Crime Donald Trump Kamala Harris

Watch Kamala Harris Smack Down Chuck Todd For Saying Prosecuting Trump Would Be ‘Divisive’

Vice President Kamala Harris wasn’t about to let NBC News host Chuck Todd get away with suggesting that if the Justice Department prosecutes former president Donald Trump for violating the law by hoarding classified documents, it would be “too divisive.”

In an exclusive interview that will air Sunday on “Meet the Press,” Todd repeatedly tried to get Harris to say that it would be a bad idea to charge Trump.

It began when Todd asked:

“How much should President — former President Trump’s status as a former president and a potential 2024 candidate, how much should that factor into the decision to charge him?”


 “Well, I wouldn’t dare tell the Department of Justice what to do. As a former prosecutor, I will tell you, I’ve — my — I am not in the business of telling a prosecutor what to do with their case because they know best the facts and the evidence as applied to the law. And so I’m not going to tell them what to do. And certainly the president and I and our administration, unlike the previous administration, have been very, very careful to make sure that there is no question about any kind of interference in terms of the decisions that the Department of Justice makes —”

Once again, Todd tried to trip up the VP:

“But let’s — let me, let me try to go to 60,000 feet. What do you say to the argument that it would be too divisive for the country to prosecute a former president?”

That’s when Harris lowered the boom on Todd:

“I think that our country is a country that has gone through different periods of time where the unthinkable has happened, and where there has been a call for justice, and justice has been served. And I think that’s potentially going to always be the case in our country that people are going to demand justice and they rightly do.”

They most certainly are going to demand justice, especially for a man who has repeatedly dodged having to pay the price for his many alleged crimes.

Foreign Policy Vladimir Putin

WATCH Sen. Chris Murphy Shut Down Chuck Todd For Complaining That Biden Called Putin A ‘War Criminal’

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) wasted no time shutting down “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd on Sunday when Todd suggested that President Joe Biden had made a mistake when he called Russian President Vladimir Putin a “war criminal” this week.

Todd asked Murphy:

“President Biden called Putin a war criminal this week. There are a lot of people who agree with that assessment but question whether the president himself should have personalized it. Where are you in this?”

The senator replied:

“I don’t think you can do anything other than call Vladimir Putin a war criminal He is! I mean, what he’s doing right now as we speak, targeting children, maternity wards, schools inside Ukraine clearly crosses a line.”

That led the NBC host to follow up by inquiring:

“We’re going to negotiate with a war criminal? That is what’s difficult here, right? We didn’t negotiate with [former Serbian President Slobodan Milošević].”


“President Biden is showing moral leadership just like President Zelenskyy is showing moral leadership. There are a lot of Republican colleagues now who are using their time to criticize President Biden, vote against Ukraine aid on the floor of the House and the Senate while President Biden is standing up there saying and doing the right thing.

“So I’m proud of President Biden for drawing a moral line against Vladimir Putin. I’d rather have my Republican colleagues supporting him rather than attacking him.”

There can be no doubt that Vladimir Putin is a war criminal. Anyone who orders the bombing of residential areas, uses cluster bombs, and doesn’t care if his troops target women, children, and the elderly is beyond the pale.

When Russia’s illegal and immoral invasion of Ukraine is over with, Putin needs to be dragged of of the Kremlin and placed on trial for crimes against humanity. If he’s found guilty, he should face the same fate as the Nazis convicted at the Nuremberg trials after World War II: To swing from a hangman’s noose.