‘People’s Convoy’ Gets Run Out Of Neighborhood By Egg-Throwing Residents

The so-called “People’s Convoy” of truckers and other right-wing nutjobs opposed to COVID restrictions (the vast majority of which have been lifted) decided to take their protest to California, but they picked the wrong neighborhood and were quickly dispatched by residents who tossed eggs at their vehicles.

Convoys of truckers shut down the Ambassador Bridge connecting Canada and the United States back in February, but attempts to mimic those protests here in the U.S. have been met with apathy and anger, as commuters quickly grew tired of seeing big rigs blocking the highways as they attempted to make their way to work on time.

On Friday, a group of protesters took their trucks to a San Francisco suburb to show disapproval of Democratic Assemblymember Buffy Wicks’ support for an abortion bill and were run out of town, according to the San Francisco Gate:

Livestreams posted by convoy participants show police arriving to protect Wicks’ home, which eventually prompted the group to move on. It was here they made their mistake, driving onto busy, one-lane College Avenue on the Berkeley-Oakland border. There, slowed down by the usual Friday afternoon traffic, they were sitting ducks outside the Safeway. A large group of kids, armed with eggs purchased at the grocery store, began pelting the convoy.

Even better was that some of the truckers were stupid enough not to take proper precautions and literally wound up with egg on their faces:

A few ill-advised convoy drivers had their windows rolled down, resulting in eggs splattering the insides of their vehicles. Passersby watched in confusion and amusement, with some adults stopping to cheer on the kids. Furious truckers then drove out of town, heading back on the highway toward their base in Sacramento. According to CB radio captured by the livestream audio, truckers complained about needing to wash their vehicles and seemed shocked at how poorly received they were by locals.

Karma is a wonderful thing when it slaps people who are richly deserving of being taken down a few notches.

Right Wing Morons

Member Of US Truck Convoy Whines Motorists Are Giving Him The Finger: ‘Birds Flying Everywhere!’

The so-called “Freedom Convoy” of truckers which began in Canada and has since shifted to the United States (and been renamed the “People’s Convoy,”) has been a miserable failure here in states, as only a few trucks continue to drive in circles (wasting valuable diesel fuel) around the Washington, D.C. beltway.

What’s even more absurd is that the convoy is still protesting since all of the COVID mandates (masks, vaccines) have been dropped, so it isn’t clear what exactly the point of driving around the nation’s capital could possibly be.

However, the few truckers who are still participating are now whining that their fellow motorists aren’t happy to see them and are often flipping them off with a middle finger.

Zachary Petrizzo of The Daily Beast posted a video on Twitter in which one of the truck drivers/protesters complains:

“You go around the Beltway, birds are flying, birds are flying everywhere! That’s the kind of people that live up there, you know? It’s a different world, D.C. is a different world.”

That same driver added:

“We’re trying to straighten [D.C.] out, we’re trying to clean it up, that’s what this is all about, trying to get it cleaned up.”

How are you going to straighten out anything when you’re driving in circles for hours on end? As for getting it “cleaned up,” do the exhaust fumes from those big rigs help clean things up? Hardly.

Wouldn’t it be more productive of the truckers to park their rigs and go visit their members of Congress to discuss whatever grievances they have? Driving around and pissing off motorists is not exactly how you endear yourself to the average commuter.

Twitter users also had some thoughts on what the trucker had to say.

Fox News Right Wing Morons The Biden Administration

Conservatives Lose Their Sh*t After Chris Wallace Calls Jen Psaki ‘One The Best Press Secretaries’

It’s so easy to upset conservatives and right-wingers. All you have to do is say something good about a member of the Biden administration or a Democrat in Congress and the extreme right begins frothing at the mouth and breathing fire.

For example, during a discussion of a back-and-forth at Friday’s White House press briefing between Fox News reporter Peter Doocy and press secretary Jen Psaki, there was a mention of President Joe Biden possibly paying a visit to the U.S.-Mexico border, to which Psaki said the president wouldn’t be going to the border for a “photo-op.”

That led Fox host Chris Wallace to praise both Doocy and Psaki, according to Mediaite:

“Honestly, as somebody who’s spent six years in the White House, my immediate reaction was those are two people at the top of their game,” Wallace said.

He praised Doocy for his tough questions and said, “I mean this as a compliment. I think he has become the Sam Donaldson of this White House press corps.”

Donaldson was famously aggressive in his questions to President Ronald Reagan when he was ABC News’ Chief White House Correspondent in the 80s.

“And since I was working in the press corps when Sam Donaldson was there, that’s a very grudging compliment on my part,” Wallace quipped. The Fox News Sunday anchor was NBC News’ Chief White House Correspondent during that time period.

He went on to say that Psaki “is one of the best press secretaries ever.”

Psaki is indeed very good at her job, and unlike her predecessors in the Trump administration, she holds a press briefing five days a week, Monday through Friday, and never begs off doing so just because she doesn’t want to answer tough questions on issues that impact the American people.

But based on the reaction Wallace received from conservatives and other assorted right-wing snowflakes, you’d have though he just said Donald Trump is a member of QAnon and drinks the blood of infants in order to maintain the tangerine tint to his skin.