History WTF?!

Sean Spicer Thoroughly Disrespects Pearl Harbor Day With A Unforgivable Mistake

For those who know American history, today has special significance: It’s Pearl Harbor Day, which commemorates the Japanese attack on the Pearl Harbor naval base by the Japanese on December 7, 1941, a day which President Franklin D. Roosevelt said would “live in infamy.”

However, former White House press secretary Sean Spicer confused today with D-Day, and shared his ignorance with the world via Twitter.

“Today is Dday. It only lives in infamy if we remember and share the story of sacrifice with the next generation #DDay.”

D-Day — which celebrates the Allied forces’ invasion of Normandy — a landmark in World War II that eventually led to the surrender of German forces and the end of the war in Europe.

Spicer, it should be noted, later deleted his post and did a mea culpa apology.

But it was far too late and the internet remembers everything, as Spicer found out when reaction began pouring in.