Donald Trump Elections GOP WTF?!

Mike Huckabee: If Trump Doesn’t Win In 2024, Future Elections Will Be ‘Decided By Bullets Rather Than Ballots’

Former Arkansas Republican Gov. Mike Huckabee wants American voters to know that if failed ex-president Donald Trump’s legal problems keep him from winning a second term in the White House in the 2024 election, all future elections will be decided by violence and warfare instead of people casting ballots.

During his most recent show on Trinity Broadcast Network, Huckabee asked viewers, “Do you know how political opponents to those in power are dealt with in third-world dictatorships, banana republics, and communist regimes?”

“Well, it’s simple. People in power use their police agencies to arrest their opponents for made-up crimes in an attempt to discredit them bankrupt and imprison them, exile them, are all of the above. And if you’re not paying attention, you may not realize that Joe Biden is using exactly those tactics to make sure that Donald Trump is not his opponent in 2024,” Huckabee continued.

Huckabee added, “Now, folks, this kind of thuggery at taxpayer expense isn’t supposed to happen in the United States. No. We’re supposed to be a nation of laws and not a nation of powerful people.”

According to Huckabee, the Biden administration is currently in “full meltdown mode” regarding allegations that President Biden and his son, Hunter, made millions by taking bribes from foreign governments, allegations that have yet to be supported by a shred of evidence.

“It’s been exposed by numerous sources ranging from former business associates who knew firsthand of the corruption, as well as government whistleblowers who came forward after witnessing the so-called Justice Department, the IRS, the FBI and the Attorney General himself, all conspiring to hide the Biden family crimes, while all the time being obsessed with charging Donald Trump with crimes that even liberal Democrat and never Trumper constitutional scholars such as Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley assert, are not even crimes at all.”

Dershowitz and Turley, it should be noted, have been steadfastly defending Trump since he got caught committing high crimes and misdemeanors as president and impeached on two separate occasions, the only U.S. head of state to hold that dubious distinction.

Huckabee then went full batshit conspiratorial and crazy.

“Here’s the problem. If these tactics end up working to keep Trump from winning or even running in 2024, it is going to be the last American election that will be decided by ballots rather than bullets.”

The former governor concluded:

“I know that there are a dozen or so other Republican candidates wanting to be the GOP nominee next year and most of them were on the stage last week to audition for the job. But if you watch what was more a game show than a substantive debate, you realize that none of them have the gravitas of Donald Trump and none could be as likely as tough in staring down the enemy and moving this country forward with America first policies.”

So we can either elect Trump or face a GOP-led version of the “The Purge” movie series? Take your best shot, Mike. Non-traitorous Americans and genuine patriots (along with the U.S. military) aren’t afraid and sure as hell aren’t going to let your dystopian wet dream become reality.

Here’s the video: