Donald Trump Jr. Elections Social Media Voting Rights

Don Jr. Gets Slapped Silly For Making A Tasteless Joke About Black Women Not Being Able To Vote

On Thursday, there were protests in defense of voting rights on Capitol Hill, one of which was led by Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH), Chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus. Beatty and other black women were arrested for their protests, which they knew they likely would be. But they had brought attention to the need for voting rights legislation and made their point.

Afterwards, posted a strong, defiant message on Twitter to let the world know she and her fellow protesters won’t be silenced and won’t stop protesting until Congress passes comprehensive legislation to address the wave of voting restrictions being passed by GOP-controlled states across the country:

Beatty also shared photos of her and her fellow protesters before they were arrested:

For some reason known only to him, Donald Trump Jr. decided he’d comment on Congresswoman Beatty’s tweets, but he did it in a way that’s typical for him: Like a moronic asshole:

Yes, black women can indeed vote. But it seems Republicans consider them to be a threat to their electoral future, so they want to make it as difficult as possible for people of color to vote. Make no mistake: Voting restrictions are about suppressing the voices of black and brown Americans. They’re a modern-day form of Jim Crow.

Rep. Beatty, however, got the last word on the matter:

Others also joined the parade, verbally slapping Junior down: