Congress Elections GOP Whining

Congressional Republicans Blasted As ‘Cowards’ After Skipping Rally For Capitol Rioters

On Saturday, a couple hundred protesters showed up at the “Justice for J6” rally in Washington, D.C. The crowd was reportedly so sparse that media and police outnumbered the people there to show their support for the insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, many of whom are still in custody and facing years in prison.

Most notably absent at the rally were Congressional Republicans, including Reps. Matt Gaetz (FL) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA), both of whom have said they think the Jan. 6 rioters are being treated unfairly.

The absence of the elected GOP members was certainly noticed by the rallygoers, according to the right-wing Washington Times:

“Where’s McCarthy? Where’s McConnell? They’re all useless,” one demonstrator in the crowd yelled.

Steve Merkel of Baltimore who attended the rally called Republicans “cowards,” and said it was wrong that no one came out to support nonviolent offenders charged over the riot.

Merkel added:

“They’re cowards because they’re not standing up for those constitutional rights. They’re supposed to be protected. I call them political animals who are afraid of bad media coverage.”

What’s this? Trouble in right-wing insurrectionist paradise? Sure sounds that way.

As Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) later remarked, the pathetic turnout and lack of any elected Republicans in attendance suggests that the Cult of Trump may be dissipating:

“The police showed up in force, and they had the presence that they should have had on January 6th, considering what Donald Trump was promising, and I think that may have been a deterrent. Also, perhaps Donald Trump’s ability to inspire people to show up on his behalf may also be fading.”

Let’s hope so, because Trump and his minions are clearly a national security threat to the United States.


Congress GOP

Matt Gaetz Publicly Humiliates Kevin McCarthy As The GOP Civil War Descends To The Gutter

Though they try to keep their disagreements behind closed doors most of the time, there’s a civil war taking place inside the Republican Party, with once faction representing the pragmatic but conservative view that’s traditional for the GOP and the other eagerly making common cause with domestic terror groups and insisting Donald Trump must be allowed to serve as president for as long as he wants.

In other words, it’s the pre-Trump GOP vs. the Neo-Fascist GOP.

One of the most controversial of the new Republicans is Rep. Matt Gaetz (FL), a man who seems to believe that it’s perfectly acceptable that he dated underage girls and took them across state lines for the purposes of having sex with them. For that, Gaetz is now facing life in prison if he’s indicted and convicted.

But there are also some Republicans who try to walk the line between the old GOP and the new version of the party. People like House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA), who spoke with Donald Trump on the day of the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection and is worried details of that call will be provided to the House Select Committee investigating the riots.

Such was the topic for Gaetz on his podcast, Firebrand, and he noted that “McCarthy doesn’t have strong reactions to things. It’s not his style. Following the targeting of our members, he surprised and said this.”:

And yet, Gaetz then took a very real cheap shot at McCarthy:

“That’s some huffing and puffing indeed. No low T (testosterone) today. But how can we trust Kevin McCarthy to go beyond talking tough to Nancy Pelosi when he won’t even stand up to Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger? You see, Cheney and Kinzinger sit as Nancy Pelosi appointees on the January 6th committee. They’ve crossed the Rubicon, joined the other side.”

So McCarthy can’t be trusted because he won’t punish Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger? That means there’s a very real war taking place inside the GOP and they’re aiming their guns at each other. It’s a circular firing squad, and that won’t end well for Republicans.

How should we respond to this? We should applaud with glee and hope for more. The sooner the Trump-infested GOP destroys itself, the better for this country.

Congress Domestic Terrorism Elections

Former FBI Official: Jim Jordan Has Backed Himself Into A Corner With The Jan. 6 Select Committee

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is one of the most disgusting people to ever serve in Congress, and it now looks like he’s caught in a no-win situation that could leave both him and his idol, former President Donald Trump, facing criminal charges, according to a former top FBI official.

Frank Figliuzzi is the former assistant director for counterintelligence at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and he says things are about to get much worse for Jordan.

