Capitol Insurrection Donald Trump GOP

Michael Cohen Trolls Jim Jordan As January 6 Committee Focuses On Congressman’s Text Messages

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is under increased pressure and scrutiny as it becomes clear that he was one of the government officials who communicated with then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows on the day of the Capitol insurrection back in January.

According to NBC News, Jordan has admitted that he did indeed send at least one text message to Meadows on January 6:

Rep. Jim Jordan’s office confirmed Wednesday that the Ohio Republican was one of the lawmakers whose text messages to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows were released this week by the congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

The acknowledgement comes two days after the Jan. 6 committee made public numerous documents, including text messages, provided to the panel by Meadows. The House committee revealed several text messages sent to Meadows by GOP lawmakers but did not name any of them.

Jordan’s office said Wednesday that the message cited by the panel on Monday was a forwarded text, and that it was truncated by the committee.

“Mr. Jordan forwarded the text to Mr. Meadows and Mr. Meadows certainly knew it was a forward,” Jordan’s spokesman told NBC News on Wednesday.

That report led Michael Cohen, who served for several years as a personal attorney to former President Donald Trump, to troll Jordan on Twitter:

During that hearing in February of 2019, Cohen did indeed warn Jordan that Trump was a “racist,” “a cheat,” and a “con man.”

Jordan is facing a very uncertain bid for reelection next year which is being made even more risky by redistricting in his home state of Ohio.


Capitol Insurrection Donald Trump Ivanka Trump

New Questions Arise After Lindsey Graham Implicates Ivanka Trump In The Jan. 6th Insurrection

We’ve known for a few weeks now that one-term former President Donald Trump’s oldest son, Don Jr., was in frequent contact with then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows on January 6, 2021, urging Meadows to tell the ex-president he needed to call off the dogs and urge his supporters to vacate the Capitol where they were rioting.

Now, however, we know that the former president’s favorite child, Ivanka, was acting as a conduit for messages traveling from supporters to the Donald and others in the White House on the day of the insurrection.

Oddly enough, Ivanka’s involvement has become public knowledge thanks to one of the most sycophantic Trump supporters in Congress, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who told CNN’s Manu Raju what he conveyed to the former president’s daughter:

Sen. Lindsey Graham said he didn’t text with Meadows on Jan. 6 —- but told me he spoke with Ivanka Trump to deliver a message to her dad. He said he wanted then-President Trump to “tell his people to leave.”

The Washington Post confirmed Raju’s reporting and added that Graham also told Ivanka:

“You need to get these people out of here. This thing is going south. This is not good. You’re going to have to tell these people to stand down. Stand down.”

Ivanka sent out a tweet on the day of the Capitol insurrection which read:

“American Patriots – any security breach or disrespect to our law enforcement is unacceptable,” she posted at 3:15 p.m. on January 6th. “The violence must stop immediately. Please be peaceful.”

That tweet was later deleted after a wave of criticism because Ivanka had referred to rioters as “Patriots.”

All of this is leading to an inevitable nexus: The Jan. 6 Select Committee will no doubt be demanding all text messages and other communications that were sent by both Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner.

With each day it becomes clearer that many in the Trump family were part of a larger conspiracy which was carried out on Jan. 6 at the Capitol. And if it can be proven they broke the law, they need to be referred to the Justice Department for criminal charges.


Capitol Insurrection Donald Trump Elections QAnon

Former FBI Official Warns: Jan. 6 Will ‘Pale In Comparison’ To What Trumpers Have Planned For 2022

A former FBI counterterrorism official Frank Figliuzzi said Monday that what he already sees on the horizon for the 2022 midterm elections will make the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection “pale in comparison.”

Appearing on MSNBC, Figliuzzi warned:

“You know, about a year ago, if you had asked me about this … I would have called this what intelligence officials call an over the horizon threat — something that’s coming, something we should be aware of and think about as a future threat. But the horizon is here. This has been a dress rehearsal for at least a year for radical extremism.”

Noting that QAnon Republicans are taking over at the local and state level which is incredibly dangerous, Figliuzzi continued:

“He’s (Trump) putting his people in place. People who are moderate, reasonable Republicans have already announced, ‘I’m out, I’m out of Congress, I’m out of the governor’s office. I’m out.’ Now we see people like [David] Perdue in Georgia who will be involved in the primary. Why? President Trump needs his guy in Georgia.”

