Congress GOP The Trump Adminstration

Pete Buttigieg Hilariously Trolls Marjorie Taylor Greene For Her Ignorance About Electric Cars

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg masterfully trolled the perpetually clueless Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) for comments she made recently about electric vehicles.

During an appearance on Fox News, Buttigieg was asked by host Neil Cavuto about a quote from Greene:

 “Mr. Buttigieg is trying to emasculate the way we drive” by encouraging Americans to drive electric vehicles.
“What did you think of her wording?”

Buttigieg responded:

“I literally don’t understand what that means.
“I mean, my sense of manhood is not connected whether my vehicle is fueled by gasoline or whether it’s fueled by electricity.”

Cavuto then inquired if Buttigieg was “offended” by what Greene had said, adding:

“Because even people who share her politics didn’t share that view.”

That’s when the Transportation Secretary masterfully (and hilariously) trolled Greene by noting:

“It was a strange thing to say. To be honest, there are other members of Congress that I pay more attention to when I’m thinking about opinions that really matter.”

Greene is probably trying to distract from the news that her husband, Perry, has filed for divorce. And while Perry had originally asked for the proceedings to be sealed, he has now changed his mind, which could be a major problem for the congresswoman as the divorce will now be a matter of public record.

Greene has a sordid history, including allegations that she cheated on her husband more than once.

Controversial conspiracy congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene cheated on her husband with a polyamorous tantric sex guru, has learned.

Then after ending her affair with him, the mom-of-three moved on to a gym manager behind her husband’s back.

But despite the tawdry flings, Taylor Greene stuck with her husband Perry as she made her unlikely rise that has turned her into the most talked-about Republican in Washington, D.C.

As if that’s not bad enough, Margie is also clueless about electric cars, along with at least 10 million other topics.


Congress GOP

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Divorce Proceedings Won’t Be Sealed And That’s A BIG Problem For Her  

When he filed for divorce last week, Perry Greene — husband of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) — asked a superior judge to seal the proceedings in the interest of privacy.

Now, however, Perry has changed his mind, according to Charles Bethea of The New Yorker.

Public record could be a very big and embarrassing problem for Ms. Greene in light of the allegations made of her sexual dalliances with several men while she was married, especially since she is fond of painting herself as some sort of warrior for holiness and even claims to be a “strong conservative Christian.”

The Daily Mail first reported on the congresswoman’s alleged extramarital affairs in February of last year:

Controversial conspiracy congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene cheated on her husband with a polyamorous tantric sex guru, has learned.

Then after ending her affair with him, the mom-of-three moved on to a gym manager behind her husband’s back.

But despite the tawdry flings, Taylor Greene stuck with her husband Perry as she made her unlikely rise that has turned her into the most talked-about Republican in Washington, D.C.

Another problem for Rep. Greene now that the divorce proceedings will be public is the matter of her personal finances, which could provide insight where she gets what money she has. Could some of her finances be provided by shadowy right-wing figures and corporations she’s indebted to which have caused her to vote one way or the other on legislation?

And then there’s the issue of paternity, which could determine who gets custody of the Greene’s three children. Are the children all by Perry Greene, or could some of them have a different father?

It should be more than a little interesting to see what trickles out of the divorce filing in the weeks ahead, especially with the congresswoman having to face voters in the upcoming midterm election.

Congress GOP

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Husband Files For Divorce – Says The Marriage Is ‘Irretrievably Broken’

Perry Greene, the husband of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) filed for divorce on Wednesday in Floyd County Superior Court, stating the reason for ending the marriage of 27 years was because it was “irretrievably broken,” according to The Hill.

Interestingly, Perry Greene also requested that the court seal all of the divorce proceedings, “because the parties’ significant privacy interest in sealing the records outweighs the public’s miniscule interest in access to said records.”

Further, the filing also notes “sensitive personal and financial information” will likely be revealed in case, “which would negatively impact the parties’ privacy interests.”  

According to Perry Greene, the couple has already separated.

Responding to the dissolution of her marriage, the congresswoman released a statement which reads:

“Marriage is a wonderful thing and I’m a firm believer in it. Our society is formed by a husband and wife creating a family to nurture and protect.

“Together, Perry and I formed our family and raised three great kids. He gave me the best job title you can ever earn: Mom. I’ll always be grateful for how great of a dad he is to our children.”

The main reason for Perry Greene’s divorce filing may have something to do with reports that the congresswoman has allegedly been unfaithful to him on several occasions, as Bess Levin of Vanity Fair reported in 2021.

Marjorie Taylor Greene allegedly (had) a pair of affairs with guys she met at the gym. One of them, according to the tabloid, was Justin Tway, who became the manager of the Alpharetta, Georgia, CrossFit gym where Greene was on staff and worked out. The other was supposedly Craig Ivey, a “polyamorous tantric-sex guru,” according to the Daily Mail, who has posted at least one Facebook photo of himself stark naked in front of waterfall doing yoga.

Twitter had a field day with the divorce filing.

Congress Elections GOP

Marjorie Taylor Greene Likens ‘RINO’ Mitch McConnell To A Snake Whose Head Must Be Cut Off

With the midterm elections now less than two months away, it seems a civil war has broken out inside the Republican Party, with right-wing extremist GOPers who still steadfastly support former president Donald Trump and more mainstream members of the party openly sniping at each other.

The latest example of this phenomenon can be seen in remarks made by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) about Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), whom Greene compared to a snake that must be killed.

Greene is furious that McConnell has pulled some $10 million from Arizona Republican Senate candidate Blake Masters, who continues to fall further behind incumbent Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly.

During an appearance on Right Side Broadcasting with convicted felon Steve Bannon, Greene lashed out at McConnell:

“I have a message for Arizona: you guys have a major opportunity, and this is an opportunity, Steve, you’re going to understand exactly what I’m saying. Mitch McConnell is pulling his support and pulling money from backing Blake Masters for Senate, and he’s doing that because Blake Masters is not the type of senator Mitch McConnell wants in Washington. But Arizona has an opportunity that only they can pull off. If they elect Blake Masters and send him to the Senate here in Washington, D.C., they are going to be cutting the head off the snake and defeating Mitch McConnell, the RINO that has controlled the Senate for years now. This is the message that needs to be sent to Washington, Steve.”

While she was at it, Greene also reiterated her support for Christian nationalism, the same sort of political belief that helped spawn fascism in Germany, Italy, and Spain in the 20th century:

“Everyone knows this nation is, we’re about to have a complete revival. Because Americans know who our identity is. We are a Christian nation, we are a country of nationalism, we care about our borders, we care about our economy, we care about our children.”



Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Electric Airplanes Will Actually Be Powered Like ‘Slave Ships’


The GOP in 2022 is the party of luddites who are opposed to any new scientific or technological advance, usually because they don’t understand what they’re talking about, but sometimes because they simply don’t want to miss an opportunity to “own the libs,” as they refer to their willful ignorance in service of political ends.

Such is the case with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who is one of the dumbest members of Congress and also loves being an agitator when it serves her dreams of political advancement.

Greene was speaking in Texas over the weekend when she referenced a report that Air Canada had announced it would be buying 30 electric airplanes, which was reported earlier this week by Business Insider:

Air Canada is one step closer to becoming a greener company.

The Montréal-based airline announced Thursday that it had ordered 30 of Heart Aerospace’s ES-30 electric aircraft. Air Canada has also gained a $5 million equity stake in the Swedish manufacturer. 

Scheduled to enter service in 2028, the plane is set to seat 30 passengers in a two-by-one configuration and fly up to 124 miles, or 200 kilometers, when in all-electric mode. 

The range can extend to 249 miles when the battery is supplemented by generators and 497 miles when the capacity is limited to 25 people, according to Air Canada.

That led Greene to semi-jokingly suggest that the way the electric planes would actually be powered involved the passengers being whipped to row in unison to make the propellers spin. You know, like they did on “slave ships,” the congresswoman said.

Isn’t that hilarious? It’s always fun to compare green technology that will benefit everyone to slavery. Because, hey, that’s comedy gold, right?

Actually, it’s the height of being a moron, which is one thing that Ms. Greene has always excelled at.