Appearing on “Deadline: White House,” Figliuzzi was asked about the fact that Jordan cannot recall how many times he spoke with Trump on the day of the Capitol insurrection. Figliuzzi replied:

“I think we now know why Nancy Pelosi had to reject Jim Jordan. He is a fact witness and he’s going to get a very complicated future ahead of him. Here is why: First, he claims that he can’t remember how many times on Jan. 6th he called the president or what time of day, that’s easily remedied by simply checking your phone log and checking that date. If he can’t do it, the phone company will be more than happy to supply the select committee with that. That’s going to happen eventually. Next, he’s in a trick bag because if he concedes, as has been reported, that he actually called the president and said, ‘stand this crowd down, they’re inside, it is getting violent, you’ve got to stop them,’ that implies, of course, that he believed Trump controlled the crowd and had the ability to stop or start the crowd.”

That, Figliuzzi noted, is a nightmare for Trump, and it also implicates Jordan as part of a larger conspiracy that could result in federal criminal charges:

“It hurts him because if he thinks the people were violent he goes back home to Ohio and his voter base says, wait a minute, those were patriots, those weren’t violent people. So, he can’t win there either. This gets extremely complicated.”

If we’re lucky, both Jordan and Trump will be destroyed for whatever roles they played in the Jan. 6 riots. And both of them deserve to be charged, tried, and found guilty of sedition and inciting an insurrection. Let the chips fall where they may.

Domestic Terrorism The Trump Adminstration WTF?!

Michael Flynn Says Accused Capitol Insurrectionists Are Facing ‘Crucifixion’ From Nancy Pelosi

Speaking at a conference hosted by so-called “Biblical Prophecy Expert” Phil Hotsenpiller on Saturday, disgraced former national security adviser Michael Flynn eagerly defended the insurrectionists who stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, which resulted in the deaths of five people, including a police officer.

Since he was speaking to a “religious” crowd, Flynn thought he’d engage in some high-level sacrilege, telling the attendees:

“Nancy Pelosi’s insurrection crucifixion, which is all about the sixth of January, right? All about the sixth of January.

“That’s a crucifixion.

“They are putting — I mean, honest to God, they’re putting good, great people, patriots up there.”

Honest to God, it’s a wonder the roof of the building didn’t open up and a bolt of lightning strike Flynn where he stood.

Crucifixion? That would be a fitting punishment for the traitors who stormed the seat of government and demanded that the will of the majority of American voters be overturned so their candidate could be installed as emperor for life.

Twitter users had a few thoughts on Flynn’s remarks, too:

Congress Crime Domestic Terrorism U.S. Senate WTF?!

Ted Cruz Claims The Biden Administration Is ‘Persecuting’ The Capitol Insurrectionists

Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz (R) doesn’t believe that everyone who stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6 deserves to be punished or charged with a crime because many of them are clearly being “persecuted” and the Biden administration is “targeting” them.

In an interview with HuffPost, Cruz had this to say about the fact that hundreds of Capitol insurrectionists are now facing serious legal jeopardy for their illegal actions:

“If an individual assaulted a police officer, they should spend a long, long time in jail.

If, on the other hand, the Biden administration is targeting and persecuting people for exercising political speech that is nonviolent and simply expressing their peaceful support for a political party different from that in power, that is not the purpose of our criminal justice system.”

And if a frog had wings, it wouldn’t bump it’s ass every time it jumped, Ted.

“As it turns out, Cruz’s sentiments are now increasingly common among those who remain loyal to failed, one-term former President Donald Trump:

“Some allies of former President Donald Trump are upset that protesters who didn’t assault police officers are being charged with misdemeanor offenses, the same type of charges they’d face had they been arrested at any protest inside the Capitol. Demonstrations are banned within the Capitol complex, and even an errant laugh during a congressional hearing can get you led out of the room in flex cuffs.”

So if you stand up during a congressional hearing and speak out of turn, you can be carted off and charged, but if you riot and enter the Capitol, take a shit in the hallways, and rub your feces on the walls, that’s no biggie, according to Cruz and other Trump faithful who seem to think the rules apply to everyone but them.

What happened on Jan. 6 was a crime. Plain and simple. And it has to be treated as such. If it isn’t, we’re inviting it to happen again and be even rose the next time.