Donald Trump Trump Supporters Viral Video WTF?!

Clueless Trump Supporter On Why ‘More Guns’ Are Needed: ‘You Can’t Fight Fire With Water’

Since we were children, most of us have heard that one of the most effective ways to put out a fire is with water. After all, water is what fire fighters almost always use to extinguish blazes that occur in homes, offices, and other locations.

But a delusional Trump supporter wants us to know that water isn’t the way to go when it comes to fighting fires.

That Trump enthusiast was interviewed by a member of the comedy duo “The Good Liars,” and he shared his view of all things pertinent to our daily lives.

In the video clip below, you’ll see Davram Stiefler of “The Good Liars” speaking with a man wearing a Trump 2024 cap and a T-shirt that reads, “All Rifles Matter.” Asked what his top issue is for the 2024 election, the man remarks, “No gun-free zones.”

Seeking to clarify, Stiefler responds, “More guns.”

“Yeah,” the man replies. “If you can’t fight fire with water, got to fight fire with fire.”

Stiefler: “You can’t fight fire with water?”

Trumper: “Oh, depends on what’s in the fire.”

“They specifically fight fire with water,” Stiefler informs the man, explaining that water is the primary firefighting tool used in nearly every blaze.

There’s stupid, and there’s MAGA stupid. It’s a even deeper level of idiocy and delusion.

Oh, and how dare you try to fight a fire with water!

Crime GOP

Lauren Boebert Under Investigation For ‘Domestic Violence’

Controversial Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (R) is once again in the headlines, this time for allegedly striking her ex-husband, Jayson, and is under police investigation for the crime of domestic violence.

Roger Sollenberger of The Daily Beast reports the incident took place in a Colorado restaurant on Saturday evening.

The Silt Police Department confirmed an “active investigation” in a phone call Saturday night, but would not comment further. A Boebert aide told The Daily Beast that no one was arrested.

According to the aide, on Saturday, Jayson Boebert had called the police to the Miner’s Claim restaurant in Silt, claiming that he was a “victim of domestic violence.” The aide emphasized that Lauren Boebert denies any allegation of domestic violence on her part, and that the events as depicted in social media posts on Saturday were not accurate.

The social media reports referenced were first made via posts from the anti-Boebert Super PAC “American Muckrakers,” who spelled out exactly what is alleged to have taken place between the Boeberts.

The congresswoman addressed the matter on Sunday in a statement.

“This is a sad situation for all that keeps escalating and another reason I’m moving. I didn’t punch Jayson in the face and no one was arrested. I will be consulting with my lawyer about the false claims he made against me and evaluate all of my legal options.”

Boebert’s reference to “moving” is her plan to change districts so the she can more easily win reelection.

An aide to the congresswoman attempted to downplay the incident, but also provided some interesting details regarding what her boss alleges happened.

In the early evening on Saturday, the aide said, it was already getting physical. Lauren Boebert had driven to her ex-husband’s house to pick up one of her sons for dinner at her mother’s house. Jayson Boebert was home, the aide said, and as Lauren Boebert and her son were leaving for the car, he tried to move in close to hug her; she put her hand on his chest to keep him back, the aide said.

As Lauren Boebert described it, the aide said, she tried again to keep him back and in the process “put her hand in his face, put her hand on his nose.”

The aide also alleges that Jayson Boebert was “being disrespectful,” “being an asshole,” and getting “lewd.”

Jayson Boebert “made a motion” towards his ex-wife, “to grab her.” It was “an aggressive move, not romantic,” the aide relayed.

The ex-husband sounded contrite, telling a reporter:

“I made a mistake. We both overreacted. I only want what’s best for [the] boys and I still love her very much. We both share some hurt deep down inside … It seems we just keep pushing each other further apart.”

“I want the best for her,” he added. “It’s probably just best that I remain silent.”

What neither of the Boeberts bothered to explain is that this is simply how white trash acts. Granted, it’s ugly and makes most people cringe in revulsion, but you can’t expect any better from lowlifes.


Donald Trump Elections GOP Uncategorized

WATCH Stephen Miller Whine: ‘They’re Trying To Imprison, Bankrupt, And Destroy Donald Trump!’

Former Trump administration official Stephen Miller went on an extended whinefest during a Fox News appearance, angrily telling host Maria Bartiromo that he was furious the Donald’s legal problems have finally caught up with him.

Bartiromo was asking about the likely 2024 presidential nominees for the two parties, inquiring, “And Stephen, the rumor is, is that the Democrats are going to pull Michelle Obama out of the hat during their Democrat convention this summer.”

Miller replied, “Well, look, I have no idea what the Democrats are going to do when they are incapacitated by a frail, aging, severely cognitively eroded Joe Biden. But what we do know is that we are witnessing election interference now in real time on two fronts.”

His voice an angry and shrill whine, Miller then added:

“They’re trying to imprison, bankrupt, and destroy Donald Trump using the awesome power of the state, like something out of a failed third-world country, and they’re leaving our border wide open to import a new generation of voters that they believe will be more favorable to big government and top-down control! That’s their plan. And so I will tell you what is happening on the border every single day is one of the greatest crimes in human history!”

“And Joe Biden and the entire Biden administration are guilty of leading an insurrection on the southern border against the laws, constitution, and sovereignty of the United States of America. And it’s happening every day.”

Bartiromo assured Miller, “We are tracking it every day.”

It’s so much fun watching those who support Donald Trump melt down now that he’s finally being held accountable for his wrongdoing. They claim to be the party of “law and order,” but they don’t think the law should apply to their tangerine-tinted emperor.

Here’s the video:


Capitol Insurrection January 6 Social Media

J6 Rioter Gets Hit With Internet Karma When She Whines About Her Upcoming Prison Stint

Rachel Powell is a mother of eight from Western Pennsylvania who showed up at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 and was later dubbed the “Bullhorn Lady” for her use of a megaphone as she took part in the violent insurrection that left five people dead.

NBC reported this about Powell’s actions:

“Powell was found guilty on a variety of charges, including felony counts of interfering with officers performing their duties and obstruction of an official proceeding.”

In less than two weeks, Powell will head to federal prison to begin serving a 51-month prison sentence which will be followed by 36 months on probation.

Rather than accept her penalty and serve her time, Powell decided to go on Twitter/X and whine, posting this:

Well, boo freaking hoo! Sounds like Ms. Powell is in the “find out” phase of “fuck around and find out.” But she’s the one who showed up and broke the law, so now she has to face the consequence, which is something pro-Trumpers never seem to understand. In that regard, they’re just like their orange savior.

But while Powell thought her pity party would elicit sympathy, it resulted in her being subjected a lot of online karma and mockery. Take a look:



Capitol Insurrection GOP January 6 Viral Video

Chilling New J6 Video Shows Rioter Remarking, ‘They Can Only Kill So Many Of Us’

New video taken by a January 6 rioter shows a dramatic confrontation between people who stormed the Capitol on that fateful day and confronted two Republican members of Congress.

The footage, which was obtained by NBC News via an open records request, is some of the most harrowing yet seen by the American public.

According to NBC:

The 8-minute video, shot by Capitol rioter Damon Beckley and introduced as evidence ahead of his sentencing, was released to the media coalition late Friday in response to a request from NBC News. Federal prosecutors are seeking more than three years in federal prison for Beckley, and his sentencing has now been rescheduled for Feb. 9. 

In a tense moment, Beckley is told by Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX), who served as a sheriff before being elected to the Congress, “I’ve been in law enforcement in Texas for 30 years, and I’ve never had people act this way. I’m ashamed!”

Another portion of the video shows Beckely noting, “I drove fourteen hours to get here and stood in the cold for three and a half hours to find out that Mike Pence is a f—— traitor, man. And I voted for that f—— dude. He could’ve done the right thing and certified those legislators, electors, and we wouldn’t be standing here with a nine-millimeter pointed at me right now!” 

A second rioter remarks, “We’re real American citizens, and we’re sick of this. We’re making it known that we’re sick of it.”

Another rioter is heard telling someone, “They can only kill so many of us.”

During a speech he made Friday to commemorate the third anniversary of the Capitol insurrection which left 10 people dead, President Joe Biden said:

“This is the first national election since January 6th insurrection placed a dagger at the throat of American democracy — since that moment.  We all know who Donald Trump is.  The question we have to answer is: Who are we?  That’s what’s at stake. Who are we?”

Watch the video, direct from NBC:
