Fox News GOP Right Wing Morons

Fox News Bans Matt And Mercedes Schlapp From Its Airwaves As Groping Allegation Causes More Fallout

Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union and his wife, Mercedes, are apparently now banned from the airwaves at Fox News, the latest major fallout from allegations that Matt groped and sexually assaulted a staffer who worked for the failed Senate campaign of 2022 Republican nominee Herschel Walker.

According to Mediaite, neither Matt or Mercedes have appeared on Fox since the allegations first surfaced earlier this month.

Since the … story broke, Matt and Mercedes, who were regulars on Fox News and Fox Business, have disappeared from the air. Mercedes, who served in former President Donald Trump’s White House and on his unsuccessful 2020 campaign, was last on the air the morning of Jan. 6, while Matt hasn’t appeared on either network since Jan. 4.

Fox has yet to cover the groping allegation. The network did not respond to a request for comment on the absence of the Schlapps from the air.

The Daily Beast was first to report on what allegedly transpired between Matt Schlapp and the Walker staffer.

A staffer for Herschel Walker’s Senate campaign has alleged to The Daily Beast that longtime Republican activist Matt Schlapp made “sustained and unwanted and unsolicited” sexual contact with him while the staffer was driving Schlapp back from an Atlanta bar this October.

The staffer said the incident occurred the night of Oct. 19, when Schlapp, chair of the American Conservative Union and lead organizer for the influential Conservative Political Action Conference, “groped” and “fondled” his crotch in his car against his will after buying him drinks at two different bars.

The staffer described Schlapp, who had traveled to Georgia for a Walker campaign event, as inappropriately and repeatedly intruding into his personal space at the bars. He said he was also keenly aware of his “power dynamic” with Schlapp, widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in national conservative politics.

Schlapp as repeatedly denied he did anything improper and CPAC will continue to be held in March, though it remains unclear if he will be in attendance.

GOP Sexual Assault

Male Staffer Says CPAC Chair Matt Schlapp Sexually Assaulted Him: ‘Grabbed My Junk And Pummeled It’

A male staffer for the 2022 Herschel Walker Senate campaign says that CPAC chairman and longtime conservative activist Matt Schlapp sexually assaulted him as he was driving Schlapp back from a bar in October.

The Daily Beast reports that Schlapp is accused of groping and fondling the staffer’s crotch.

The staffer described Schlapp, who had traveled to Georgia for a Walker campaign event, as inappropriately and repeatedly intruding into his personal space at the bars. He said he was also keenly aware of his “power dynamic” with Schlapp, widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in national conservative politics.

Schlapp, the staffer recalled, said he had wanted to spend the evening discussing the staffer’s professional future.

“It was a public space, and I was thinking that he got the hint. I did not want to embarrass him,” he said. “But it escalated.”

The staffer, who is in his thirties, recalled the incident in great detail.

Schlapp put his hand on his leg, then reached over and “fondled” his crotch at length while he was frozen in shock, calling it “scarring” and “humiliating.” When they arrived at the hotel, the staffer said Schlapp invited him to his room. The staffer said he declined and left “as quickly as I could.”

He informed the campaign about the incident the next morning.

When the staffer got home that night, he received a call from Schlapp—shortly after midnight, according to call records the staffer shared with The Daily Beast—to confirm that the staffer would still chauffeur him to an event in Macon the next day. The staffer described the call as “short and perfunctory,” but after confirming he would drive him, the staffer “broke down.” He then recorded a series of tearful video accounts detailing the evening, which he shared with The Daily Beast as well as with two people close to him, including the staffer’s wife.

In one of the videos he recorded, the staffer says:

“Matt Schlapp of the CPAC grabbed my junk and pummeled it at length, and I’m sitting there thinking what the hell is going on, that this person is literally doing this to me.

“From the bar to the Hilton Garden Inn, he has his hands on me. And I feel so fucking dirty. I feel so fucking dirty.

“I’m supposed to pick this motherfucker up in the morning and just pretend like nothing happened. This is what I’m dealing with. This is what I got to do.”

The staffer also sent Schlapp a text message to let him know someone else would be driving him in the morning.

“I did want to say I was uncomfortable with what happened last night. The campaign does have a driver who is available to get you to Macon and back to the airport.”

Schlapp replied with texts of his own that sound like something from a lovesick teen:

“Pls give me a call.”

“If you could see it in your heart to call me at the end of day. I would appreciate it. If not I wish you luck on the campaign and hope you keep up the good work.”

A attorney for Schlapp denied the allegations, “This appears to be now the twelfth Daily Beast piece with personal attacks on Matt Schlapp and his family. The attack is false and Mr. Schlapp denies any improper behavior. We are evaluating legal options for response.”