From a national security perspective, Figliuzzi said, the threat the nation faces in 2022 “is going to make the Jan. 6 riot pale in comparison.”

The Justice Department, he concluded, needs to get active, and fast:

“We need DOJ to step it up. I have been the voice of reason with regard to those who say they are taking too slow at DOJ, with regard to the insurrection investigation. I am the guy that says, ‘No, 700 defendants is not slow. They are doing a great job.'”

Capitol Insurrection The Trump Adminstration

Bannon Has Impotent On-Air Meltdown A Day After Being Booked On Criminal Charges

Former Trump administration official Steve Bannon is BIG mad, so he’s making all sorts of absurd accusations and suggesting that he’ll have his revenge though it remains unclear how he intends to do much of anything if he’s put on trial, found guilty, and send to federal prison for up to two years for contempt of Congress.

A day after he had to surrender to the FBI, be fingerprinted, photographed, and treated like what he is — a common criminal — Bannon was back on his “War Room: Pandemic” podcast spinning new conspiracy theories and making the case against him even stronger with ever word he spews.

After showing video clips from the 1979 Francis Ford Coppola film “Apocalypse Now,” Bannon began ranting:

“MAGA is punching back. OK? We’re not going to sit here and just take it anymore. After months and months and months and months of just their rhetoric and trying to weaponize the law and weaponize DOJ, we’re not going to take it. We’re going on offense.”

Weaponize the DOJ? That’s what failed, one-term, twice-impeached ex-President Donald Trump did. Bannon is engaging in classic psychological projection and isn’t even smart enough to realize it.

Bannon also claimed that President Joe Biden’s meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping was a “surrender” to the Chinese Communist Party:

“Their whole family is compromised by [China’s] money. There will be a massive investigation as soon as we take back the House.

“They know they’re going to be in the minority! We’re going to rub their noses publicly in the malfeasance that their lives are. OK?”

Notice how Bannon failed to mention that Trump is compromised by Russian and Saudi money? He doesn’t want to upset the countries that own and control his lord and savior. And his prediction that Republicans will win control of the House is also premature. The 2022 midterm elections are a year away, and there’s no telling how many Republicans will have been indicted by then for their role in the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection.

Later in his podcast/clown show, Bannon raised his voice as he declared:

“This is the war that they’ve brought to us!

“We’re going to fight it every day and we don’t care what [Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA)], we don’t care what the Marxist — from his Marxist traitor father — little Jamie Raskin (D-MD) and the Farrakhan mouthpiece [Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS).”

Hey, Steve, but it’s kinda hard to “fight” when you’re trying to stay out of lockup.

Here’s the video of Bannon’s hissy fit:

Capitol Insurrection Domestic Terrorism GOP Whining

‘Karen’ Taylor Greene Gets Humiliated When She Berates A Warden At A Jail Holding Jan. 6 Rioters

When you consider how much she whines and complains about everything, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene really needs to change her name to “Karen.”

For example, Karen Taylor Greene showed up at a jail in Washington, D.C. (along with Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas) and demanded to visit with some of the Jan. 6 rioters/insurrectionists who are being held there, with Greene telling a deputy warden who denied the two entry (because they didn’t get approval from the Federal Bureau of Prisons in advance) that she was convinced he was “hiding” something:

“What do you have to hide here? Really, what are you hiding? I would like to see the whole facility. I’m concerned about every single person staying here.”

The warden refused her and Gohmert entry, asking in a calm, even tone:

“Is there anything else I can do for you?”

Clearly in need of a hearing aid, Greene remarked:

“Yes, you can open this door.”

Once again as calm as can be, the jail official told her:

“I’ll give you the phone number to the director’s office.”

Getting even more agitated, Greene retorted:

“You cannot deny them visitors. You’re clearly out of line in your position.”

At that point, Gohmert laughably suggested that he could have the deputy warden held in “contempt” by a federal judge, adding:

“We’ll be seeing you again.”

But what’s even more amazing is that Greene seemed to think the confrontation at the jail had been a win for her, so she shared a video of it on Twitter:

While her video will probably be a big hit with her acolytes (most of whom are the same brainless zombies that worship the failed, one-term former president), Karen Taylor Greene was quickly taken apart by others on social media, with many noting that the entire episode had been little more than a setup to garner attention: