Elections GOP The Biden Administration

Pete Buttigieg Shreds J.D. Vance For Using ‘Pro-Family’ Rhetoric To Cloak His Bigotry

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttgieg slammed GOP vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance this morning during an appearance on CNN, making it clear that while Vance claims to be “pro-family,” his words suggest otherwise.

Asked about an interview CNN conducted with Vance in which the Ohio Republican accused Democrats of being anti-family, Buttigieg made it clear he has no use for the senator’s bogus pronouncements on the topic of what constitutes a family.

“Let’s be clear, we’re the ones trying to get the Child Tax Credit expanded and J.D. Vance couldn’t be bothered to show up in the Senate and vote for it and Republicans have blocked that from being expanded or it’d be the law of the land right now.”

“So if you want to talk about promoting children, promoting family, put your money where your mouth is,” Buttigieg added.

Buttigieg also told host Dana Bash, “Look, when you asked him and pressed him on whether my family was legitimate, he said yes because I think he felt shamed into it. But let’s remember also, the last time I checked, he doesn’t even think I should legally be able to have a family.”

“Now, if he really got his way in his anti-marriage equality views, I don’t know if that means that he would want me and my husband to be forcibly divorced and separated from our children or if he’d be satisfied just to have us lose legal protections like the ability to do our taxes together, visit them in a hospital,” he added. “I don’t know exactly what his vision of us not having a family looks like, but I know that it’s not pro-family for me.”

Make no mistake. Vance and his political godfather, Donald Trump, think they have the right to determine what constitutes a family. But their version of family is something from the 1950s and has no relevance at all in 2024.

Buttigieg is right. And Vance’s narrow-minded bigotry needs to be called out every time he opens his big mouth.

Donald Trump Elections GOP

Flailing Trump And Vance Look Like ‘Chimpanzees’ Tossing ‘Fecal Remains’: Reporter

As they continue to lose ground in the 2024 race for the White House, one reporter with decades of experience covering elections is noting that both Donald Trump and J.D. Vance are starting to look like “chimpanzees” who are throwing their feces in a desperate effort to blunt the momentum of Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

In an article he wrote for Salon, Brian Karem notes that Vance’s attack on Walz’s 24 years of service in the Army National Guard proves that the GOP is flailing about and losing ground with voters.

“At the end of the day, the GOP looked like those chimpanzees in the zoo who are kept behind glass walls because they fling their fecal remains at everyone. So far, very little of this has stuck to Walz, who remains affable and effective at blocking the demagoguery. Still, the GOP won’t give up its attempts to demonize Walz and Harris. The Democrats had to know it was coming, and if they didn’t then they’re more headless than I thought. The Republicans are certainly heartless. “

Trump also looks weak and feckless when compared to Walz, who spent decades as a public school teacher and is beloved in the state he leads, Karem adds.

“Trump, meanwhile, has dissolved under Walz’s addition to the Democratic ticket. Insiders in the Trump camp who still can nominally engage in cogent thought believe Trump made a horrible choice in choosing Vance and it will cost them the election. They’re running around with their hair on fire while trying to pull it out.”

In other words, Trump and Vance deserve each other, Karem rightly observes, because both of them are widely despised by a large majority of Americans.

“Donald Trump’s mental decline becomes more apparent every day. Vance’s fear of women, his desire to destroy voting rights and both of their desires to turn back time to ‘Make America Great Again’ when that past was never great for children, minorities, those of certain faiths and those in the LGBTQ community, are taking a toll on this country.”

The 2024 election, Karem concludes, isn’t just a choice between Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and progressives. It’s much deeper than that, and while Harris and Walz seem to understand that and have tapped into the larger zeitgeist.

“Watching Trump and Vance meltdown in public is funny, weird, creepy, and dangerous. But the more it becomes apparent that Trump is slipping, the more dangerous he and his vile movement become. For the country to come together, Trump cannot win. After all, who the Hell wants JD Vance a heartbeat away from the Presidency? I’m told even Trump doesn’t relish that thought.”

If Trump and Vance win, the United States as we know it is finished, and so is any pretense that this country is even the least little bit of a democracy or a republic. Instead, it will become the sort of “shithole” nation Trump loves to sneer at.

Donald Trump Elections GOP

Republican Says J.D. Vance ‘Reeks’ Of 1 Thing – And It’s A BIG Problem For The GOP

Vice President Kamala Harris has chosen Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate for the 2024 presidential election, but the choice of J.D. Vance by Donald Trump is already causing major headaches for the GOP as the election draws closer by the day.

Why is Vance so unpopular? According to Sarah Longwell of Republican Voters Against Trump, it can be summed up with one word: Phony.

Speaking with MSNBC’s Jen Psaki Monday evening, Longwell remarked, “The thing that is killing J.D. Vance is that voters, and I have listened to tons of swing voters since he was picked, and they don’t like him at all. They think he seems like a phony.”

The two leading contenders to run with Harris, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, Longwell added, “both seem pretty comfortable in their own skin and they feel authentic.”

Longwell’s comments drew lots of agreement on Twitter.

Elections GOP Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris’ Campaign Expertly Trolls J.D. Vance With ‘Happy Birthday’ Message

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) celebrated his 40th birthday on Friday, the campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris trolled him online, posting a message that quickly went viral.

Happy Birthday to JD Vance

“At 78 and 40, Donald Trump and his sidekick, the most unpopular VP pick in American history, are running on an agenda to drag our country backwards, reverse the progress we’ve made, and ensure Americans have fewer freedoms in the next generation than they had in the last.

“Voters won’t stand for it, and it’s why they’re already rejecting the Trump-Vance Project 2025 agenda to rip away our freedoms, jack up costs on the middle class, and fan the flames of hatred and division. While we wish JD a happy 40th, the American people will make certain that he celebrates his 41st anywhere but the White House.”

The birthday message for Vance came a day after he attacked Harris as “a chameleon” during an interview on CNN, remarking, “Kamala Harris is a chameleon. She goes to Georgia two days ago. She was raised in Canada, she puts on a fake southern accent. She is everything to everybody and she pretends to be somebody different depending on which audience she’s in front of.”

The posting from Harris’ campaign gained plenty of support from others on Twitter who also roasted Vance.

Elections GOP Social Media

J.D. Vance’s Accidental ‘Couch’ Reference During Campaign Speech Gets Him Dragged On Social Media

The issue of couches came up once again for Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), who was named Donald Trump’s running mate last month and has repeatedly stuck his foot in his mouth every time he speaks.

You may recall that in his memoir, Hillbilly Elegy, Vance admitted he had once masturbated using a glove he placed between two cushions on a sofa in his house, which has led to endless jokes and memes.

And now Vance is owning himself with remarks he made on the campaign trail in Reno, Nevada, HuffPost reports.

The embarrassment happened when Vance was praising his wife, Usha.

“Now, I would call her up here to come and speak,” he told the crowd.

“But then I think I’d have to sleep on the couch tonight, so I’ll leave her alone.”

Some in the audience “tittered” when Vance used the word, reporter David Moye notes.

But the biggest laughs were to be found on Twitter, where thousands of users mocked Trump’s VP choice.