Fox News GOP Whining Ron DeSantis

Fox News Is FURIOUS Because Casey DeSantis Has Been Dubbed The ‘Walmart Melania’

Proving yet again that the biggest snowflakes on the planet are those on the political right end of the spectrum, they’re in full meltdown mode over at Fox News because an article from the Daily Beast dared to refer to Casey DeSantis, wife of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis who is also seeking the 2024 GOP Presidential nomination as “Walmart Melania.”

Katie Baker wrote this about Mrs. DeSantis, and quite frankly, it’s on-point in more than a few ways:

The First Lady of Florida showed up on the campaign trail in Iowa this weekend wearing a ghastly black leather jacket—American flag on the front, an alligator and the silhouette of her state on the back, with the sneering words, “Where Woke Goes to Die”—that brought to mind nothing so much as the racks of a Red State big-bin store where it would be retailing for $24.99.

To be fair, Casey DeSantis wore the bomber to a charity biker rally and I’m sure the campaign intended it to be a viral moment, like Melania Trump’s infamous “I Really Don’t Care” coat that the former First Lady donned to check out the border crisis.

But it was the title of Baker’s article, “Casey DeSantis is the Walmart Melania” that drew the ire of the gang at Fox’s “Outnumbered,” where the discussion soon turned to how it was yet another attack on average Americans, though they failed to explain what’s “average” about either Ron or Casey DeSantis.

According to Emily Compagno, who was one of the guests on “Outnumbered,” Baker’s article was a slap at every American who struggles to make ends meet and therefore shops at Walmart.

“This is why it is so repetitively disheartening to open up the paper and read what people actually think of us. Us. We are the ones who put food on our table. We earn our income. We fly the American flag. We wear clothes from where we can afford proudly, and rightly so.”


“We disgust the elitist left. We disgust them by existing and by being proud of being American, being proud of being modest and humble and coming from humble beginnings and moderate ends.”

We? Who in the hell is Compagno trying to pretend she is? Because the truth is that she’s a wealthy attorney and TV host who can afford to shop anywhere she wants and probably doesn’t hang out around Walmart very much. After all, she has a net worth of millions.

Casey DeSantis, by many reports, is a conniving and cutthroat spouse who protects her husband because she sees herself getting ahead as a result of being his wife.

But here’s some free advice for Casey, Ron, and the gang at Fox: You’d better grow some thicker skin because the barbs are only going to get sharper from this point forward.

Or, as Harry Truman once wisely advised, If you can’t stand the heat, get the hell out of the kitchen.


Donald Trump Elections GOP

Mary Trump Lays Out How Donald’s GOP Primary Opponents Can ‘Humiliate’ Him During A Debate

Mary Trump, the niece of twice-impeached former president Donald Trump, said Sunday she has some free advice for Republicans who want to best her uncle in the upcoming GOP primary debates: Go for the jugular and find ways to “humiliate” the failed one-term ex-POTUS.

During an appearance on MSNBC’s “The Katie Phang Show” Sunday, Mary said she didn’t understand why her uncle’s political opponents haven’t already gone the low road to destroy Donald.

“Again, I think it’s because they’re restrained by their fear of his stranglehold on the base — I guess they should be,” she explained “You know, if they were serious people, they would understand that they have a huge opportunity to take Donald out without having to contradict him in terms of policy as if there is such a thing these days or politics.”

“Just call him what he is: he is a loser, he loses constantly, he has never legitimately won anything in his life,” she continued. “He is a thin-skinned baby who has nothing to offer but white grievance.”

She then recalled a scene from Donald Trump’s youth that she said someone needs to say to his face.

“If I were one of these candidates, I would simply show up to a debate with a bowl of mashed potatoes because that was his very first experience of humiliation was when he was being a total brat before my grandmother put dinner on the table,” she explained. “My dad had just ordered to shut him up and stop him from tormenting his little brother Robert. Took a bowl of mashed potatoes, dumped it on Donald’s head.”

“He hates that story,” she told Phang. “He has never been able to laugh at himself in a healthy way. It’s really not difficult to get under that extraordinarily thin skin of his.”

Donald Trump Elections Social Media

Recent Photo Of Incredibly Frail Looking Trump Has People Asking If He’ll Make It To 2024

Republicans absolutely love to make fun of President Joe Biden, suggesting that he’s too old to be head of state or that he’s mentally unfit to serve.

Of course, those same people were fond of saying how vital and healthy failed one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump looked, despite the fact that he appeared to weigh at least 300 pounds and was known to prefer fast food to anything healthy.

And yet, ever since he left office, we’ve seen photos and videos of Trump at his Mar-a-Lago resort in which he looks like he’s about to fall over and require CPR.

In February, we got this video of the indicted ex-president:

And earlier this month we had this one of Trump with a strange red mark on his forehead:

Now you can add a new photo of the convicted sexual assaulter taken recently in Florida, and in it Trump looks frail and downright deathly.

Holy shit! He died and no one bothered to tell him!

Is is just me, or does he look like he wouldn’t know his own name if you asked him to identify himself? They say he’s 76, but he looks closer to 90 in that photo.

Contrast that with how Biden looked today while speaking at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in honor of Memorial Day.

He looks pretty damn vital, especially when you consider he’s four years older than Trump.

The new photo of Trump drew plenty of comments on Twitter.


Elections GOP Joe Biden Social Media

Biden Trolls DeSantis After Ron’s Twitter Campaign Announcement Crashes And Burns

It was not a good evening for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), who decided to formally announce his candidacy for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination on Twitter, joined by Twitter CEO Elon Musk.

To put it mildly, the social media rollout was riddled with glitches and a completely embarrassment, as HuffPost notes.

Elon Musk, Twitter’s owner and former CEO, had teased the announcement for days, but things quickly went awry as audio feeds cut out and Twitter staff could be heard cutting in to try and fix the situation. At one point, more than 500,000 people seemed to be tuned in to the Twitter Spaces event before it suddenly went offline. Musk was able to launch a new online venue, but only about half of the original viewers were able to join.

Afterwards, the Biden-Harris 2024 campaign sent out a tweet that was clearly meant to mock DeSantis.

That was followed by celebratory tweets applauding the shade Biden had just thrown at DeSantis.

Elections GOP U.S. Senate

Missouri Native Jon Hamm Mocks Josh Hawley As A Coward In A Devastating Campaign Ad

While Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) likes to brag and write books about manhood and what it means to be a man, a fellow Missourian is destroying Hawley with a campaign ad he made for his 2024 Democratic opponent.

HuffPost reports that actor Jon Hamm of “Mad Men” fame directly questions Hawley’s manhood in the devastating campaign ad.

“Manhood. You’d hope that means courage. Courage isn’t something you can give speeches or write a book about,” Hamm says, alluding to Hawley’s new book “Manhood.”

“It’s not sitting on the sidelines while others sacrifice, or denying help to those who did,” the actor says. “It isn’t putting people down or trying to control them or using your own power for profit or ambition.”

The ad also references Hawley’s cowardice on January 6, 2021, when he ran from protesters who stormed the U.S. Capitol just hours after he saluted them with a raised fist of support.

“In Missouri, you can’t fake courage,” Hamm says. “We’re the Show Me state. Courage is something you have to show us.”

The ad ends with Hamm taking another dig at Hawley’s so-called manhood.

“If you want to be told about manhood, some guy wrote a book about it. But if you want someone to show you courage, send Lucas Kunce to the Senate.”

Kunce is indeed a courageous man. He’s a Marine veteran who has made it clear he thinks Hawley is vulnerable because he’s too obsessed with gender roles and trying to pretend he has macho credentials, remarking earlier this year:

“He’s just done creepy things, like write books telling everybody how to be a man, and if you don’t do what he says then you’re not a man. So we’re going to hold him to task for all of that. He’s obsessed with what everybody else is doing in their bedroom, at work, on the internet, in the doctor’s office.”

Here’s the Jon Hamm ad for Lucas Kunce: