Foreign Policy Religion Social Media WTF?!

Franklin Graham Gets Shredded Online After Urging Christians To ‘Pray For President Putin’

Even though Russian President/mass murderer Vladimir Putin is on the verge of attacking Ukraine and potentially killing thousands of innocent people, so-called “Christian” Franklin Graham wants other “Christians” to pray for the Russian despot.

Graham announced his call for prayers for Putin on Twitter:

“Pray for President Putin today. This may sound like a strange request, but we need to pray that God would work in his heart so that war could be avoided at all cost. May God give wisdom to the leaders involved in these talks & negotiations, as well as those advising them.”

Be sure and notice how Graham conveniently neglected to suggest that we pray for our president, Joe Biden. As Americans, shouldn’t that be our first priority if we’re going to pray for anyone?

How about the people of Ukraine? Don’t they deserve and need our prayers now more than ever? After all, they’re facing the prospect of over 150,00 heavily armed Russian troops marching into their country.

Of course, no one should be surprised by Graham’s devotion to Putin. He’s visited Russia and had a private meeting with him:

Franklin Graham pursued his connections to Russia in person in November 2015, when he flew to Russia for a speaking tour of several churches. There he met with with dignitaries including Kirill. He also echoed Hilarion’s distaste for sanctions during an interview with Russian television, saying, “I’ve never been a supporter of sanctions.”

Before he left Moscow, Graham had an unexpected 45-minute meeting with Putin, during which Putin reportedly agreed to assist with the proposed summit on persecuted Christians in Moscow, the event that Torshin later offered as an opportunity for Trump to meet Putin.

So who exactly does Franklin Graham owe his deepest loyalties to? Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, or the Almighty Dollar? Because he certainly isn’t acting in a very Christlike manner.

Lots of Twitter users were deeply offended by Graham’s call to pray for a man who has his political enemies shot, poisoned with polonium, or confined to a gulag.